Guest Post: Mark’s review of the Yaesu FT-891 as shortwave broadcast receiver

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mark Hirst, who shares the following guest post:

Using the Yaesu FT-891 for SWLing

by Mark Hirst

Woodland Operation in North Hampshire


While I have a small collection of portable shortwave radios for outdoor listening, I’ve been looking to fill a gap in my amateur radio lineup for a while. Outdoor operation has become important in recent years as solar cycle conditions deteriorated along with rising levels of QRM in urban neighbourhoods. The ICOM IC–7200 with Wellbrook loop stays at home fighting a losing battle with PLA noise, while the very portable FT–817ND does occasional data modes contacts and outdoor listening. Somewhere in the middle, the FT–891 promised to provide a modern and more powerful data modes station, a radio to take on holidays, needing external batteries, but portable enough for walks into the country side. Earlier this year, I bought one new from my local ham radio store, and what follows are my findings and observations so far on shortwave listening.

Audio Characteristics

I’ve accumulated hundreds of recordings of VOA Radiogram and Shortwave Radiogram since 2013, so a recent woodland expedition with the FT–891 was an opportunity to compare a recording made with it against those of other radios I’ve used.

The most striking difference is the lack of frequencies in the lower part of the audio spectrum along with a distinct cut off at around 5kHz.

This is easily visualised in the following comparison between the FT–891 and the Tecsun PL–680. Note the conspicuous pillar associated with MFSK32 from these Shortwave Radiogram broadcasts, and interfering RTTY on the FT–891 recording:

Audio Frequency Analysis

While this audio profile may not be to everyone’s taste, the extra sparkle yields voice audio that is clear and distinct. I find those low frequencies make the audio muddy and tiring to listen over long periods, so I’m quite happy with this.

When listening to speech based broadcasts through the top mounted speaker, the audio is also precise and intelligible, and provides more than enough volume.

You can judge for yourself from this 2 minute video I made recently:

Headphones, External Speakers and Recording

You also have the option of connecting an external speaker or headphones to a socket on the side of the radio. Be aware that the audio level is different for headphones, and is controlled by a small switch hidden behind the front panel. I expect people may go for one option such as headphones and then stick with it, rather than continually detaching the front of the radio and moving the delicate switch back and forth.

If you turn the volume right down you will hear a hiss, although its really only noticeable if you face the speaker directly and get close. Listening outdoors with the sounds of nature around you? It’ll be fine. There’s no way to avoid it with headphones of course, with forums suggesting inline resistors or high impedance headphones as solutions.

Audio recordings can of course be taken from the headphone socket, but you will get better results from the data port on the back. I use a UD04YA cable which provides 3.5mm audio in and audio out jacks, plus a USB cable to provide PTT functionality. It’s meant for data modes operation with the FT–817, but I have used it successfully with the FT–891 for PSK contacts using fldigi, eliminating the need for CAT control through a second cable to the radio’s USB port.

Customising for SWL

The advanced manual for the FT–891 helpfully provides a section called ‘Tools for Comfortable and Effective Reception’, so I began configuring the radio using the guidance there.

First up was re-configuring the front panel RF/Squelch knob to only control RF gain (Menu 05–05). I use the same configuration on my FT–817ND to dial back RF gain, allowing the AGC to pick up the slack.

Next was enabling the awkwardly named Insertion Point Optimisation (IPO) which switches out the pre-amplifier. It’s interesting to note that this setting can be associated with a stored memory channel, which became relevant later when I used CAT control to program some favourite frequencies.

The radio has an attenuator, although I’ve not found a need for it so far.

The AGC can be configured as Auto, Fast, Mid, and Slow. Since it is not a ‘set and forget’ setting like the RF control or IPO options, it might be a good candidate for assigning to one of the three user definable buttons below the LCD screen.

Audio can be fine tuned using four menu options (06–01 to 06–04) to control high and low frequency cutoff, but after some experimentation I have turned these options off.

As an aside, I found the LCD backlight, button illumination and TX/Busy lights too bright for indoor use, so dialed them back to their minimum values.

Listening Tools

The radio provides some additional tools as part of its IF DSP. The features of particular interest are Digital Noise Reduction (DNR), Noise Blanker, IF Notch Filter, Digital Notch Filter, and Narrow IF filter. Contour, IF Bandwidth, and IF Shift are not available in AM mode, and you must resort to SSB to get them. More about SSB in a moment.

