Category Archives: Books

‘Shortwave Era’: A New Book by Radio Taiwan International

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, David Iurescia, who shares the following item via RTI:

Radio Taiwan International launches new book ‘Shortwave Era’

Radio Taiwan International (Rti) launched a new book Shortwave Era: From the Cold War to Democracy, From Intelligence Broadcasting to the Voice of Peace, Let the World Hear Taiwan’s Voice last month.

Shortwave Era chronicles Rti’s nearly century-long journey broadcasting Taiwan’s voice to the world in multilingual languages.

It provides a detailed account of how Rti has used multilingual broadcasting to build international communication bridges, witnessing Taiwan’s significant interactions with the global community. From World War II to the end of Cold War, Rti was not only an international radio station but also played a unique role on the special battleground, including executing intelligence missions through the “Teresa Teng Time” program and compiling “Communist Bandit Broadcasts” as part of classified intelligence operations.

Rti Chairperson Cheryl Lai remarked that today’s Rti is like a “mini United Nations,” with colleagues from around the world sharing “Taiwan’s story,” which is also “the world’s story,” fully reflecting Rti’s international character and cultural mission.

Read more at: © RadioInfo Asia

Post Readers: I was unable to find a link to this book. If you discover a link, please share it in the comments section.

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Perfect Gift or Holiday Read: Tales of a Vagabond DXer by Don Moore

Last week, I had the pleasure of posting the latest installment of Don Moore’s “Photo Album” series on the SWLing Post. Don has contributed numerous Photo Album travelogues over the past two years, offering readers a rich blend of history, culture, and radio-related adventures. This latest series focuses on Albania, with Part One posted last week and Part Two set to publish this coming Sunday.

It was while working on these articles that I was reminded of how much I enjoyed Don’s book, Tales of a Vagabond DXer.

If you’re a fan of radio or travel—or ideally both—this book is a must-read. Don masterfully weaves his experiences as a DXer with his extraordinary adventures in Latin America, where he visited over 150 radio stations. Beyond the technical and radio-related aspects, his storytelling captures the vibrant and often unexpected encounters that come with exploring remote regions.

Tales of a Vagabond DXer isn’t just a book for radio enthusiasts; it’s a compelling travelogue that anyone who loves the thrill of discovering new places will appreciate.  If you’re still looking for a unique gift this holiday season, I highly recommend adding it to your list!

Tales of a Vagabond DXer is available from in trade-sized paperback for $12.99 or Kindle eBook for $4.99, or for equivalent prices in local currencies on non-US Amazon stores.



Note: the Amazon Affiliate links above not only support author Don Moore, but Amazon shares a small percentage of the final sale with the SWLing Post as well. 

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The Radio Phonics Laboratory

Fastradioburst23 here to let you know about a brand new book from Imaginary Stations contributor Justin Patrick Moore. The Radio Phonics Laboratory: Telecommunications, Speech Synthesis, and the Birth of Electronic Music is a radiocentric look at the origins of electronica. Radioheads will find much to enjoy in the pages of this tome including:

  • Elisha Gray’s Musical Telegraph, arguably the world’s first synthesizer that used telegraph wires to send music down the line to distant listeners.
  • Lee De Forest’s Audion Piano. Radio pioneer Lee De Forest used his invention of the triode vacuum tube, or audion, to make an electronic musical instrument, perhaps his least contentious invention!
  • The radio work and espionage activities of Leon Theremin, who worked as an engineer at a distant station deep within the Soviet Union where he discovered the principles to make his famous antenna-based instrument.
  • The avant-garde antics of the Lost Generation composer George Antheil and his collaboration with actress Hedy Lamarr that led to the development of the spread spectrum suite of transmission techniques that now permeate our everyday life wherever there is WiFi.

But that’s not all! At the heart of this narrative is the evolution of speech synthesis. Spanning the groundbreaking work of Homer Dudley at Bell Laboratories with his work on the voder and vocoder to the dual discovery of Linear Predictive Coding from the research done by Fumitada Itakura at Nippon Telegraph and Telephone in Japan to the parallel discoveries in the same field made by Manfred Schroeder and Bishnu S. Atal at Bell Labs. Linear Predictive Coding gets put to work whenever someone picks up a cell phone to make a call, or when they get on their DMR radio to join a net with their fellow ham radio friends across the world. Linear Predictive Coding was later put to work in the compositions of early computer music pioneer Paul Lansky at Princeton.

Tracing the early use of the vocoder in enciphered radio transmissions between Churchill and Roosevelt in World War II to its use by Robert Moog and Wendy Carlos, this is the story of how investigations into the nature of speech generated a tool to be used by the music makers who merged their voices with the voice of the machine.

