Tag Archives: Passband.com

2013 WRTH now available

WRTH has announced that their 2013 edition is now available online. Every year, I look forward to searching a new WRTH’s pages for the first time. What is the WRTH (World Radio and TV Handbook)? Click here to read my reviews of the 2010, 2011 and 2012  editions of WRTH. In the 2010 edition, I even include an interview with the publisher, Nicholas Hardyman.

To order your copy of WRTH 2013, go to this page on WRTH’s website.

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Yes, Passport To World Band Radio Has Closed Their Website

Over the past weeks, many of you may have noticed that the website for Passport To World Band Radio, Passband.com (note: no hyperlinking here), has closed shop. This, of course, following the death of every SWLer’s favorite guide, the  Passport To World Band Radio. If this is new to you, read some of our previous posts about this.

Alternatives to Passport To World Band Radio

As I pointed out in previous posts, do not despair! There are alternatives for finding shortwave radio schedules. For starters, consider purchasing the World Radio and TV Handbook. If you’re looking for online sources of schedules, also consider some alternatives I listed on SWLing.com’s Resource page.

Passband.com was a great source for news in the world of shortwave radio.  I (humbly) believe our blog, the SWLing Post, is as well. Consider subscribing to our RSS feed. Also, check our Blogroll links (right navigation column) for other great radio websites.

We also offer shortwave radio reviews in simple form on our main site and also in (this) blog portion of our website.

At SWLing.com we are also active advocates for shortwave radio–we frequently make our opinions about how vital radio is throughout the world known to international broadcasters and we give you the opportunity to do the same.

Remember, you’re not alone and shortwave radio is not dead. Indeed, it’s quite an active lifeline to many communities around our small planet.

Happy listening!

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