Tag Archives: Books

War Diaries: Stalemate by Volodymyr Gurtovy (US7IGN)

I am pleased to announce that my friend and SWLing Post contributor, Wlad (US7IGN), has released his latest book: War Diaries: Stalemate.

You might recall Wlad’s first book, War Diaries: A Radio Amateur in Kyiv, which we’ve recommended here and mentioned several times.

Wlad has seen firsthand what it’s like to live and work in Kyiv during the Russian invasion. Through his diaries, you feel like you’re right there with him, experiencing the dangers and instability that come with living in a country under attack.

I highly recommend Wlad’s first book, and I’ve already ordered his second. I hope you’ll consider ordering a copy as well. It’s available in both print and eBook formats.

Wlad is a regular contributor here on the SWLing Post (and over at QRPer.com)–his books offer a unique perspective on the war from the viewpoint of an SWL and ham radio operator. It’s a fascinating perspective from a truly remarkable individual.

Click here to purchase War Diaries: Stalemate.

Note: All Amazon links are auto-converted to affiliate links that support the SWLing Post at no cost to you.

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Pacific Odyssey: Kindle eBook only 99 cents this week

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and DXer, Ralph Perry, who shares the following announcement (click here for more background in a previous post) :


Click here to check it out on Amazon.com (note that this is an affiliate link that supports the SWLing Post at no cost to you.)

PACIFIC ODYSSEY is a Wild Ride! Something Like ‘Poltergeist’ meets ‘Wall Street’ in a remote Asian kingdom. — James Roby, author of the gritty Urban Knights Series.

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PACIFIC ODYSSEY, just published by Banana Leaf Books, is a treat for all fans of international adventure and travel fiction and even romantic fantasy. This captivating story from Chet Nairene, author of the bestselling PACIFIC DASH, offers equal doses of humor, exotica, adventure and romance.

It is available in eBooks all this week for just .99 at Amazon!

This is the story of a brilliant but shallow New York business star who gets in over his head versus dangerous Asian occult forces. In order to save his company, he must journey to an odd hermit kingdom hidden deep in Southeast Asia. And once there, things there soon escalate . . . all in the wrong direction!

In this closed-off, mysterious, but highly ethical new universe, all of Lew Clarke’s modern-day Western knowledge and expertise are essentially useless. He must attempt to navigate the rules of an unfathomable society, but is helped out by a cast pf exotic but charming characters, including Mr. Frog, Wongrat, Uncle Inpanh, Khun Khon and his Amazia sidekick, Boo. Romance strikes the ultra-rural town of Biti, when Lew falls headlong for Boo’s stunning cousin, Miss Nong.

But after discovering the dark secret that threatens the quirky kingdom, Lew’s entire mission transforms into far more than just saving himself.

PACIFIC ODYSSEY is humorous and at times harrowing, a cautionary tale that pits modern Western values and tech against Eastern mysticism and the occult.

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Pacific Odyssey: Latest Novel by DXer Ralph Perry

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ralph Perry, who shares the following announcement:

Big news here is that after five years of hard work, yesterday was publication day for DXer Ralph Perry’s second novel, written under the pen name of Chet Nairene:

PACIFIC ODYSSEY – The Curious Journey of Lew 2.0” follows Ralph’s successful predecessor novel in 2021, PACIFIC DASH – From Asia Vagabond to Casino King.

This new story is a quirky mashup, something like Poltergeist meets Wall Street in rural Asia, with mood and themes similar to PACIFIC DASH . . . exotic and funny, about Westerners muddling about and being lost in Asia, experiencing amusing culture clashes, etc.

Lew Clarke is a thirty-something New York tech business wiz who hooks up a supply line with an odd, tiny company hidden away in a quirky little SE Asian country. After a number of Lew’s customers in America start experiencing horrible accidents, which internet rumors link to his imported products, he is forced to travel to the mini hermit Kingdom of Amazia to unwind the mess. But once there in the tropics, he finds his modern Western knowledge all but useless . . . and things generally further unravel from there. He makes great friends, falls in love, and once he learns the dark secret haunting the Kingdom, his mission becomes more than just saving himself and his company.

Both are available as eBook or paperback.

