Tag Archives: Shortwave Radio Recordings

Shortwave Radio Recordings: Voice Of Islamic Republic of Iran

Tehran, Iran

Tehran, Iran

On Thursday, March 14th, I tuned to the Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran on 9.895 MHz at 02:30 UTC.

The signal was strong, but audio somewhat typically over-modulated. However, I was able to record the full broadcast.

Click here to download the MP3 of the recording, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: VOA Special English

VOApodcastimageSPecialEnglishI believe that VOA Special English may be one of the best educational resources on the shortwaves. At Ears To Our World, we find that it is often the most popular program in countries where English may be the official language, but where locals only speak it as a second language.

Over four years ago, I mentioned a Special English broadcast honoring Henry Loomis, the creator and champion of Special English at the VOA. Click here to read the archived post.

I recorded this particular broadcast of VOA Special English on March 19, 2013 at 1:30 UTC on 5,960 kHz.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3 file, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Radio New Zealand International

The New Zealand Bellbird (Anthornis melanura) provides the interval signal for RNZI (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

The New Zealand Bellbird (Anthornis melanura) provides the interval signal for RNZI (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

One of my favorite shortwave radio broadcasters is Radio New Zealand International. RNZI has authoritative news–with a focus on NZ and the Pacific islands–music, sports and their own unique character, though they operate on a very modest budget by international broadcasting standards.

The RNZI interval signal is charming and unmistakable: the call of the New Zealand Bellbird.

Fortunately, in the 3 hour recording of RNZI below, I caught not only the interval signal as the broadcast began, but also as it went off the air. This recording was made on March 14th 2013 starting around 8:00 UTC on 9,765 kHz. (You’ll note news of the Pope.)

Click here to download the full broadcast as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Note to SWLing Post reader, Mike:
I hope you enjoy these sounds from home!

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Alcaravan Radio

The Alcaravan Radio transmitter site is located south of Bogata.

The Alcaravan Radio transmitter site is located SSW of Bogata in Puerto Lleras.

On March 19th, I was able to record a particularly strong signal from Alcaravan Radio out of Puerto Lleras, Columbia. Alcaravan Radio broadcasts domestically on medium wave and also on 5.91 MHZ shortwave, from 23:30-12:00 UTC.

I have seen their output power listed anywhere from 1,000 – 5,000 watts; a puny amount by international standards, but more than enough to cover their target area of Columbia.

There are very few details about Alcaravan Radio on the Internet. If anyone can add more details about this station, feel free to comment below.

This is a four hour recording and contains about three hours of music.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Voice of Greece

greeceFor your listening pleasure: alomost four hours of music, and a little Greek commentary, from the Voice of Greece.

Recorded on March 8th, 2013 on 9.42 MHz at 22:00 UTC.

Click here to download the full recording, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Jazz Notes

Jazz Notes presenter, Ivan Lloyd (Photo: Radio Australia)

Jazz Notes presenter, Ivan Lloyd (Photo: Radio Australia)

For your listening pleasure: thirty minutes of Radio Australia’s Jazz Notes.

This broadcast was recorded yesterday at 1:30 UTC on 11,945 kHz.  You will note a little noise that bleeds over from jamming of Radio Marti on an adjacent frequency.

You can download this recording of Jazz Notes by clicking here, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Reader Chris shares travel recordings: Voice of Mongolia, Korea

Map pointing to Truk Lagoon (Source: truk-lagoon.com)

Map pointing to Truk Lagoon (Source: truk-lagoon.com)

SWLing Post reader, Chris Johnson, recently sent me a message confessing his love of travel combined with shortwave radio listening. When he told me about his enviable plans to travel to the tiny islands of Truk Lagoon in the Federated States of Micronesia–and to record some of the broadcasts he heard–I asked if he would allow me to share his recordings on the Post. Fortunately for us, he agreed!

Below are two of his recordings, the first from the Voice of Mongolia, the second from the Voice of Korea. Both happen to be very difficult stations to catch here in eastern North America. His comments follow each recording:

Voice of Mongolia Shortwave Broadcast to Asia and Europe. Using a Sony ICF-SW7600G with a whip antenna. Recorded on 29 January 2013 at 1030z on 12085 khz from the Blue Lagoon Resort, Truk Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia. The broadcast interval signal begins at 1:35

Voice of Korea; Recorded on a Sony ICF-SW7600G using a whip antenna. 7 February 2013 on 15100 khz at 0500z Location; Puka Beach, Boracay Island, Philippines. The program was scheduled for 60 minutes but due to the frequent power outages in the DPRK, the program ceased at approximately 52 minutes.

Thanks, Chris!

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