Monthly Archives: November 2024

Texas Radio Shortwave: December 2024 Schedule and Christmas QSL

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Terry, who writes:

Hi – Here’s our December program schedule and Christmas QSL in two different formats. [T]he frequency from the Woofferton transmitter will be announced on various media outlets as soon as it’s confirmed.



Best wishes and 73.


Texas Radio Shortwave
Broadcasting on Channel 292 and streaming on Mixcloud

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Top 10 DX of the Year Contest: Starting December 1, 2024!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Istvan Biliczky, who writes:


For those, who take it seriously!
The TOP DX RADIOCLUB invite you to the annual TOP 10 DX OF THE YEAR contest.
Starting 1 December 2024.

All details can be found on our website:
Best of luck and outstanding DX receptions to everyone!

Best regards,
Istvan Biliczky
Contest Manager
Top DX Radioclub

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Exploring Aviation Signals: Gander VOLMET Meets HFDL on 13270 kHz

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Egil, who shares the folowing:

Hi Thomas,

I have been rather inactive on the radio front for most of the year, but every now and then I just have to check the web to see how others are doing.

And when I read Carlos’ article last night about the Canadian VOLMET stations, it brought back memories.

Because every time in the past I have heard HFDL on 13270kHz, I have also heard Gander Volmet on the same frequency.

That also happened last night (November 3, 2024). A short recording is attached. The signals were received with an ICOM IC-R75 connected to an indoor Wellbrook 1530 loop antenna mounted in the attic.

Audio Player

I have wondered for years why I always hear both Gander Volmet and HatYai HFDL at the same time on this frequency, and never just one of them. And usually they both have the same signal strength here just outside the city of Kristiansund, Norway.

All the best!

LA2PJ – Egil Ingebrigtsen

Many thanks for sharing this, Egil. I, too, have always enjoyed monitoring VOLMET stations–I’m certain it’s due to the fact I’m a bit of an aviation enthusiast. Cheers!

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Stock image library: Can you identify these radios?

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Adi, who writes:

Hi Thomas, I browsed a Video stock library when I thought about checking it’s Radio collection.

Among the usual mics and mixer sliders there where these shots/

I’m sure it won’t take long for the spotters to tell us more about these sets.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

Readers, if you can ID these radios for Adi, please comment! Not much context in some of these beside a beautiful dial–a proper challenge.

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December 2024 Schedule Updates: From the Isle of Music & Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bill Tilford, who shares the following update:

A couple of schedule adjustments start in December to get away from interference from other stations:

From the Isle of Music, December 14, 2024
We will finish 2024 with a potpourri of recent news (and related songs) in Cuban music plus some buried musical treasures.
Times & Frequencies are:

    • 0400-0500 UTC 9670 kHz with beam R towards eastern North America but usable in parts of Europe, North Africa and Eurasia
    • 1800-1900 UTC 9670 kHz with beam E-F towards South Asia but usable in Europe, North Africa and parts of the Middle East and Eurasia
    • 2200-2300 UTC 3955 & 6070 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond)
      All transmissions from Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany

Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, December 21, 2024
This month, we will feature music from Greenland and sneak in a couple of surprises along the way.
Times & Frequencies are:

    • 0400-0500 UTC 9670 kHz with beam R towards eastern North America but usable in parts of Europe, North Africa and Eurasia
    • 1800-1900 UTC 9670 kHz with beam E-F towards South Asia but usable in Europe, North Africa and parts of the Middle East and Eurasia
    • 2200-2300 UTC 3955 & 6070 kHz (omnidirectional for Europe and beyond)
      All transmissions from Channel 292, Rohrbach, Germany

Happy Holidays and Thanks for all you do for radio!

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Carlos’ Illustrated Radio Listening Report and Recording of the Russian Navy in CW (November 23, 2024)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and noted political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who shares illustrated radio listening report of a recent transmission from the Russian Navy in Morse Code.

Carlos notes:

Part of CW (Morse) message from Russian Navy Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, frequency of 17615 kHz, listened in Florianopolis, Brazil, distance of 11534 km.

Click here to view on YouTube.

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The Beatles in 1964: Sporting transistor radios

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Robert Yowell, who writes:

Tom – next week Disney Plus is premiering a new documentary from Martin Scorsese focusing on the Beatles arrival in New York in 1964. This film has footage from the famous Maysles brothers who produced several documentaries in the 1960’s. For most of the scenes of the Beatles in limousines or in their hotel room in Manhattan you see them listening to a Pepsi vending machine radio – presumably given to them upon their arrival. They are listening primarily to WINS 1010 and the famous disc jockey Murray the K.

Then later in 1964 their film A Hard Day’s Night premiered . In the opening scene the Beatles are traveling on a train in First Class when a businessman gets annoyed when Ringo turns on a radio to hear music. You can clearly see in these screen shots it says “All Transistor” and Philips. Perhaps one of your readers can identify the exact model?

All the best,

Robert Yowell

Thank you for sharing this, Robert. 

If you can identify the radios in these photos, please comment!

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