Yearly Archives: 2017

Powering the Sony ICF-SW7600GR with USB rechargeable packs?

Many thanks to an SWLing Post reader who recently asked the following question:

Hi Thomas:

I rely on my SONY Shortwave in case of emergency, but it’s occurred to me that relying on the alkaline batteries inside to be fully charged and not corrode wouldn’t make sense.

I am thinking it would be great to be able to power the radio’s 6V 700ma off of the multiple USB rechargeable power sticks I have around the house.

What I need is a cable from the USB stick to the radio.

As a hobbyist project, any ideas for an existing cable or how to make such a cable with the appropriate power circuit?

Many thanks.

I know a power cord can be created as long as polarity and the coaxial plug match what the Sony requires. I’ve never used the Sony on a 5 VDC source–I assume it’s within tolerance and RX sensitivity wouldn’t be affected?

Post readers: If you’ve ever created or purchased a USB power cable for the Sony ICF-SW7600GR, please comment!

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ABC Amendment Billl Submissions & State Emergency Service

Front gate of the Shepparton Transmission site.

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Nigel Holmes, for sharing a link to the public submissions for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Amendment (Restoring Shortwave Radio) Bill 2017.

Click here to read submissions.

On a separate note, Nigel also sent info about the SES (State Emergency Service) in Australia. I didn’t know about this service. Nigel notes:

SES is State Emergency Service, we provide volunteer responses to storm, flood, land search, vehicle accident response (in rural areas).

All AUS emergency response services use HF–ditto sailors, private pilots, bushwalkers (hikers).

Individuals can get an Outpost license (400 W PEP) or Land/Marine Mobile license (125 W PEP) for $20 a year to use HF across the country for private or commercial communications. Cheaper than an amateur license ($60 /yr)!

Click here for more info about the SES.

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Third day added to 2018 Winter SWL Fest–!

Art the Winter SWL Fest, my good friends (from left to right): Sheldon Harvey (of The International Radio Report), Tina Shields and Dan Srebnick

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Richard Cuff, who shares the following news:

The feedback from the 30th SWL Fest in March was consistently positive: People enjoyed having the extra day for forums and fun.

We’ve decided to keep the 3rd day for 2018 — so begin making your plans now. The 31st (!) Annual Winter SWL Fest will be Thursday, March 1st through Saturday, March 3rd, at the Doubletree Guest Suites – Philadelphia West in Plymouth Meeting, PA.

We’ll start forums in the early afternoon on Thursday. Details to follow in the months ahead! Registration will begin in the autumn, though we will probably set up hotel registration before then.

Updates will posted at the Fest website,

Thanks to all for supporting us in 2017 and all the prior years!

Richard Cuff and John Figliozzi, co-chairs

I think this is absolutely brilliant news!Thanks for sharing, Rich, and I’ll see you at the ’18 Winter SWL Fest!

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Destination: 2017 Hamvention and the FDIM (Four Days In May) conference

I’ll soon see a lot of this on my way to FDIM and the 2017 Hamvention.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ll be attending and hosting a booth for ETOW at the 2017 Hamvention this week.

Indeed, I’m spending today (Sunday) gathering all of my booth supplies, then organizing and packing them. I’ll be on the road for the better part of a week, so keep this in mind if you try to contact me.

Dayton Xenia Hamvention!

This photo was taken in the Hara Arena–this year, the Hamvention has new digs.

This will be the first year the Hamvention will be held at the Greene County Fairgrounds & Expo Center in Xenia, Ohio (just outside of Dayton).

According to the ARRL, the Dayton Amateur Radio Association (DARA) is expecting up to 35,000 visitors this year. That number is a little hard to believe as it would be a pretty dramatic increase in attendance over previous years. Still, I can attest that obtaining accommodation in the vicinity was quite difficult this year (similar to a few years ago when the Science Olympiad was hosted on Hamvention weekend).

The outdoor exhibits (flea market) portion of the Hamvention is very popular and will be on-site at the new venue.

I imagine a lot of folks will make the pilgrimage, if for no other reason than to check out the new venue. And, quite frankly, many had stopped attending Hamvention in years past as they were put off by the conditions at the former venue, the deteriorating Hara Arena.

Expect photos!

We have a  number of volunteers at our booth this year (table number 6508), so I’ll hopefully have plenty of time to browse both the inside exhibits and the flea market area during slow periods.

