Tag Archives: Beatles to Bigfoot

Whistling on the shortwaves

Do you enjoy whistling while you’re at work? We at Imaginary Stations do too and our next programme is the combo show called WSTL—WORK, brought to you by the powers of shortwave radio via Shortwave Gold. The show goes out on Saturday 22nd February 2025 at 1200 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and also on Sunday 23rd February 2025 at 1000/1400 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and at 2100 UTC on 3975 kHz.

Expect lots of whistling tunes to keep you going through those shifts at work, ones to keep the Robin in your garden amused if you have the radio on while maintaining the flower beds and songs to make you feel like the wandering whistler (if you’re tuned in whilst on a treadmill). And as we have just read, “People whistle to communicate feelings which cannot be readily expressed in words.” Tune in and receive those (shortwave) feelings.

We also have another episode of Radio Ace featuring the fantastic adventures of the ground/rule breaking DJ Flash Frisbone alongside all sorts of interesting stuff on Wednesday 26th February 2025 at 0300 UTC via WRMI. Tune in as Radio is Ace!

Also we need your help again to cover our production and transmission costs. Even if you can only spare a couple of dollars it still helps to bring our shows to the shortwaves. So please donate to paypal.me/DJFrederick. A heartfelt thanks from all at Imaginary Stations goes out to all the folks who have sent us generous donations in the past!

For more information on all our shows, please write to imaginarystations@gmail.com and check out our old shows at our Mixcloud page here.

FastRadioBurst 23

Spread the radio love

Bigfoot seen in the local supermarket twice

Good day all SWLing Post community! FastRadioBurst 23 here with this week’s Imaginary Stations transmissions.

On Saturday 15th February 2025 at 1200 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and also on Sunday 16th February 2025 at 1000/1400 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and at 2100 UTC on 3975 kHz via Shortwave Gold we’ll be bringing you another Beatles to Bigfoot. It’s a mixture of Lennon & McCartney, songs about Sasquatch and aliens if you remember the show from last week. We bring you more of the same!

Then on Wednesday 19th February 2025 at 0300 UTC via WRMI we bring you KMRT, your official shortwave supermarket station. Expect short-term discounts that are indicated by a flashing blue light, a book at bedtime (if it is bedtime when you’re tuning in) from the thriller called “A chance meeting in the Middle Aisle”, tips from an ex-shelf stacker and much much more. Tune in and bag yourself a bargain!

Also we need your help again to cover our production and transmission costs. Even if you can only spare a couple of dollars it still helps to bring our shows to the shortwaves. So please donate to paypal.me/DJFrederick. A heartfelt thanks from all at Imaginary Stations goes out to all the folks who have sent us generous donations in the past!

For more information on all our shows, please write to imaginarystations@gmail.com and check out our old shows at our Mixcloud page here.

Spread the radio love