“Music On The Move” explores portable audio technology developments over the decades

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ed, who writes:

Last night on my bedside radio I heard on BBC World’s ‘The Forum’ a wonderful 49-minute piece about portable audio. Much of it covers the earliest portable electron tube radios and transistor radios, and their influences on society in different countries. Mediumwave, Shortwave and FM radios and stations are discussed, as well as evolving technologies. The societal impact of the Compact Cassette and digital audio players and recorders is also discussed. Probably all SWLing Post readers will find this worth listening to!




The Forum: Music On The Move

Released On: 22 Jun 2024

Many of us remember the first portable music device we owned: a transistor radio, a boombox, a Walkman or perhaps an iPod. We might even recall the songs we played on it. But we might be less aware of how profoundly audio technology developments from the 1950s to 2000s changed the ways in which we consume music and other audio outside of the home or concert venue. Transistor radios allowed outdoor sounds and noises to mix and compete with those coming over the airwaves, creating new auditory experiences; the cassette player gave the listener a cheap way of making and re-making their own playlists; and the advent of digital music players encouraged us to ‘own’ music recordings without possessing a physical copy of the audio.

Iszi Lawrence discusses the history of portable music with Dr. Annie Jamieson, Curator of Sound Technologies at Bradford’s National Science and Media Museum; American drummer and writer Damon Krukowski; Dr. Jahnavi Phalkey, science historian and Founding Director of Science Gallery Bengaluru, India; Karin Bijsterveld, Professor of Science, Technology and Modern Culture at Maastricht University; and World Service listeners.

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War Diaries: Stalemate by Volodymyr Gurtovy (US7IGN)

I am pleased to announce that my friend and SWLing Post contributor, Wlad (US7IGN), has released his latest book: War Diaries: Stalemate.

You might recall Wlad’s first book, War Diaries: A Radio Amateur in Kyiv, which we’ve recommended here and mentioned several times.

Wlad has seen firsthand what it’s like to live and work in Kyiv during the Russian invasion. Through his diaries, you feel like you’re right there with him, experiencing the dangers and instability that come with living in a country under attack.

I highly recommend Wlad’s first book, and I’ve already ordered his second. I hope you’ll consider ordering a copy as well. It’s available in both print and eBook formats.

Wlad is a regular contributor here on the SWLing Post (and over at QRPer.com)–his books offer a unique perspective on the war from the viewpoint of an SWL and ham radio operator. It’s a fascinating perspective from a truly remarkable individual.

Click here to purchase War Diaries: Stalemate.

Note: All Amazon links are auto-converted to affiliate links that support the SWLing Post at no cost to you.

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Carlos’ Shortwave Art and recording of ZP-30 (June 27, 2024)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and noted political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who shares his recording and illustrated listening report of the news, in German, from broadcaster ZP-30 on June 27, 2024.

Carlos notes:

ZP-30, Christian radio station in Paraguay broadcasting News in German. Listened in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Click here to view on YouTube.

Impressive work!

I’m impressed with Carlos’ ability to put so much news into a 10 x 6cm space! Carlos shared this photo of his original work:

Brilliant work! Thank you for sharing your recording and amazing work, Carlos!

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RTVE approves additional shortwave transmitter and “secures the future of the public shortwave service”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors, Paul Jamet and Tracy Wood for sharing the following article (translated into English) from RTVE:

RTVE secures the future of the public shortwave service of Radio Exterior de España

The RTVE Board of Directors has unanimously approved the purchase, installation, and implementation of a new shortwave transmitter. This is the first of five new transmitters that Radio Exterior de España (REE) urgently needs to guarantee the continuity of this public service.

The new transmitters will replace the current equipment, which has far exceeded its useful life and whose frequent breakdowns put the continuity of shortwave broadcasts at risk. They will be responsible for carrying the shortwave signal to West Africa, the Middle East, North America, and South America.

