Category Archives: Podcast

Pirate Radio Recordings: All Along The Watchtower Radio

(Click to enlarge)

One short pirate broadcast I caught last night was All Along The Watchtower Radio.

AATW Radio’s USB signal on 6.955 MHz started around 00:24 UTC (23 March 2013).

The (robo voice) host, Alex Jobs, played a great mix of music starting with a version of Video Killed the Radio Star by The Presidents of the United States of America. It actually sounded pretty good in upper side band!

Hear for yourself! Click here to download the MP3 recording of the full broadcast, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

"Mom, could that be The Presidents of The United States of America? How patriotic!"

“Mom, could that be The Presidents of The United States of America? How patriotic!”

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Pirate Radio Recordings: Black Cat Radio

(Click to enlarge)

(Click to enlarge)

Last night, I heard a new pirate on the air: Black Cat Radio.

Black Cat signed on 6,925 kHz USB around 23:45 UTC. After sending in a reception report, I received a reply with a cool eQSL card (see right) and learned that this was, in fact, show number one.

Here’s the show #1 play list, courtesy of Greaser Bob:

  • The Genders- Horatio
  • Blitz- 45 Revolutions
  • Queens of The Stone Age- Go With the Flow
  • Nirvana- Anueurysm
  • Black Flag- Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie
  • Betty Blowtorch- Strung Out
  • The Misfits- Angel F**k
  • Suicidal Tendencies- You Got I Want
  • MC5- Kick Out the Jams
  • Corrosion of Conformity- Who’s got the Fire
  • Phil X and the Drills- You’re not Happy till Im not Happy
  • The Vandals- Urban Struggle
  • The Bloodhound Gang- Pennsylvania
  • Betty Blowtorch- Rock and Roll 69

Click here to download the full recording of Black Cat Radio Show #1 as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Standard Pirate Radio Disclaimer: This is a recording of a real pirate radio broadcast, and as such, may include strong or colorful language or lyrics. In general, if you are easily offended by the words, ideas, music lyrics, or music herein, you should slowly…back… away…

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: The Disco Palace (in DRM)

DiscoBallPerhaps one of the things I love the most about SWLing is the sheer variety of broadcasters out there. We can sample diverse offerings across a broad spectrum–from the BBC World Service to Radio Romania International, from pirate stations to numbers stations.

There’s even The Disco Palace: a station that plays only disco music, and each show is mixed thematically. This station broadcasts online and over shortwave radio via DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale).

Last week–specifically, on March 15, 2013–I caught about thirty minutes of The Disco Palace broadcast and was able to record it from my Bonito RadioJet IF Receiver. Reception on 17,875 MHz was excellent, although the DRM signal wasn’t quite strong enough for comfortable stereo decoding.

The following TDP recording starts around 2030 UTC (about halfway through the broadcast). Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Voice of Greece

greeceFor your listening pleasure: alomost four hours of music, and a little Greek commentary, from the Voice of Greece.

Recorded on March 8th, 2013 on 9.42 MHz at 22:00 UTC.

Click here to download the full recording, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Pirate Radio Recordings: The Crystal Ship

(Source: Sealord on the HF Underground)

(Source: Sealord on the HF Underground)

Looking through some of my archived recordings from the past month, I found this broadcast from The Crystal Ship, on the TCS Relay Network.

Conditions were a little tough at the time and you’ll hear some some SSB interference near the end, but the mix is worth it. I started this recording around 1:15 UTC on February 26th, 2013, on 6.9255 MHz, capturing the last third of the show (based on HF Underground logs).

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Standard Pirate Radio Disclaimer: This is a recording of a real pirate radio broadcast, and as such, may include strong or colorful language or lyrics. In general, if you are easily offended by the words, ideas, music lyrics, or music herein, you should slowly…back… away…

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Pirate Radio Recordings: The Voice of Alex Radio Show

(Image source: s***

(Image source: s***

This past weekend, I recorded a number of pirate radio stations; one of them was The Voice of Alex Radio Show: a tribute station for a girl whose life was taken by a drunk driver in 2011.

I recorded The Voice of Alex Radio Show on 6925 kHz upper side band on March 10th, 2013, around 23:30 UTC.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Pirate Radio Recordings: Radio Ronin Shortwave

Alvin Lee (19 December 1944 – 6 March 2013) (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Alvin Lee (19 December 1944 – 6 March 2013) (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

This past weekend, Radio Ronin Shortwave broadcast a tribute to guitarist Alvin Lee, who passed away on March 6th.

As always, Ronin’s AM signal came in loud and clear on 6.925 MHz, starting around 00:15 UTC (March 11th, 2013).

Listen for yourself by downloading the audio as an MP3, or simply listening via the embedded player below. Of course, I included Ronin’s (most excellent) interval signal in this recording:

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