Ralph sends his thanks in advance and gratitude for early Amazon reviews, which are ever so important to get the novel well launched before the public.

Click here to check it out on Amazon.com (note that this is an affiliate link that supports the SWLing Post at no cost to you.)

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Tales of the Orient interview with Ralph Perry about his novel “Pacific Dash”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, noted DXer, and author, Ralph Perry (a.k.a. Chet Nairene), who notes that he was recently interviewed by Simon Ostheimer on Tales of the Orient regarding Ralph’s latest novel, Pacific Dash.

Ralph notes that, “DXing directly influenced my seeking an international life” and thus fueled his passion to write novel about traveling and exploring local scenes throughout Asia and the Pacific.

Pacific Dash isn’t a novel about DXing, rather, “a fictional first-person account of Dash Bonaventure, a young 1960s American whose life journey drags him across Asia.”

Please note that the following post was originally published on Tales of the Orient and is being re-posted here with permission from Ralph Perry.


Tales of the Orient by Simon Ostheimer: Cool Runnings

Meet Chet Nairene, the American author of ‘Pacific Dash’, a new novel that follows the Asian adventures of Dashiell Bonaventure, from an Illinois farm to glitzy Macau casinos

Hi Chet, tell me more about your new book, Pacific Dash

Greetings, Simon!

Pacific Dash is a fictional first-person account of Dash Bonaventure, a young 1960s American whose life journey drags him across Asia. Dash is utterly impulsive (his next prudent plan will be his first), but makes up for that with outsized good luck and karma. The story begins in 1968 with him as a reluctant expat student at the then-new Hong Kong International School. International adventures immediately start to find him. Dash covers a lot of ground, for several decades spending time in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, HK, Macau, Taiwan and Myanmar. He finds himself in love and at other times in trouble. One day at a Bali losmen (a cheap homestay), things really take off when meets Little Fatty, an engaging and chubby Malaysian businessman who hooks Dash up in the illegal casino business, located offshore from Singapore.

Dash gets around! How did you come up with the story?

Ever since taking up fiction writing, I had been juggling several good story ideas, but Pacific Dash (my “backpacker novel”) was always the one I wanted to lead with. I knew it would be pure fun for the reader and a pure joy for me to write. My primary goal is to entertain and transport readers to exotic places, crammed with interesting people, odd experiences and cultural nuggets. I wanted to share so many of the things I love about Asia – the wonderful people, the food and spirituality, the bars and temples, beaches and even gambling. So, what better way to introduce all that than through the eyes of a young foreigner who is totally unprepared for what he’s about to encounter?

What led you to start writing your own fictional literature?

It’s funny, but during my career as an expatriate executive in Asia, friends often said (usually after a few too many beers and colorful stories), “You really ought to write a novel.” Yeah, right, someday. But upon retiring I started to think, hey, why not?

Like Dash, I understand that you also lived in Asia for more than 25 years, how much of your own story is in the book?

As the old writing adage goes: ‘Write about what you know.’ And I certainly know Asia. Many (but not all) of Dash’s experiences are based upon things that happened to me or to my friends. Therefore, while the resulting story is off-kilter and quirky, it should also have an authentic ring. But Dash and I are punched from different molds.

He is something of the accidental, unintentional traveler in Asia. I, on the other hand, made happen my desire to live and work in Asia. It was just something in my DNA and I had to obey. My fascination with Asia, Africa and Latin America all probably began with my childhood hobby, tuning into foreign radio stations on shortwave.

Continue reading

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Book Recommendation: War Diaries – A Radio Amateur

Earlier this week, I learned that my friend Volodymyr (US7IGN) published his book War Diaries: A Radio Amateur in Kyiv on Amazon.com and I immediately purchased and read it.

If you’d like to know what it’s been like for a radio listener and ham radio operator living day-to-day in Kyiv since Russia invaded Ukraine earlier this year, I highly recommend reading War Diaries.

Volodymyr (or Wlod) is a regular here on the SWLing Post and simply amazing fellow. We share a love of playing radio outdoors and were even recently featured on BBC Radio 4.  Sadly, due to the nature of living in a war zone, Wlod cannot escape urban RFI/QRM by making journeys into the forest. These days, that would be a very dangerous activity.

