Tag Archives: Jazz from the Left

Jazz From The Left: A slight schedule change

Many thanks to Raoul with Jazz From The Left, who writes:

My program, Jazz from the Left, continues on WRMI. With a slight schedule change.

From Jeff White:

“We now have Jazz from the Left on at 0000 UTC Wednesday on 7730 kHz, and at 0100 UTC Thursday on 5850, 9395 and 9455 kHz.”

By the way, for fans of jazz on shortwave radio, I recently found dozens and dozens of air checks of Willis Conover playing jazz on the VOA. These are all excellent quality recordings from the 1950’s through 1970’s [at the University of North Texas Library]. Click here to browse the recordings. Enjoy!

Thank you, Raoul! Your show is excellent–the new time on WRMI has been noted in my calendar.  And thanks for mentioning the UNT archive–it is indeed a superb collection (click here to read an archived post).

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Jazz from the Left on two more frequencies

Many thanks to Raoul van Hall, producer of Jazz from the Left, who shares the following news:

WRMI is adding two more weekly frequencies for Jazz from the Left starting this week on 9395 kHz at 0000 UTC Saturday. For the moment, they are simulcasting the 0000 UTC hour on 9455 kHz, so the program would be on both frequencies.

So that’s a total of four weekly broadcasts on four different frequencies. Thought you and your readers would find that interesting.

Comments can be sent to: jazzfromtheleft@gmail.com

Great news, Raoul!

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Jazz from the Left returns to WRMI tonight!


Many thanks to our friend, Raoul van Hall, who writes with some exciting news:

Hi Thomas,

Wanted to let you know that Jazz from the Left returns to WRMI stating tonight for two weekly broadcasts.

0000-0100 UTC Wednesday on 7730 kHz.
2000-2100 UTC Tuesday on 11580 kHz.

Brilliant Raoul! Nothing like Jazz over the shortwaves.  I’ll certainly tune it. And, hey–your show starts in about two hours at time of posting!

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Fans of “The Rockpile” and “Jazz from the Left” can now listen online

Raoul van Hall (Source: Ameristream Live)

Raoul van Hall (Source: Ameristream Live)

After Global 24 went off the air, several SWLing Post readers commented that they were going to miss hearing music programs like Jazz from the Left and The Rockpile.

Fortunately, Raoul van Hall, who hosts and produces both programs, noticed your comments . Yesterday, he commented with good news:

“For those of you who would still like to hear The Rockpile or Jazz from the Left, you can follow these links to hear both programs, whenever and wherever you’d like:



I’ve exchanged a few emails with several SW stations to maybe put RP or JFTL back on shortwave. Different time and frequency. We’ll see. I’d have to lease the airtime and hopefully get at least one sponsor and some listener contributions. I like the idea of broadcasting on shortwave. After all of these years on AM and FM.

I used to love listening to music on shortwave, when I was younger. When there was some music on SW. There’s something about hearing the music fade in and out on the signal that’s magical to me. I first fell in love with radio listening to shortwave.

Plus I like being able to play lots of music that’s not heard anywhere on US FM.

If I decide to do it, I’ll make sure it’s on a smoking signal and at the right times.

Naturally, I’d welcome any of your thoughts or suggestions.


I couldn’t agree with you more about the magic of hearing music over shortwave.

Raoul, keep in touch and I will post any updates you provide regarding potential shortwave broadcasts. Thanks for making your programs available via Ameristream Live.

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