Tag Archives: Fastradioburst23

Recordings of WTAB

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Fastradioburst23, who shares the following recording:

This is the studio version of the WTAB transmission that went out on 9395 kHz at 00:00 UTC Monday 15th February 2021 (repeated on the same frequency and time on Monday 22nd February).

Below is a great clip of the transmission caught on a Yaesu FTdx3000 with a 80 meter horizontal loop at 60 feet at Parksville, Vancouver Island, BC

Many thanks for sharing these recordings!

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KMRT: “Your one stop shortwave shopping experience”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Fastradioburst23, who shares the following announcement (originally posted on Reddit):

Please join us for the grand opening of KMRT, your one stop shortwave shopping experience! If frequency hopping has got you down, then park your dial in the aisles of 9395 kHz at 00:00 UTC Monday 1st February 2021. On KMRT we dare to sell you the muzak you’re already listening to, but just don’t know it yet, because these subliminal tunes have been beaming to you from our corporate headquarters for years! We also have the specially priced radio culture you’ll need to survive in the years to come.

A cavalcade of special guest hosts, including the Store Manager, alongside KMRT regulars breathlessly parade the goods you need and instant-compose new modern music classics as the show progresses from the meat market to the candy aisle, on down to the home goods section. And if you bring your kiddies along, we have a FREE toy they can download over the airwaves, if you get our special proprietary KMRT radio.

As the folks who installed our audio system told us, “Something as simple as a mallsofted music selection, and a bit of retro in-style vaporwave, along with choice library cuts, muzak and ‘happy buyer’ spatial oddities within a store can completely change a listeners radio shopping experience.”

We have ensured your that the sound levels will all be uniform and consistent, because a soundtrack not only creates a mood and experience within a store, but also creates a culture around the KMRT sound.

Love it! Thanks for sharing and we look forward to tuning in!

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