Instead, Wlod makes the most out of the blackouts caused by Russian missile attacks: he enjoys the radio quiet conditions to listen to and DX stations across the globe from his small apartment on vintage radios that he’s repaired.

In fact, here’s a most recent longwave scan Wlod shared during a blackout with his vintage Radiotehnika Riga-104:

Since Russia’s invasion began, Wlod’s wife and children have taken refuge in Poland.  Radio has been his constant companion and even a source of valuable intel.

In Wlod’s book, you’ll learn what’s it’s been like living in a world with constant air-raid sirens, artillery attacks, and blackouts.  You’ll also learn how incredibly resourceful and resilient he and his fellow Ukrainians are in the face of the Putin war machine.

I highly recommend grabbing a copy of War Diaries. It’s available on Amazon.com as an eBook for $5.99 and even as a hard or soft cover print book.

Obviously, any revenue from the sales of this book are supporting Wlod and his family.

Click here to purchase on Amazon.com.

Note: All Amazon links on the SWLing Post are auto-converted to affiliate links.

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Don discovers a treasure trove of digitized vintage radio books and magazines

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Don (W7SSB), who writes:

I thought these links might be of interest to your readers:



Brilliant! Thanks for the tip, Don!

Of course, another deep treasure trove is the World Radio History website.

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“QSL: How I Traveled the World and Never Left Home” by Ronald W. Kenyon

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by author Ronald W. Kenyon who has written non-fiction books covering a variety of subjects, but primarily collections of essays and albums of photography.

He was very proud to announce that his latest book, QSL: How I Traveled the World and Never Left Home, focuses on his pursuit of DX during his youth.

Kenyon is a radio archivist at heart.  He has carefully preserved QSL cards that he received between 1956 and 1961–a time period many of us consider the zenith of international broadcasting and DXing.

From Ronald W. Kenyon’s collection

Kenyon’s book presents color reproductions of over 100 vintage QSL cards—most displaying both front and back—issued by 89 shortwave stations in 75 countries. For the uninitiated, he includes an introduction that acquaints with shortwave radio listening, submitting listener reports, and obtaining QSL cards. Radio enthusiasts will be familiar with these topics, but this addition is an important one since we often forget that we’ve a niche pursuit and for many of his readers, this will be their first introduction.

From Ronald W. Kenyon’s collection

Kenyon sent me a pre-sales sample of his book. It’s what I’d call a “coffee table” paperback. The format is 8.5 x 8.5 inches which gives each QSL image proper page space to be presented. The color reproduction and print in this publication is excellent.

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed taking in Kenyon’s book at a very leisurely pace. It’s divided into three main sections:

  • Section One of his book is a gallery of 107 vintage QSL cards from radio stations in 78 countries.
  • Section Two features SWL and ham radio cards.
  • Section Three features seasonal greeting cards sent to listeners by radio broadcasters from nine countries.

There’s even an appendix featuring, “A Letter from Antarctica,” which recounts how Kenyon was linked to a British meteorologist at a base in Antarctica via a radio station in Montevideo, Uruguay of all places. A fabulous example of how radio–especially in the late 50s and early 60s–was a fabulous medium for connecting listeners across vast distances.

I’m a nostalgic fellow–especially during the Thanksgiving and Holiday season. I’ll admit: this wonderful, simple bit of radio nostalgia is just what the doctor ordered as we celebrate the season. We all can relate to and enjoy Kenyon’s gallery of radio nostalgia and history. Indeed, my hope is that his book will encourage others to document their radio journey as well.

Being a limited print, full-color, 150 page book, the price will be $35 US. However, the author has offered 10% off his book if ordered before December 31, 2020. That will lower the price to $31.50 US via Amazon.com or £23.95 via Amazon.co.uk.

If you enjoy browsing QSL cards like I do, you’ll love QSL: How I Traveled the World and Never Left Home. Certainly, a fabulous gift idea for the radio enthusiast in your world.

Amazon purchase links

(Please note that some of these are affiliate links that also support the SWLing Post)

Note that this book will appear on other regional Amazon sites over time. Simply search Amazon for “QSL: How I Traveled the World and Never Left Home” or the author, Ronald W. Kenyon.

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