Out of this wide array of options, I’ve only explored Digital Noise Reduction and the Narrow IF filter so far, as they offer fairly immediate gains without too much configuration.

Narrow filter simply reduces the total IF bandwidth from 9kHz to 6kHz, which gives some immediate relief to higher frequency noise. In tougher conditions at home tackling QRM, the harsher sound it causes has sometimes been counter productive.

At the outset, it’s obvious that the DNR capability of the FT–891 is a powerful feature. Rather than providing a level of processing that varies from a little to a lot, the radio provides 15 different ‘algorithms’ which can be selected for best results. This means you will tweak the DNR setting to address signals on a case by case basis.

Comparing it with the IF noise reduction of my ICOM IC–7200, the ICOM has a scale of diminishing returns as the DSP level is turned up, whereas the FT–891 seems to start strong and it’s more about picking the algorithm that sounds best.

After testing the DNR on AM broadcast stations away from the noise at home, voice audio sounds distant and words can be clipped, which is fine for SSB amateur radio contacts, but makes me think it’s not a feature of first resort when trying to improve broadcast reception. In those circumstances, the narrow filter might be a better option.

The Trials of Single Side Band

On the matter of SSB and using it to combat adjacent or co-channel signals, the radio offers a single SSB option in the mode menu, picking USB or LSB for you automatically based on the current band. When tackling broadcast band interference however, you want the option to go in either direction. The radio also changes the current frequency by 700Hz when SSB is selected, which then has to be corrected with the main dial.

You would begin by switching to SSB mode by pressing and holding the band button. If you’re lucky, the default setting is the one you want.

If it isn’t, activate the settings menu with a long press of the F key, go to the menu option SSB BFO (11–07), select it and use the multi-function knob to change the mode away from Auto to LSB or USB.

As you are doing this, the VFO will change to LSB or USB too. Leave the setting on the option that suits your needs.

If you exit the menu option without saving (pressing F), the mode will remain changed, but the override is not saved. This can be a useful quirk because next time you turn the radio on, it will be back in auto mode.

If you commit the override by pushing the multi-function knob instead, the radio will stay in manual mode until you remember to return to the menu and restore automatic behaviour again.

It’s a needlessly complicated system, as I discovered recently while recording another Shortwave Radiogram broadcast. Even after testing the procedure previously for this article, the radio was determined to stay in LSB no matter what.

Memory Programming

Since the radio has no keyboard for direct frequency input, an early priority for shortwave listening was to program some of the 99 memories available. My plan was to have some favourite broadcast stations, along with WX, Volmet, GMDSS, and some data mode frequencies. To handle ad-hoc stations however, I wanted a way of moving quickly across the main shortwave bands without excessive use of the main tuning dial or multi-function knob.

Taking the official definitions of the broadcast bands between 60m and 16m, and combining those with frequency schedules, I came up with a series of frequencies 150kHz apart across each of those bands, guaranteeing that no broadcast was more than 150kHz away.

The combined list of favourites and the 150kHz stepping stone frequencies resulted in 70 memory channels in total. As I wanted to apply alphanumeric tags to those channels, and didn’t relish the prospect of entering them manually, my next port of call was the CAT control manual to see how those memories could be set programmatically.

While there is commercial software available for the FT–891, I only needed to set up the memory channels, so decided to adapt some PowerShell I’d written for another radio, sending the necessary serial port commands to configure my list.

Now that is done, I can fast travel using the stepping stone memories to the closest point in a band, then use the fast mode of the main tuning dial to move quickly to my final destination.

The following table lists my current stepping stone channels in kHz:

60m 49m 41m 31m 25m 22m 19m 16m
4750 5900 7200 9400 11600 13570 15100 17480
4900 6050 7350 9550 11750 13720 15250 17630
5050 6200 7500 9700 11900 13870 15400 17780
7650 9850 12050 15550 17930
7800 15700

Memory Access

An obvious way to access the memories is to toggle memory channel mode with the V/M button, then cycle through the memories using the multi-function knob. Depending on your memory choices, you will hear relays clicking as the radio jumps back and forth between widely spaced frequencies and bands. You will also need a good memory of your memories, so you know which way to turn the multi-function knob.

An alternative and perhaps faster method is to press the M>V button. This brings up a multi-line listing of memories that can be scrolled through using the multi-function knob. Pressing the M>V button again copies the selected memory to the VFO and leaves you in VFO mode. This avoids the radio flipping across bands and the associated relay activity.

