Tag Archives: ORF

ORF: Moosbrun rotating antenna to be demolished

Drehbare Hochleistungsrichtantenne ORF Moosbrunn (Daniel Csiky – Wikimedia Commons)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Adi, who shares the following news about Austria’s historic 500-kilowatt shortwave transmitter in Moosbrunn:

ORF has Austria’s 500-kilowatt short-wave transmitter blown up

This massive, unique rotating HF antenna, capable of broadcasting to the furthest corners of the globe, is set to be demolished. The article explores its rich history, technical capabilities, and the broader implications of its loss for global communications.

Read the full story on heise online.

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Ukraine: ORF adds two German language shortwave services

Image by Thomas Ledl

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Jamet, who shares the following notice from ORF Austria:

Please note that ORF – Austria makes two new transmissions in German towards Ukraine as follows:

    • 1100-1200 UTC 13730 kHz and
    • 1700-1730 UTC 5940 kHz

The 17H00 UTC transmission lasts 25 minutes from Monday to Thursday. On Friday it lasts 20 minutes and on Sunday it lasts 15 minutes.

There is no broadcast on Saturday. It is a relay of the 1st ORF program.

Many thanks for the tip, Paul!

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Radio Österreich International

Rotating high performance directional antenna of the ORF (Image: "Drehbare Hochleistungsrichtantenne ORF Moosbrunn“ von Daniel Csiky - selbst fotografiert. Lizenziert unter Bild-frei über Wikipedia - http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Drehbare_Hochleistungsrichtantenne_ORF_Moosbrunn.JPG#mediaviewer/File:Drehbare_Hochleistungsrichtantenne_ORF_Moosbrunn.JPG

Rotating high performance directional antenna of the ORF (“Drehbare Hochleistungsrichtantenne ORF Moosbrunn“ von Daniel Csiky)

For your listening pleasure: Radio Österreich International.

This recording was made on 6,155 kHz on January 29, 2015 starting about  05:59 UTC.

Only recently, SWLing Post reader, Eric asked about orchestral music on shortwave–as you’ll hear, Radio Oesterreich International is certainly a good source!

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Enjoy:

Audio Player
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