Category Archives: Music

An Old Radio Soul

I find old radio souls now and again who seem, at least to me, to be in touch with the spiritual side of radio. I am not talking about religious programming or some weird cult, but rather they are folks whose souls have been touched by the magic of radio. It is mystical, magical, and at times seems to connect our physical bodies to the very electrons which flow through the air. It is as though our minds are connecting with the radio signals like old friends, able to hear and be heard.

Yeah, I know, I am weird. Radio is in no small part connected to me in a special way because of the role it played in my youth. Perhaps more recent generations will not be able to relate since their exposure to media has been raised by orders of magnitude compared to my generation. For me, and at least some of the “old souls” I have met, radio touched a very special place in our hearts and in our imaginations. It was “other” and yet uniquely ours.

When I discovered shortwave radio I thought I had found radio nirvana (okay, maybe that really came only after I got my amateur radio license and could talk, literally, around the world). Shortwave radio first connected me to the world, however, as finding stations on the air meant being exposed to people from completely different cultures who were both unique and yet just like me.

Music has always had a direct path into the soul, but it is not just my own culture’s music which stirs me–I find life in the music of all cultures. Shortwave radio allows me to experience this life as a welcomed outsider. The music and words are there for me to take in, offered from the hearts of those who created it. We become bound together in our humanity in those moments, much as we become bound together with nature as we listen to waves crashing against the beach or when rain splatters in the forest.

The comedian and banjo player extraordinaire Steve Martin once said in a comedy routine, “You can’t play a depressing song on the banjo,” and proceeded to demonstrate the perky, upbeat sounds of the instrument. I feel this is similar to listening to music from around the world–we cannot be disconnected from those with whom we share such intimate moments though music. I may not understand the words, but my soul understands the heart within the music.

There are those who say shortwave radio is dead because so many stations have gone off the air. Shortwave is alive and well, and evidence of this is there for all to see if they are willing to look. It is not FM, it is not audio streaming. It is radio. Signals speeding through the air, bouncing off the atmosphere, crashing waves of electrons hurtling through the ether to find expression through our speakers and our headphones.

The noise and static which may accompany the signals are evidence of the hard-fought battle waged by those electrons to reach our shores and thus our ears. “You made it!” “You made it!” The signals arrive scarred from the journey, but they are here and they speak to us. And they arrive all up and down along the dial on every band, on every day without fail. They are here, just waiting to be discovered, even if now and again they must play a game of hide and seek with us because of seasons and solar cycles and shortened propagation paths. They are here, nevertheless, I promise.

Radio is the medium which brings together all of these things for me and fills my soul with gratitude. -73, Robert

Robert Gulley, AK3Q, is the author of this post and a regular contributor to the SWLing Post. Robert also blogs at All Things Radio.

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Médi 1 Radio may have left the shortwaves

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Walker, who forwarded a message from The Bulgarian DX blog which notes that Médi 1 Radio (Radio Méditerranée) has stopped broadcasting on shortwave:

“MOROCCO According to Jean-Michel Aubier France and a mail sent by Abdellah El-Atmami from transmitting station Nador, Radio Medi 1 (Mediterranee) has stopped shortwaves forever: 24 hours on 9575 NAD 250 kW / 110 deg to NoAf Arabic/French”

I’ll miss Médi 1 Radio on shortwave because they always broadcast a splendid variety of music. Sure, I’ll probably listen to them over WiFi radio, but it’s just not the same–I love the way music sounds over the shortwaves.

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Update to Alan Roe’s A17 guide to music on shortwave

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who writes:

I have attached my latest Music on Shortwave List Update (A-17 v2)[.]

1) Updated frequencies for RNZI (0300-0500)
2) Corrected/expanded entries for RAE
3) Additional SP program added for RRI
4) Added additional entries for V of Hope Africa (1700-1930)
5) Corrected station name of Countdown2.Christmas R (0000)

I hope that you find the list of use. Corrections and suggestions are always welcomed.

Click here to download the updated A17 Shortwave Music Guide (PDF).

Alan, thanks so much for keeping this excellent guide updated and for sharing it here with the community!

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Alan Roe’s A17 season guide to music on shortwave

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who writes:

Hi Thomas

As always, thank you for your regular SWLing Post – it’s always an interesting read!

I have just completed my Music on Shortwave listing for A-17 season, and attach it here for you to consider including in a future SWLing Post.

My regards

Alan Roe, Teddington, UK

Click here to download the A17 Shortwave Music Guide (PDF).

Alan, I always look forward to your music guide and keep a printed copy in my shack. Thanks so much for sharing it here with the community!

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Video: Requiem for Radio broadcast via four frequencies, four receivers

The Requiem For Radio QSL Card (Source: RFR Facebook)

I received a number of messages from Post readers who logged one or more of the simultaneous Requiem For Radio broadcasts. Many discovered that each frequency of the broadcast was actually a separate track of the piece.

Indeed, SWLing Post contributor, Shelby Brant, posted the following comment yesterday:

Listening right now, 11580, 9690, 9620, and 5130 are on, but nothing on 6850. To get the most out of this you really ought to have a receiver on all the frequencies at the same time, because each station is broadcasting something slightly different, but if you listen to all at the same time, they go together.

Later, Shelby added:

Here’s a link to a very impromptu video I put together of how I was listening to the broadcast, I managed to gather up 4 receivers (this was after I posted earlier) and tuned them to the 4 active frequencies. Part way through I turn the other three receivers down and tune to the individual stations one at a time to give an idea of what the 4 sounded like on their own, then it goes back to all 4 together again for the end of the video


Click here to view on YouTube.

Very –VERY- cool, Shelby! Amazing! Thank you for sharing!

And what a unique listening opportunity this presents us (thank you, Amanda Dawn Christie!).

If you missed the last on-air performance, you still have two more chances to catch it.

Remaining dates/times:

26th May 2017 2300-2400 UTC
27th May 2017 2300-2400 UTC


WRMI : Radio Miami International 11580 kHz
WBCQ : Free Speech Radio 5130 kHz
Nauen: Shortwaveservice 9690 kHz
Moosbrunn: Shortwaveservice 9620 kHz
Boston Pirate Radio 6850 kHz

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“Requiem For Radio” shortwave schedule

View of the western cluster of curtain antennas from the roof of RCI Sackville’s transmissions building. (Photo: The SWLing Post) –Click to enlarge

(Source: Mauno Ritola via the WRTH Facebook Group)

From Christian Milling: A classical piece for 5 voices will be also sung where bass comes eg. from Nauen, alto from Moosbrunn, tenor from WRMI etc…
The European tx antennas are directed towards Canada / NAm.


25th May 2017 2300-2400 UTC
26th May 2017 2300-2400 UTC
27th May 2017 2300-2400 UTC


WRMI : Radio Miami International 11580 kHz
WBCQ : Free Speech Radio 5130 kHz
Nauen: Shortwaveservice 9690 kHz
Moosbrunn: Shortwaveservice 9620 kHz
Boston Pirate Radio 6850 kHz

The content is identically on all three days. A QSL is planned.

Click here to learn more about Requiem for Radio.

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Jazz from the Left on two more frequencies

Many thanks to Raoul van Hall, producer of Jazz from the Left, who shares the following news:

WRMI is adding two more weekly frequencies for Jazz from the Left starting this week on 9395 kHz at 0000 UTC Saturday. For the moment, they are simulcasting the 0000 UTC hour on 9455 kHz, so the program would be on both frequencies.

So that’s a total of four weekly broadcasts on four different frequencies. Thought you and your readers would find that interesting.

Comments can be sent to: [email protected]

Great news, Raoul!

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