Although it is not documented, if you push the multi-function knob on a selected memory channel in the multi-line listing rather than using the M>V button, the selected memory is activated and the radio is left in memory channel mode displaying the memory tag.

Disabling Transmit

At the time of writing, I haven’t discovered a way of formally disabling transmit, and the minimum transmit power goes no lower than 5W. Since my main interests are around shortwave listening, utility stations and an occasional data mode QSO, I have not fitted the microphone to the radio. In that configuration at least, there is no danger of me manually transmitting into a receive antenna by accident.

Outdoor Power

Reports vary on the power consumption of the FT–891. It certainly isn’t as high as the 2.0A documented in the user guide.

While some sources claim values in the region of 1.0A, my power supply shows around 0.4A at 13.8V when receiving a typical HF broadcast. You will notice where some of that power goes quite quickly, as part of the radio gets warmer.

To save weight, my preferred power supply in the field is usually a lithium battery designed to jump start smaller engined cars. This versatile 12V battery also supplies 5V USB power to phones and tablets, and can even charge laptops.

In Conclusion

Control ergonomics and screen size are factors that can detract from shortwave listening on these kinds of radios, with smaller speakers and menu options for features normally at your fingertips.

Despite this, I’m happy with the audio, and I like the emphasis on mid-range frequencies in its audio spectrum. The digital noise reduction is impressive and can tackle significant QRM environments, but for outdoor listening may not be your first port of call.

Memory presets can make tuning less laborious, while assigning key listening tools to the customisable front panel buttons should reduce the need to access menus. I may consider defining some stations with known co-channel issues to memory with preset LSB and USB variations, to allow rapid responses to interference in future.

In good conditions, I suspect there is little difference between the FT–891 and FT–817ND for general listening. The FT–817ND has produced some of my best recordings of Shortwave Radiogram. The newer radio however brings many advanced tools to bear on more difficult signals, while its band scope and full sized VFO tuning dial enable desktop style shortwave exploration.

The ICOM IC–7200 is constrained by interference at home, biding its time for when the solar cycle swings back. When it’s been out on field days, it has always been a strong performer for broadcast listening. All the important controls are upfront, but is not a trivial thing to transport on foot. While the FT–891 has impressive DNR chops, I think I prefer the ability of the IC–7200 to apply noise reduction in incremental steps. Perhaps the algorithm approach will grow on me in time.

Any amateur radio operator using the FT–891 should have no trouble using it for shortwave listening. It attracts a lot of positive reviews for its ham radio capabilities, and it looks like those features carry across for listening to the world too.

An excellent review, Mark! Thank you for sharing. 

The Yaesu FT-891 must be the most popular HF transceivers Yaesu sells today. So many of its users rave about its performance and audio characteristics. Mark, thank you for sharing your experience with the FT-891 as an SWL!

Click here to check out the affordable IP67 rated case Mark uses to house his FT-891.

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12 thoughts on “Guest Post: Mark’s review of the Yaesu FT-891 as shortwave broadcast receiver

  1. Mark

    I love the audio from the FT-891 it sounds so much better than my IC-7300 which is fatiguing to listen to after a while, it seems to have a high noise floor and harshness to the audio and yes NR does help but on the 891 I don’t need to use the NR like I do on the 7300. The filters on the 891 are better too with less bleed over from closer stronger stations and I don’t notice any overloading at all compared to the 7300 which means I have to always play with the RF gain.

    I listen via headphones mostly as the built in speaker isn’t the best on the 891 which is normal for most rigs anyway.

    I have the Tecsun PL-990x, which sounds absolutely horrible on SSB meaning ECSS is impossible, + like the 7300 the audio from the PL-990x “on SSB” is harsh on the ears and it seems to be related to DSP processing, can’t beat that analogue sound + the DSP portables have a distortion to audio on SSB which is not nice to listen to, The Tecsun PL-680 on the other hand sounds much better but best of all is the FT-891, it’s a really super radio, of course it’s not as portable as the 990x but the newer PL-330 actually sounds better than the PL-990x because the 4 Khz filter actually works, it doesn’t on the 990x,880 or S-8800 but the PL-330 still has that distortion on SSB.

