Monthly Archives: July 2016

Let’s send Lou Josephs our messages

Lou Josephs (Photo: Jonathan Marks)

Lou Josephs (Photo: Jonathan Marks)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Jonathan Marks, who writes:

May be you can help spread the word? Lou is very seriously ill, but would appreciate hearing from SWL’s who remember him.

Very sorry to hear that Lou is in such bad health. Thanks for letting us know, Jonathan.

SWLing Post readers, if you would like to send Lou a message, please comment on Jonathan’s blog and he will make sure your message gets to Lou. Thanks!

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BBC to cut monitoring jobs

(Image source: BBC)

(Source: The Guardian)

The BBC is cutting almost 100 jobs from its monitoring service as part of a drive to save £4m from the unit’s £13.2m budget by April next year.

The restructure will include the closure of its base in Mazar-i-Sharif in Afganistan, though it will retain an operation in Kabul, and two new bureaux will be opened in Jerusalem and Istanbul.

The unit, which currently employs about 320 staff, will also move its headquarters from Caversham Park, Reading, where it has been based since 1943, to London.

A total of 156 roles will be eliminated and 58 new ones created, leaving a net reduction of 98 positions. About 40% of UK-based staff and around 20% of those based overseas are facing the axe, leaving 99 roles left in the UK.

The unit provides translations and analysis of media from across the world including TV, radio, newspapers, online, and social media, for use by the BBC, government departments and other clients including companies and NGOs.[…]

Click here to read the full article at The Guardian.

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From the Isle of Music for July 11/12 on WBCQ and Channel 292


From the Isle of Music…….
The July 12 (July 11 in the Americas on WBCQ) program includes special guest María Felicia Pérez, director of Coro Exaudi, winner of the Choral Music category in Cubadisco 2016. We’ll also play some Popular Dance Music by TImbalive, nominated in the Dance Music – New Talents category and some of Pasos by Maikel Vistel, which was nominated in the Jazz category in Cubadisco. Also, some songs from a couple of decades back by Adalberto Álvarez
Two listening options on shortwave:
WBCQ, 7490 KHz, Tuesdays 0000 UTC (8pm EDT Mondays)
Channel 292, 6070 KHz, Tuesdays 1900 UTC (2100 CEST)
See the NOTES section of the FTIOM Facebook page for more information

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Amateur Electronic Supply (AES) to close

aes-logoMany thanks to a number of SWLing Post readers who sent in this news tip via CQ Magazine:

Amateur Electronic Supply (AES) has announced that it is ceasing operations as of the end of July, 2016.

The Milwaukee-based retailer has four locations around the country, including Milwaukee; Cleveland (Wickliffe), Ohio; Las Vegas, Nevada and Orlando, Florida. It has long been the nation’s second-largest ham radio dealer, after Ham Radio Outlet. No reason was given for the decision to close the business.

Click here to read on CQ’s website.

At time of posting, there is no mention of AES going out of business on their website, but I assume their various stores may begin the process of liquidating inventory soon..

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Gary’s Friedrichshafen photos and videos


My good buddy, Gary Wise (W4EEY), visited the Friedrichshafen ham radio convention this year. Gary will give a slideshow presentation to our local ham radio club meeting, but most likely, I’ll miss the presentation due to travel.

Gary has kindly offered to share a number of his photos and videos here on the SWLing Post. His photos begin with his arrival in Friedrichshafen. I’ve grouped his videos below the photos section.

Many thanks, Gary, for sharing these! Yet more temptation to make the pilgrimage to Friedrichshafen myself!

Ham Radio Friedrichshafen 2016

by Gary (W4EEY)

20160623_145524 20160623_145521 SAM_002520160624_080609


Gary speaking with Gwyn Slough, XYL of DXer Jay Slough, K4ZLE, at the Dayton Hamvention booth)

2016-06-24 04.49.35 20160624_085447 2016-06-24 05.39.12 2016-06-24 05.38.04 20160624_092448 20160624_091946 20160624_091228 20160624_090725 SAM_0032 SAM_0029 SAM_0027 SAM_0026 20160624_113927 SAM_0040 SAM_0037 DSC_0069

DSC_0065 DSC_0064 DSC_0062


Click on each Vimeo link, or simply view each video with the embedded Vimeo player:

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Greg Shoom, VE3LXL (SK)

Greg Shoom (VE2)

Greg Shoom (VE3LXL)

I’ve just learned that Greg Shoom, a good friend in the SWLing Post community and a contributor to the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive, has passed away.

Greg was most recently in the process of digitizing a number of off-air tape recordings he had made in the 70s and 80s and started adding them to the archive. Indeed, he sent me a number of utility recordings with loose notes that are yet to be added.

Greg was an avid SWL, ham radio operator and a great guy–we enjoyed many conversations about shortwave radio over the years.

Rest in peace, my friend.

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Dave’s review of the Icom IC-7300


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dave Zantow (N9EWO), who shares a link to his excellent review of the Icom IC-7300:

Click here to read Dave’s review.

I can tell Dave has put a lot of time and thought in this evaluation of the IC-7300–it’s a worthy read, especially if you’re considering an IC-7300 yourself.

Overall, Dave’s impressions of the ‘7300 are similar to mine (click here to read my ‘7300 review). The IC-7300 is a great rig and (though there are a few minor tweaks needed) the general coverage receiver is sensitive and selective enough to satisfy even the seasoned SWL DXer. Dave even pits the ‘7300 against the WJ-8711A commercial receiver.

Note Mike commented in a previous post that the IC-7300 had difficulty coping with the RF-dense environment of Field Day, but in truth, that is one of the most difficult environments for any ham radio transceiver.

If you own an IC-7300 and have any comments or impressions, please share them with us!

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