But wait, there’s more! The creative use of these phonic frequencies really took hold when radio stations and radio companies spearheaded the creation of the first electronic music studios. These laboratories include:

  • Halim El-Dabh’s use of wire recorders loaned from Radio Cairo to create the first pieces of what was later called musique concrète, where raw sounds were manipulated to create a new kind of music.
  • Pierre Schaeffer’s creation of the Groupe de Recherches Musicales (GRM) under the auspices of the Radiodiffusion Nationale station in France, leading to the subsequent spread of musique concrète.
  • The genesis of the Studio for Electronic Music of the West German Radio (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) born out of early developments in elektrische music made by the countries experimental instrument builders.
  • The subsequent building of an electronic music studio at NHK in Japan.
  • The story behind the “sound-houses” of the legendary BBC Radiophonic Workshop, and its pioneers Daphne Oram and Delia Derbyshire.
  • The development of the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music studio made in conjunction with the RCA company and the building of their gargantuan instrument, The RCA Mark II Synthesizer.
  • And further explorations in the work being done at Bell Labs where the computers made music under the guidance of Max Matthews leading to creative breakthroughs from composers Don Slepian and Laurie Spiegel.

Of particular interest in this realm to the radio buff is the work of John Chowning, a composer who worked out the principles of FM synthesis, essentially figuring out how to do frequency modulation in the audio domain. He went on to create the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics at Stanford, which became a model for the kind of sound laboratory later implemented in France at IRCAM, Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music.

This the story of how electronic music came to be, told through the lens of the telecommunications scientists and composers who transformed the dits and dahs of Morse code into the bleeps and blips that have captured the imagination of musicians and dedicated listeners around the world.

The Radio Phonics Laboratory is available directly from Velocity Press here in the UK and Europe. North American readers can find it on here , here and fine bookstores everywhere.

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Pacific Odyssey Review

Many thanks to Rose Auburn who reached out to share her review of our friend and fellow DXer Ralph Perry’s book, Pacific Odyssey: The Curious Case of Lew 2.0, originally posted on Rose’s review website:

Pacific Odyssey: The Curious Case of Lew 2.0

By Chet Nairene


Thirty-six-year-old tech wizard, Lew Clarke is about to ascend to god-like status at the corporate behemoth he has worked for since leaving Harvard. Accolades, and more importantly to Lew, eye-watering levels of financial recompense are raining down on him.  But when a minor, forgotten issue floats shockingly to the surface, Lew’s gold-plated, superficial existence implodes.

After licking his wounds, Lew embarks on a new business venture, importing highly intricate, bespoke wooden garden ornaments directly from the supplier, Lotus Creations, in the tiny kingdom of Amazia, Southeast Asia.  Money and the good times roll abundantly again. Until a trickle of strange complaints becomes a deluge and Lew is left with no option but to seek out the mysterious retailer from the even more mysterious Amazia…

Pacific Odyssey definitely ranks as one of my favorite novels so far in 2024.  I read Nairene’s earlier novel, Pacific Dash, last year and thoroughly enjoyed it. However, with Pacific Odyssey, Nairene has shifted up into fifth gear. It’s a highly imaginative and unusual book that I found almost impossible to put down.

From the opening couple of paragraphs, the novel instantly hooks the reader. Confident, breezy, and intriguing, it crackles with comic energy and is deceptively well-written. It would have been easy for Nairene’s depiction of Lew, and his employer, the corporate IT titan, Mega, to have fallen into stereotype.

And, while Nairene does tip the reader a knowing wink for some elements, it’s done with clever subtlety and wry, observational humor, a tone that continues throughout the novel.

The structure and ethos of Mega is not only horribly credible but incredibly well-conceived.  When Lew is put out to pasture at Mega’s global call center in Weehawken, Nairene depicts the place with hellish accuracy.

Although the novel is relatively long, it’s fast-moving with wave after wave of itchy foreboding. None more so than when Lew discovers Lotus Creations. However, underneath the suspense and possible chicanery, a faint sub-textual and thought-provoking commentary emerges as Lew and best friend, Sal, navigate the differences between the East and West cultural mores.

These distinctions prove profound, although Nairene keeps the reader guessing about the Amazians. As the novel gathers pace, a compelling mystery begins to unfold at its heart.

Nonetheless, on the surface at least, Part Two also resembles the finest of travel memoirs, certainly reminiscent of Paul Theroux’s rail journeys. As Lew travels from the capital of Amazia, Ruangbang, up to Biti, a deeply rural backwater, it’s excellent stuff. Kafka-esque, funny, immensely authentic, and never becomes far-fetched even as the reader is hurtled into a surreal rabbit hole.

Lew encounters hurdle after hurdle until assistance appears in the form of Boo, an Amazian who speaks English. The advent of Boo changes the novel a touch, it becomes a little more serious, and also rather spiritual both in terms of the narrative and Lew’s trajectory.

This esoteric turn is enhanced by Nong, Boo’s cousin. She reminded me of Fiona Lo in Nairene’s previous book and, at times, seemed underdeveloped, although her enigmatic countenance and reason for it, form the basis of the narrative’s outcome.

