Tag Archives: Dan Robinson

AIR External Service at odds with MIB over funding & future of shortwave service

All India Radio (AIR) Headquarters in Dehli, India. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.

(Source: Hindustan Times via Dan Robinson)

The external services division of All India Radio (AIR) is caught in a turf war between the ministry of information and broadcasting (MIB), which runs it and the ministry of external affairs (MEA), which is expected to fund it.

While the MIB wants the service to continue and even expand; MEA has been suggesting shutting down the programmes, pointing out that the service offered through short wave transmission has outlived its utility and does not attract listeners abroad, said an MIB official aware of the developments.

According to this MIB official, the service, which was started soon after the outbreak of World War II has emerged as a bone of contention between the two ministries, as the cost of running the shows is high and the MEA has been unwilling to pick the tab.

AIR is a broadcast arm of public broadcaster Prasar Bharati and anchors the external services division (ESD).

[…]On the need for the service, the official said feedback from listeners’ abroad acts as “eyes and ears of the government” and allows them a peek into perceptions abroad. “The short wave transmitters are used to send content meant to popularise and propagate Indian point of view on contentious issues,” the official said.[…]

A former Prasar Bharati official who had concurred with MEA’s suggestion to shut down the service told HT: “No one outside India ever hears Akashvani external services — over short wave or medium wave. It’s a waste of public funds. A few years ago as a test case we had asked a few ambassadors to give us feedback on the popularity of the shows; at least two wrote back saying that the frequencies of the programmes in their respective countries could not be found.”

This official went on to add that maintaining short wave transmission installation is a huge drain on the exchequer as they “guzzle power” and the equipment is “expensive to maintain.”[…]

Read the full article at the Hindustan Times online.

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Dan spots a rare Squires-Sanders SS-1R receiver on eBay

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who writes:

This is only the second Squires-Sanders rig that has appeared on the used market in decades, though it’s the amateur receiver.

The SS-IBS, the receiver pictured in a 1970s Communications Handbook in the shack of Richard Wood, the well-known SWL and linguist, is even rarer:

Click here to view on eBay.

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Dan records the final transmission of Radio Transmundial Portuguese

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who shares the following notes about the final transmission of Radio Transmundial. [Dan made this recording yesterday, but Internet woes here at SWLing Post HQ prevented me from posting this until now.]

Dan writes:

FYI — I am monitoring Radio Transmundial via [the PY2BS KiwiSDR in] Brazil. They are in the midst of a final discussion in Portuguese between two announcers, mentioning advances/changes in technology, Internet, etc. that are forcing the station off the air. Many mentions of shortwave.

See attachments…..audio files are of studio discussion in Portuguese about their decision to end SW….then another file going right up until 1900 UTC or thereabouts when they went off.

At about the 9:36 mark in the 1st audio file announcer introduces a technical person (sounded like someone from TWR, but also mentioned was “director of communications”) to begin a discussion about their decision to end shortwave — that discussion lasts until about the 34:30 mark when they go into full IDs.

Click here to download audio file.

Second audio file you can hear Zanzibar gradually fading up and dominating the frequency, then in the clear after Transmundial goes off 11,735.

Click here to download audio file.

Would be very interesting to translate this conversation for a post on SWLing.

Perhaps SWLing Post readers with a knowledge of Portuguese could help us with any interesting details from this conversation? Please comment! UPDATE: Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Fabiano Barufaldi, who has volunteered  to help translate some of the key points from this broadcast!

Dan, thanks for grabbing a recording of this final Transmundial broadcast. When my Internet connection is fully functioning again, I will add these recordings to the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive.

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Dan discovers the STLTH EDC Bag on Etsy

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who shares a link to this interesting handmade EDC (Everyday Carry) bag on Etsy:

Dan knows well that I’m a certified pack geek, so I love discovering high-quality packs that are designed with organization that suits radios. I’m a very mobile guy throughout the day, so require a bag that can handle a couple of portable radios and my 13″ MacBook Air. I prefer over-the-shoulder bags like this one.

This pack looks the part, though it might be a wee bit small for my EDC gear (I doubt my laptop would fit inside, though my iPad Air might).

Dan noted that he just stumbled upon this listing and found it interesting–he has no experience with this seller who seems to be in the Ukraine. Based on the images, the quality and stitching looks quite good.

Click here to view on Esty.

My current EDC bags are the Tom Bihn Stowaway and Pilot. Both are more than double the price of this EDC bag. For my field kit and EDC, I use the Red Oxx Micro Manager.

Post readers: Do you have a radio EDC bag?  Please comment with details!

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Panasonic RF-B65s abound on eBay

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who notes that Panasonic RF-B65s are, Abound […] all over eBay–most I have seen in years.”

As I’ve mentioned in the past, the Panasonic RF-B65 is one of the few “vintage” benchmark portables I’d happily add to my collection. I’ve been looking for one since last summer and have missed out on a deal or two. Very few have been posted. Dan, and a number of SWLing Post readers, have touted this radio’s performance many times, so I bit the bullet and ordered one of the units from eBay. I hope it’s in good shape–it does not include the manual or box, but I’m not looking for a mint unit–this will accompany me on travels and to the field. I have a padded bag that should fit it well.

I should receive my RF-B65 early next week and will look forward to putting it on the air!

Click here to search eBay for the Panasonic RF-B65.

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Dan spots a Barlow Wadley XCR-30 in “The Looming Tower”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who writes:

[This Barlow Wadley XCR-30 (above)] appears in Episode 4 of The Looming Tower on Hulu. Shown sitting in a slum in Nairobi (or a location posing as Nairobi), tuned to what sounds like Radio Australia…

Great catch, Dan! If I ever find an XCR-30 in great shape, I think I’ll snag one. I’ve always loved their simple, all-business front panel and legendary–once benchmark–performance.

Of course, I’ll add this post to our ever growing archive of radios in film!

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