Tag Archives: Dan Robinson

Dan records the final transmission of Radio Transmundial Portuguese

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who shares the following notes about the final transmission of Radio Transmundial. [Dan made this recording yesterday, but Internet woes here at SWLing Post HQ prevented me from posting this until now.]

Dan writes:

FYI — I am monitoring Radio Transmundial via [the PY2BS KiwiSDR in] Brazil. They are in the midst of a final discussion in Portuguese between two announcers, mentioning advances/changes in technology, Internet, etc. that are forcing the station off the air. Many mentions of shortwave.

See attachments…..audio files are of studio discussion in Portuguese about their decision to end SW….then another file going right up until 1900 UTC or thereabouts when they went off.

At about the 9:36 mark in the 1st audio file announcer introduces a technical person (sounded like someone from TWR, but also mentioned was “director of communications”) to begin a discussion about their decision to end shortwave — that discussion lasts until about the 34:30 mark when they go into full IDs.

Click here to download audio file.

Second audio file you can hear Zanzibar gradually fading up and dominating the frequency, then in the clear after Transmundial goes off 11,735.

Click here to download audio file.

Would be very interesting to translate this conversation for a post on SWLing.

Perhaps SWLing Post readers with a knowledge of Portuguese could help us with any interesting details from this conversation? Please comment! UPDATE: Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Fabiano Barufaldi, who has volunteered  to help translate some of the key points from this broadcast!

Dan, thanks for grabbing a recording of this final Transmundial broadcast. When my Internet connection is fully functioning again, I will add these recordings to the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive.

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Dan discovers the STLTH EDC Bag on Etsy

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who shares a link to this interesting handmade EDC (Everyday Carry) bag on Etsy:

Dan knows well that I’m a certified pack geek, so I love discovering high-quality packs that are designed with organization that suits radios. I’m a very mobile guy throughout the day, so require a bag that can handle a couple of portable radios and my 13″ MacBook Air. I prefer over-the-shoulder bags like this one.

This pack looks the part, though it might be a wee bit small for my EDC gear (I doubt my laptop would fit inside, though my iPad Air might).

Dan noted that he just stumbled upon this listing and found it interesting–he has no experience with this seller who seems to be in the Ukraine. Based on the images, the quality and stitching looks quite good.

Click here to view on Esty.

My current EDC bags are the Tom Bihn Stowaway and Pilot. Both are more than double the price of this EDC bag. For my field kit and EDC, I use the Red Oxx Micro Manager.

Post readers: Do you have a radio EDC bag?  Please comment with details!

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Panasonic RF-B65s abound on eBay

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who notes that Panasonic RF-B65s are, Abound […] all over eBay–most I have seen in years.”

As I’ve mentioned in the past, the Panasonic RF-B65 is one of the few “vintage” benchmark portables I’d happily add to my collection. I’ve been looking for one since last summer and have missed out on a deal or two. Very few have been posted. Dan, and a number of SWLing Post readers, have touted this radio’s performance many times, so I bit the bullet and ordered one of the units from eBay. I hope it’s in good shape–it does not include the manual or box, but I’m not looking for a mint unit–this will accompany me on travels and to the field. I have a padded bag that should fit it well.

I should receive my RF-B65 early next week and will look forward to putting it on the air!

Click here to search eBay for the Panasonic RF-B65.

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Dan spots a Barlow Wadley XCR-30 in “The Looming Tower”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who writes:

[This Barlow Wadley XCR-30 (above)] appears in Episode 4 of The Looming Tower on Hulu. Shown sitting in a slum in Nairobi (or a location posing as Nairobi), tuned to what sounds like Radio Australia…

Great catch, Dan! If I ever find an XCR-30 in great shape, I think I’ll snag one. I’ve always loved their simple, all-business front panel and legendary–once benchmark–performance.

Of course, I’ll add this post to our ever growing archive of radios in film!

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Dan spots the ultra rare Hammarlund SP-600 JX21A on eBay

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who discovered a very rareHammarlund SP-600 JX21A on eBay. Dan writes:

Collectors of classic boatanchor gear know what has been probably the rarest of tube sets year after year, decade after decade. That set is the Hammarlund SP-600 JX21A.

While there have been numerous JX21s on eBay, there has not been, to my memory, a single JX21A appearing. This particular model was a version of the SP-600 that was produced in small quantities in the 1960’s, and according to one writeup was the only one with a product detector and switchable sidebands. According to Radiomuseum it was the last model in the SP-600 series, and was recognizable for its knobs which were different because the silkscreen information was printed directly on the front panel rather than on the edge of the knob skirts.

According to Les Locklear’s excellent history of SP-600 models, the JX21A was produced between 1969 and 1972.

Now, an ultra-rare SP-600 JX21A has appeared on eBay. Like other models in the series, this would likely require replacement of numerous capacitors and a thorough refurbishment. The seller in this case has started bidding at a very low level, but if history is any guide, a rare model like this one may indeed go for thousands of dollars when all is said and done at the end of the auction.

Click here to view the Hammarlund SP-600 JX21A on eBay.

Amazing!  Thank you for sharing, Dan! What a gorgeous set. Though the seller states it’s in need of restoration, I’m pretty sure this one will get snagged up at end of auction. I’m very curious where the final price will land.

Are there any SWLing Post readers who own an SP-600 model–or the JX21A?  Please comment!

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Dan shares photos from journalist trip to Zanzibar in 1986

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who writes:

Here’s a blast from the past that might be interesting reading for the SWLing Post.

Back in 1986, just before ending my three year tour as VOA East Africa bureau chief, I had an opportunity to visit Zanzibar, with a group of journalists. Back then, Zanzibar was still under the socialist government in charge at the time, and was still attached to Tanzania’s socialist government.

Zanzibar town was full of old structures, and clay/stucco type buildings [see photo at top of page]–it was a wonderfully exotic place, with pristine beaches. The main hotel at the time was in poor condition — this was way before any of the extensive hotel development that the island has seen in recent decades.

One day we were traveling across the island, but I made a point of stopping at what was then still Radio Tanzania/Zanzibar. This was of course years before that station would become ZBC, which remains on the air today, and that time the power was still far lower than the station we know today that serves some fairly wide sections of East Africa and up into the Gulf region.

I hadn’t remembered snapping this photo, but found it recently while going through some old prints. This is what I believe to be Radio Tanzania/Zanzibar as it looked back in 1986 [see below].

Another photo [below] shows old Zanzibar town (shot taken from just off the shore).

Two other shots [below] show a graveyard on Grave Island, off Zanzibar, with one of the stones belonging to someone named Henry Bodley Carpenter (click here for more info) who served on the H.M.S. Briton and died in 1873.

Thanks so much, Dan, for taking the time to share these photos of Zanzibar with us. I imagine your work with the Voice of America took you to many corners of our wonderful planet!

I still get a small thrill when I put Zanzibar in the logs! Thank you again.

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Dan spots a rare Eddystone 40A HF receiver on eBay

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who shares a rare Eddystone 40A find on eBay. Dan notes:

What is interesting also about this is the similarity to the Drake SW8 — notably the
carrying handle.

40A s are rarely seen on the used market, and in line with other older Eddystone
equipment, they are built like a tank.

I agree, Dan! This receiver is built like a tank! It would be a seriously fun (though relatively heavy) field radio–I love how even the chassis corners are rounded and the entire radio can be protected for transport. Obviously, these were designed with durability and stability in mind. Great find and thanks for sharing!

Click here to view on eBay.

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