Pacific Odyssey is richly descriptive, vivid, sensory, and full of whip-smart, nimble dialogue, especially between Lew and Sal, whose exchanges are warm and amusingly natural. All of Nairene’s characters from Harry at Mega to Wongrat at the Miracle Royal Pagoda Hotel are wonderfully convincing and step from the page.

Pacific Odyssey is a literary thrill ride. Darkly funny and thought-provoking, it’s written with consummate verve and captivating vibrancy that never fails to entertain. Highly recommended.

Click here to purchase Pacific Odyssey on

[Note: This is an Amazon affiliate link that supports the SWLing Post at no cost to you.]

Click here to check out Rose’s other book reviews.

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War Diaries: Stalemate by Volodymyr Gurtovy (US7IGN)

I am pleased to announce that my friend and SWLing Post contributor, Wlad (US7IGN), has released his latest book: War Diaries: Stalemate.

You might recall Wlad’s first book, War Diaries: A Radio Amateur in Kyiv, which we’ve recommended here and mentioned several times.

Wlad has seen firsthand what it’s like to live and work in Kyiv during the Russian invasion. Through his diaries, you feel like you’re right there with him, experiencing the dangers and instability that come with living in a country under attack.

I highly recommend Wlad’s first book, and I’ve already ordered his second. I hope you’ll consider ordering a copy as well. It’s available in both print and eBook formats.

Wlad is a regular contributor here on the SWLing Post (and over at–his books offer a unique perspective on the war from the viewpoint of an SWL and ham radio operator. It’s a fascinating perspective from a truly remarkable individual.

Click here to purchase War Diaries: Stalemate.

Note: All Amazon links are auto-converted to affiliate links that support the SWLing Post at no cost to you.

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Pacific Odyssey: Kindle eBook only 99 cents this week

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and DXer, Ralph Perry, who shares the following announcement (click here for more background in a previous post) :


Click here to check it out on (note that this is an affiliate link that supports the SWLing Post at no cost to you.)

PACIFIC ODYSSEY is a Wild Ride! Something Like ‘Poltergeist’ meets ‘Wall Street’ in a remote Asian kingdom. — James Roby, author of the gritty Urban Knights Series.

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PACIFIC ODYSSEY, just published by Banana Leaf Books, is a treat for all fans of international adventure and travel fiction and even romantic fantasy. This captivating story from Chet Nairene, author of the bestselling PACIFIC DASH, offers equal doses of humor, exotica, adventure and romance.

It is available in eBooks all this week for just .99 at Amazon!

This is the story of a brilliant but shallow New York business star who gets in over his head versus dangerous Asian occult forces. In order to save his company, he must journey to an odd hermit kingdom hidden deep in Southeast Asia. And once there, things there soon escalate . . . all in the wrong direction!

In this closed-off, mysterious, but highly ethical new universe, all of Lew Clarke’s modern-day Western knowledge and expertise are essentially useless. He must attempt to navigate the rules of an unfathomable society, but is helped out by a cast pf exotic but charming characters, including Mr. Frog, Wongrat, Uncle Inpanh, Khun Khon and his Amazia sidekick, Boo. Romance strikes the ultra-rural town of Biti, when Lew falls headlong for Boo’s stunning cousin, Miss Nong.

But after discovering the dark secret that threatens the quirky kingdom, Lew’s entire mission transforms into far more than just saving himself.

PACIFIC ODYSSEY is humorous and at times harrowing, a cautionary tale that pits modern Western values and tech against Eastern mysticism and the occult.

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Pacific Odyssey: Latest Novel by DXer Ralph Perry

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ralph Perry, who shares the following announcement:

Big news here is that after five years of hard work, yesterday was publication day for DXer Ralph Perry’s second novel, written under the pen name of Chet Nairene:

PACIFIC ODYSSEY – The Curious Journey of Lew 2.0” follows Ralph’s successful predecessor novel in 2021, PACIFIC DASH – From Asia Vagabond to Casino King.

This new story is a quirky mashup, something like Poltergeist meets Wall Street in rural Asia, with mood and themes similar to PACIFIC DASH . . . exotic and funny, about Westerners muddling about and being lost in Asia, experiencing amusing culture clashes, etc.

Lew Clarke is a thirty-something New York tech business wiz who hooks up a supply line with an odd, tiny company hidden away in a quirky little SE Asian country. After a number of Lew’s customers in America start experiencing horrible accidents, which internet rumors link to his imported products, he is forced to travel to the mini hermit Kingdom of Amazia to unwind the mess. But once there in the tropics, he finds his modern Western knowledge all but useless . . . and things generally further unravel from there. He makes great friends, falls in love, and once he learns the dark secret haunting the Kingdom, his mission becomes more than just saving himself and his company.

Both are available as eBook or paperback.

Ralph sends his thanks in advance and gratitude for early Amazon reviews, which are ever so important to get the novel well launched before the public.

Click here to check it out on (note that this is an affiliate link that supports the SWLing Post at no cost to you.)

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