    If anyone is looking for a really great sounding radio for SWL then if you can the 891 is well worth the extra money, look out for a 2nd hand one. The 891 is not very sensitive on Longwave but using the preamp it does help a lot.

    I also use the Chameleon MPAS 2.0 which has really surprised me at how quite it is on receive compared to my wire antennas, the wires are of course better for NVIS but are noisier. The MPAS 2.0 has surprised me also on TX because on 20m with just the single radial I can hit as far as Chile from Ireland and can regularly get good DX especially on 20m. When I connect up the Chameleon MPAS 2.0 I can hear DX impossible to hear on my wire antennas.

  2. N3BQA

    I’m concerned that when a transceiver is designed so compact & components are so close together, that there may be issues with air filtration being able to cool critical areas of the radio?

    1. Nark

      I run the 891 on Digital a lot 50 watts sometimes more, no problem cooling it with the built in fans, they can become noisy though but it’s better than frying the finals.

    2. Nark

      I really love the audio from my 891, I listen with headphones and while I have to have NB on all the time on the 7300 I rarely use it on the 891 because the audio is soo good and the noise floor is so low. Really sweet audio, makes a great SWL Radio too.

  3. Jon

    This is very nice review, and the topic of HF transceiver use for SWLing is an increasingly interesting one, as the market for new general coverage receivers is now nearly non-existent (not counting portables and computer tethered SDRs). Since acquiring an Icom IC-705 a few months back, I’ve very much enjoyed using it for SWLing and MW BCB DXing. For those same purposes, I gave a look to Yaesu’s ham rigs, but a few particular feature shortcomings were just too much to overlook. While I did not specifically look at the ‘891, I did give a look to the FT-991A, FTDX-10 and the FTDX-101 series. In perusing the user manuals for these, I was disappointed to find that the variable bandwidth control and the IF shift do not function in the AM mode. The FT-991A, FTDX-10 and FTDX-101 have just two fixed bandwidths for AM — 6 kHz and 9 kHz. While I do a lot of SWLing in SSB, I would NOT want to be hemmed in to SSB SWLing in the way that the Yaesu rigs would require (based on my listening habits/preferences). Ultimately, this look into the Yaesus makes me appreciate the ‘705 all the more – although I do wish that the ‘705 had a synchronous AM mode. If I upgrade to a general class license and get on the air on the HF bands, I may give another look to the Yaesu offerings.

  4. slim

    As far as the current frequency being offset by 700Hz when SSB is selected, that will not happen when the clarifier offset is set to zero.

  5. David

    To inhibit the tx you could use the TX INH pin on the rear socket (see page 24 of basic manual). I have a FT-817 (NOT a FT-891) which has the same socket. I connect a 1000 ohm resistor between the TX INH and +13V OUT pins. The resistor is used as a ‘pull up. Don’t know if it works the same on the FT-891 but just ask on the user groups and I’m sure someone will confirm yes or no.

    73, David G4EDR

  6. Richard Langley

    What is the make and model of your “lithium battery designed to jump start smaller engined cars. This versatile 12V battery also supplies 5V USB power to phones and tablets, and can even charge laptops.” Are both the 12v and 5v outputs low noise? Do you discern any noise from the power supply when listening to weak stations? Could it be an option for powering a MegaLoop MLA-30+ active loop antenna, for example, in the field?

    1. Mark


      The brand is DBPower, although the particular model isn’t listed anymore.

      You’re right to be sceptical given the range of voltages that it can provide, 5V for USB, and a range of voltages for laptop charging.

      My hunch (without any evidence) is that since the 12V output port is the only one delivering significant amounts of amps to turn an engine over, it’s probably the one circuit that has to go directly to the internal battery rather than through any kind of intermediate conversion.

      I’ve not noticed a difference between traditional sealed lead batteries and the jump start battery on my latest SW Radiogram recordings if that’s any help.

      David Castler did a video recently on Lithium based batteries from Bioenno, which sound like a good option.

      I was taking a bit of a gamble with the jump start battery, on the basis that if it wasn’t a good solution, I needed a jump start battery anyway (it’s done it’s job on three occasions now !).

  7. Dr. Frank M. Howell

    A WONDERFUL post! As an FT-891 owner, I know it’s a terrific small form-factor 100 watt rig. It gets great reviews, especially on the audio. But Mark’s Audio Frequency Analysis chart illustrates why. The details on the settings options are a marvelous exposition. I could go on but it’s very well worth reading!




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