With this decision, RTVE fulfills its public service obligation set out in the Framework Mandate and in Law 17/2006 of June 5, which establishes that the Corporation must “aim to serve the widest audience, ensuring maximum continuity and geographic and social coverage, with the commitment to offer quality, diversity, innovation, and ethical standards.”

This is a great advance that ensures the continuity of REE’s public service to Spaniards who are outside our borders and to foreigners interested in Spain. This commitment by the Corporation comes after years of uncertainty. In 2014, the closure of REE’s shortwave was implemented for a few months. It was in 2018 that an eight-hour daily shortwave broadcast was achieved again.

The power of shortwave

REE’s shortwave carries the voice and vision of Spain to the entire world. For this reason, the director of the station, Luis Manuel Fernández Iglesias, has advocated in his speech before the RTVE Board of Directors to “involve the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture of Spain in the future of Radio Exterior, both in the design of its programming and in the financing of this public international broadcaster, such as REE.”

As seen in the invasion of Ukraine, shortwave escapes control and censorship, guaranteeing the democratic right to truthful and honest information. Another advantage is its free nature for listeners and the low cost and investment needed for its reception anywhere. These circumstances make it very attractive, especially for fishermen, merchant seamen, missionaries, or Spanish volunteers who carry out their work where the internet signal does not reach.

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RTI Tamsui transmitter tests for future broadcasts

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Jamet, who shares the following article (translated into English, from the Radio Club du Perche:

RTI – Taiwan on direct broadcast from Tamsui transmitter center

As in recent years, the German and French services of RTI – Radio Taiwan International – will broadcast their programs to Europe and North-West Africa from the Tamsui transmitter center.

To determine which two frequencies will be used for the retransmissions, tests will be carried out on three frequencies in 10-minute increments, as follows:

Saturday July 6, 2024 by the German service:

    • 11,995 kHz (17:00-17:10 UTC) – 9,545 kHz (17:30-17:40 UTC) – 7,250 kHz (17:45-17:55 UTC)
      report your reception observations to the German service: [email protected]

Sunday, July 7, 2024 by the French service:

    • 11995 kHz (Angle 325 degrees)?17:00-17:10 UTC – 9545 kHz (Angle 315 degrees)?17:30-17:40 UTC – 7250 kHz (Angle 315 degrees)?17:45-17:55 UTC
      Report your reception observations to the French service: [email protected]

Official broadcast dates:

German service: every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from July 12 to August 4, 2024
French service: every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from August 9 to September 1, 2024

A special QSL card is being printed for all listening reports received as part of this “Summer 2024 direct broadcast” (test phase and official broadcast). RTI thanks you for your support.





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And the living is easy…

Hi it’s FastRadioBurst 23 here letting you know what the Imaginary Stations crew will be beaming to you this week. On Sunday 30th June 2024 at 0900/1300 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and then at 2000 UTC on 6160 kHz and 3975 kHz they’ll be bringing you a touch of COOL.

It’s now the shortwave summer so over the airwaves they will be supplying some surf, sun and tunes to chill you out. So find the sun tan lotion, bring the cold drinks and shortwave radio out to the back garden no matter what the weather is like and listen to COOL. Never mind what the neighbours think, you’ll be feeling COOL!

Then via WRMI on Wednesday 3rd July 2024 at 0200 UTC on 9395 kHz there’s a transmission brought to you on four wheels called KBUS. If all goes well they’ll be a bus timetable number station, numerous bus driver’s classics, conductor’s sing-a-longs and a suprise appearance of a ticket inspector. Step aboard and enjoy the trip, we’ll get you there as fast as we can as long as the roads are clear. Tune in and as they said “It’ll be just the ticket!”

We now have a Patreon page for our regular listeners here. Monthly memberships are available for exclusive audio and zines.

For more information on all our shows, please send your collection of words with spaces in between to [email protected] and check out our old shows at our Mixcloud page here.

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