Discrepancies in REE published and announced 2022 summer schedules

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Richard Langley, who shares the following in reply to our recent post about the REE 2020 summer broadcast schedule:

I heard this schedule announced on Wednesday evening myself and my iPhone translated it. But it is at odds with the schedule posted on Glenn Hauser’s WoR io group site a couple of days ago:

De lunes a viernes, para África Occidental y Atlántico sur, Oriente Medio e Índico, desde las 15 horas hasta las 23 horas UTC (Tiempo Universal Coordinado), 17 a 01 hora oficial española.

Las frecuencias de emisión:

– África Occidental y Atlántico sur, 11.670 Khz., banda de 25 metros.

– Oriente Medio e Índico, 15.520 Khz, banda de 19 metros.

Hacia América del norte y sur, Radio Exterior de España transmite en onda corta, de lunes a viernes, de 18 a 02 horas UTC, 20 a 04 hora oficial española.

Las frecuencias de emisión:

– América del sur, 11.940 Khz, banda de 25 metros.

– América del norte, 17.855 Khz, banda de 16 metros.

Los sábados y domingos, transmite su señal de 14 a 22 horas UTC, 16 a 24 hora oficial española. Frecuencias de emisión y las zonas de cobertura :

– África Occidental y Atlántico sur, 11.670 Khz, banda de 25 metros.

– América del sur, 11.940 Khz, banda de 25 metros.

– América del norte, 17.855 Khz, banda de 16 metros.

– Oriente Medio e Índico, 15.520 Khz, banda de 19 metros.

Los cambios de programación y frecuencias son efectivos desde el 27de marzo de 2022 hasta el 30 de octubre de 2022.

This is a more typical summer schedule for REE when they switch from 9690 kHz for NA, which gives excellent reception in NB, for a much higher frequency, which is not as good especially later in the evening.

As I mentioned in the group:

“I guess the REE announcers didn’t get the memo about this schedule.” 😉

All the best
— Richard

Thank you so much for sharing this, Richard! I bet you’re right: someone simply didn’t get the most updated memo! 🙂

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New 2022 summer schedule for Radio Exterior de España

Many thanks to to SWLing Post contributor, Mad Radio DXer UK, who writes:

Hello Thomas,

I want to let you & your followers know of the shortwave summer schedule for Radio Exterior de España which they have announced on their recent transmissions.

I have a link below to a recording which I did a translation of, but I have provided a breakdown of their summer schedule…

Mon to Fri – 1500 to 2300 hrs UTC:

11685 kHz – for West Africa & South Atlantic
12030 kHz – for Middle East & Indian Ocean

Mon to Fri – 1800 to 0200 hrs UTC:

9690 kHz – for North America
11940 kHz – for South America


Same frequencies & target areas as Mon to Fri, instead transmission times are from 1400 to 2200 hrs UTC.

Just something to note of REE on shortwave. Myself & others have noticed that they sometimes transmit on frequencies not listed. I don’t know why this happens. My guess is that they sometimes have transmitter issues. I know that after the bad weather events which have affected the Madrid regions over the past year or so, some of their shortwave transmissions were absent for a while until they were restored. A couple of weeks ago, I was listening to their 12030 kHz & it suddenly went off the air. 9690 kHz was also off. The only frequency I could still receive was 11685 kHz, so maybe they are still having transmitter issues every now & again even though there have not been any recent weather related incidents affecting the Noblejas area. Maybe this might clear some doubt as to any confusion for unlisted transmissions.

Link to video…

Click here to view on YouTube.


Mad Radio DXer UK

Great info! Thank you so much for sharing this info and recording! 

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Radio Waves: BBC WS extra funding, WRMI to Russia/Ukraine, Lviv Station’s Mission, Moscow Echo, and Former Tandy CEO Dies

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio

Because I keep my ear to the waves, as well as receive many tips from others who do the same, I find myself privy to radio-related stories that might interest SWLing Post readers.  To that end: Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy!

Ukraine war: BBC World Service granted extra funding (BBC News)

The BBC World Service will receive more than £4m in extra funding from the UK government to help counter disinformation about the Ukraine war.

The BBC made the request for the money, which will also be used by the Ukrainian and Russian language services to cover urgent and unexpected costs.

It welcomed the announcement and said the money would help relocate staff and operations to safe locations.

The two language services have had record audiences since the invasion.

The announcement on Wednesday followed a BBC request to the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the Foreign Office.

“The BBC has seen a big demand for clear, fact-based, impartial journalism to counter disinformation and our teams are working around the clock to bring people the very best independent journalism,” BBC director general Tim Davie said.

“This funding will also help us with the immediate need to support staff who have been displaced, many of whom are continuing to work and provide vital expertise to the whole of the BBC,” he added. [Continue reading…]

BBC gets emergency funding to fight Russian disinformation (Gov.UK)

£4.1 million in additional funding for BBC World Service to support Ukrainian and Russian language services in the region

The government is giving the BBC World Service emergency funding to help it continue bringing independent, impartial and accurate news to people in Ukraine and Russia in the face of increased propaganda from the Russian state.