As in years past, I’ll plan to take lots of photos, too! I’ll do my best to try to capture the layout and feel of the new venue.

Universal Radio’s booth at the 2016 Hamvention.

On that note–though I can’t promise I can follow through–are there any vendors or products in particular that you’d like me to include in the photos? If so, please comment!

So far on my bucket list:

  • visit Icom booth and check out their new receivers (the IC-R8600 and IC-R30)
  • visit Universal Radio’s booth and see if CommRadio has an update on the CTX-10
  • check out the new Kenwood HT–the TH-D74A–which includes a full-function wideband receiver
  • see if Palstar is any closer to releasing the TR-30A–a transceiver they announced at the 2013 Hamvention
  • check out Elad’s booth and ask about the new FDM-S3 SDR
  • look for any other SDR/QRP and transceiver innovators

I’ll plan to post photos during the Hamvention, of course, but I doubt I’ll be able to include much commentary as I typically have very little free time.

I spotted this Hallicrafters Super Skyrider in the 2013 Hamvention flea market. She would look quite good in my radio room!

I’ll do my best to avoid bringing home any new-to-me vintage gear. Seriously. Wish me luck!

Again, if you’re also attending the Hamvention, why not stop by booth 6508 and introduce yourself!?!

I’ll also attend the Four Days In May QRP conference Thursday and Friday evenings–I should be wearing a name tag, so please introduce yourself if you bump into me there.

If you’d like to keep up with Hamvention posts, simply follow/bookmark the tag: 2017 Hamvention.

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What are your favorite radio apps?

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve been browsing the Google Play store this morning in search of an Android app that would help one of our readers decode HF digital modes.

I suggested Tivar, which is essentially FLdigi for Android devices. The app was originally created by Dave (W1HKJ) and published on Google Play by Stephen Cooper. According to the description, the app does not have a dedicated developer, but based on reviews, it seems to work for many.

I assume this is the best (or only?) app for decoding broadcasts like the VOA Radiogram, DigiDX, etc?

Searching Google Play–and noticing a number of new apps–made me realize that it’s been a while since I’ve done a proper updated of my list of Android, iOS and Windows apps for radio enthusiasts.

What’s in your phone or tablet?

Post readers: I could use your help…

If you have a moment, please browse my list of apps and comment (on this post) with suggestions of any that you love, but I haven’t recommended.

I’ll check out each app and update the list accordingly over the next few weeks.

It would be very helpful if you note what you like about the app and if it’s available on multiple platforms (iOS, Android and/or Windows). I imagine there are many I’ve yet to check out!

Thank you in advance!

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Interval Signal Ringtones for Android

This morning, while browsing for an Android app, I noticed that SWLing Post contributor, Stephen Cooper, has published a simple app for adding interval signal ringtones to your Android device.

Interval Signal Ringtones appears to have a very simple interface and over 40 interval signals included. The price is very modest at $1.98.

Click here to view in the Google Play store.

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Sale of Radio Australia site pushed before senate report

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Nigel Holmes, who writes:

ABC anxious to annihilate HF as soon as possible. (ABC is Broadcast Australia’s largest customer by far, BAs income from Auntie is the ABCs largest sink of funds after salaries – several hundred million bucks per year)

Radio Australia for sale

For sale, one large semi-rural 229ha block. Key features include large-scale grazing potential, two irrigation channels and a shortwave antenna that can broadcast to all over the globe.

The former shortwave broadcasting station that for decades sent the Radio Australia broadcast around the world was quietly put on the market a couple of weeks ago.

[…]The sale could throw into jeopardy any move to restart shortwave broadcasting, as it is one of the largest facilities of its kind in the country.

South Australian NXT senator Nick Xenophon visited the site earlier in the year, and later introduced a bill to the senate to restart shortwave broadcasting.

The bill was sent to a senate inquiry and was due to report by August.

Former radio engineer at the site Gary Baker has been campaigning for the resumption of shortwave, and was not happy the site was on the market.

‘‘If the ABC has to start broadcasting internationally again this could cost taxpayers millions of dollars, which would be stupid,’’ Mr Baker said.

A sign in front of the property indicates that the closing date for expressions of interest in the property is in June.

Click here to read the full article at The Shepparton Times.

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