Author Archives: Fastradioburst23

A case of WTAB déjà vu

Apologies to everyone in SWLing Post land who tuned into WRMI to listen to WTAB last Sunday, it turns out due to technical difficulties there was a bit of a mix up but it’s all sorted now. WTAB will be “Transmitting by the magic of wireless” on 9395 kHz at 2200 utc on Sunday 14th August 2022. Fastradioburst23 

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More shortwave time travelling

Hi everyone to everyone in SWLing Post land, this Sunday we’ve another old-time treat for you thanks to the good folks at WRMI. WTAB will be “Transmitting by the magic of wireless” on 9395 kHz at 2200 utc on Sunday 7th August 2022.

Like last week’s KTAB, the show will feature music from yesteryear and as the flyer says “It’s not just a different letter, it’s a different time…” Tune in for more shortwave time travelling! Fastradioburst23 

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KTAB – Radio back in the day

Hi everyone out there in SWLing Post land, this Sunday we’ve a right treat for you thanks to the good folks at WRMI. KTAB will be featuring “Yesterday’s music today” on 9395 kHz at 2200 utc on Sunday 31st July 2022 via the magic of the wireless.

The show will feature all sorts of old time music from the year dot to the late 1950’s. Listen in and catch some songs you may never have heard of before or if you have, you’d love to hear them again including (below) the wonderful “Eena Meena Deeka” by Kishore Kumar from 1957. Tune in for some golden greats as the say. Fastradioburst23 

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Déjà vu railroad radio

Hi Fastradioburst23 here, apologies to all of the SWLing Post community who tuned in last week but sadly CTRN wasn’t broadcast due to a problem at the sidings. The show will now go ahead this Sunday 24th July via WRMI on 9395 kHz at 2200 utc.

There’s always a chance of delays on the line but all being good this week there will be locomotive and electric classics for all train staff, station crew and passengers to enjoy including this classic below. Thanks in advance for travelling with us! Tickets please.

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Further adventures of WELK

Hi to all SWLing Post community, it’s Fastradioburst23 again letting you know about the second transmission of WELK this evening at 2200 utc on 9395 kHz thanks to the good folks at WRMI.

If you enjoyed all the accordion and squeezebox based tunes last week you’ll be sure to love this second installment and it’ll be a good one to have on in the background whilst perfecting those air accordion moves.

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Squeezeboxes on shortwave

Hi SWLing Post community, Fastradioburst23 here letting you know about two transmissions of  WELK, another installment of the imaginary radio stations show to be broadcast this weekend and next by the good folks at WRMI.

The first transmission is on Sunday 3rd July 2022 then Sunday 10th July 2022 both at 2200 utc on 9395 kHz. If you love all things accordian and squeezebox based you’ll love these broadcasts!

The audio of the first broadcast is available here.

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