BBC World Service will receive an additional £4.1 million in emergency funding to support its Ukrainian and Russian language services in the region, and to help it increase trusted and independent content to counter disinformation about the war in Ukraine.

BBC World Service channels – including TV, radio and digital – play an increasingly valuable role in challenging the Kremlin’s disinformation, but it is facing additional costs from operating within a military conflict and due to a crackdown on independent reporting in Russia.

Following a BBC request, the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office will provide the extra funding to cover urgent and unexpected costs that have arisen as a result of the conflict.

This will help the BBC to relocate staff and operations to safe locations to ensure the resilience of their services and that they continue to reach people in Russia and Ukraine.

The BBC will also use the funding to continue expanding new and more widely accessible content, delivered through a range of channels, to tackle disinformation and to help local audiences circumvent the Kremlin’s media restrictions and continue to access the BBC’s journalism.

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries said:

The Government is providing the BBC with an additional £4.1 million in emergency funding to help the World Service broadcast directly into Ukraine and Russia.

In scenes reminiscent of 80 years ago, the BBC will ensure that audiences in the region can continue to access independent news reporting in the face of systemic propaganda from a dictator waging war on European soil. It’s vital we lift the veil on and expose the barbaric actions of Putin’s forces.

Minister for Europe and North America, James Cleverly said:

Britain is calling out Putin’s lies and exposing his propaganda and fake news.

This new funding will help strengthen the BBC’s impartial voice in Russia and Ukraine, which is critical to counter Russian disinformation and will help ensure we win the battle for the airwaves.


Notes to Editors

The World Service receives funding from the BBC’s licence fee income, in addition to grant funding directly from the FCDO. The World Service’s Spending Review settlement for the period 2022 to 2025 from the FCDO will be confirmed shortly.

The Culture Secretary made it clear to the BBC in her letter confirming the final licence fee settlement that the BBC should continue to make a substantive investment from the licence fee into the World Service to ensure that it continues to effectively reflect the United Kingdom, its culture and values to the world – in English and through its language services.

Russia, Ukraine Get News From Shortwave Radio Station In South FL (Patch)

Radio Miami International (WRMI)? is working with Shortwaves for Freedom to transmit news to Russia and Ukraine during the war.

OKEECHOBEE, FL — When the commercial shortwave radio station Radio Miami International — which operates under the call letters WRMI — got its start in 1989, its primary focus was helping Cuban exile groups in Miami legally transmit programming to their homeland.

Since then, the station has broadcast news during all sorts of trying times — the Gulf War, hurricanes, earthquakes, other natural disasters.

Now, 30 years later, at a time when Instagram, TikTok and other social media platforms rule when it comes to communication, WRMI finds itself in a unique position during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Working with several organizations and government groups, the station is broadcasting news programming to both Russians and Ukrainians who have access to shortwave radios.

“We’ve been through all sorts of crises. This is one of the biggest,” said Jeff White, the station’s general manager.

When the station launched three decades ago, Radio Miami International worked with Cuban exiles and Latin American groups to find existing shortwave stations where they could buy airtime to broadcast shows. [Continue reading…]

Lviv radio gets ‘new mission’ after Russian invasion (Yahoo News)

The Lvivska Khvylya local radio station in west Ukraine changed its broadcast output dramatically the day Russia invaded the country.

The first thing staff did was to ease off on the entertainment programming and ramp up coverage of the war for their tens of thousands of listeners. Continue reading

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WBCQ Begins New Fundraiser To Expand Operations

From “Uncle Bill” Tilford:

In the wake of its recent Radio Angela subsidized entertainment programming initiative, WBCQ has begun a fundraising effort to upgrade its lower-power transmitters to 100kw, upgrade its antennas and expand its subsidized program offerings as well as make the station a more attractive option to potential paying customers in areas such as public affairs.   In addition to its donation links on WBCQ.com, it has opened a GoFundME page for this purpose.

Please note that this fundraiser is for WBCQ, not the SWLing Post.

– Bill Tilford

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The Times’s Visual Investigations team: What unencrypted comms reveals about Russian invasion

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, David Goren, who shares this impressive report from the Times’s Visual Investigations team:

Under Fire, Out of Fuel, No Air Support: What Intercepted Russian Radio Chatter Reveals

The Times’s Visual Investigations team analyzed dozens of battlefield radio transmissions between Russian forces during an initial invasion of the town of Makariv, outside Kyiv. They reveal an army struggling with logistical problems and communication failures.

[Please note: this report includes graphic images and language.]

Click here to watch this video at the NY Times.

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WBCQ Radio Angela Special Programs March 31

In months with a 5th Wednesday in the Americas, Radio Angela presents two special programs:
1.  WBCQ Open Mic, March 31, 0200-0300 UTC (March 30, 10pm-11pm EDT in the Americas)
WBCQ, Radio Angela service, 4790 kHz
This is a combination of listener submissions and other “protoprograms”  worth listening to but not part of the regular schedule.
2.  WBCQ Polka Party, March 31, 0300-0400 UTC (March 30, 11pm-12am EDT in the Americas)
WBCQ’s Radio Angela service, 4790 kHz
Marion Webster & Kristina present vintage polkas.
Since these are “Week 5” shows, their next appearance after March will be in June.

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