Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who shares the following guest post:
Tecsun PL-330: The Powerful Mini With One Serious Design Issue
by Dan Robinson
As SWLing Post readers know, I have a huge radio collection – including premium receivers and portables, now nearly 100 in all.
So, these days I am hesitant to add too many, but I continue to take interest in what companies such as Tecsun and Sangean are doing in the way of stuffing the latest chip technology and capabilities into portables radios.
The last receivers I reviewed included the Tecsun PL-990x, which has developed quite an enthusiastic following since its consumer version was released in 2020, and the Tecsun S-8800.
Out for some time now is the Tecsun PL-330. By now there are many reviews of it on You Tube and elsewhere.
It’s become a familiar observation for many of us – if this were still the 1960’s and 1970’s – even into the 1980’s, which could be considered the golden days of shortwave and we had receiver technology like this, well what a joy that would have been.
When I traveled around the world both before and after college, and professionally for Voice of America in the 1980s and 1990s, wow what a good time I could have had with today’s portables!
Some world band portables radios back then were superb performers. The Grundig Satellit series 500/700/600/650 come to mind – but these were not exactly what I would call small portables.
Paging through Passport to Worldband Radio from 1990 (wow, that’s 30 years ago!) you see others such as the SONY SW-1, Panasonic RF-B65, and of course, the SONY ICF-2001D/2010 which introduced killer synchronous tuning technology in the 1980s and remains popular today decades after it first appeared.
Also available were the SONY ICF-SW55 and later in competition with the 2010, the SONY ICF-SW77. Today, I have four SW-55s and two SW-77s and still use them regularly.
Tabletop receivers back in the good ol’ days offered multiple selectivity positions. One of those was the Lowe HF-225 (and later Europa version) along with the HF-250, Kenwood R-5000 and R-2000, ICOM IC-R71A, and Yaesu FRG-8800 among many others.
But as far as smaller portables go, features such as synchronous detection and multiple selectivity were still pretty limited, and a number of receivers didn’t offer selectable synchronous as was eventually offered on the Drake R8B and later production of the SW-8.
The RF-B65 by Panasonic – which today remains sought after for its amazing sensitivity – was hobbled by having a single selectivity position. Same with SONY’s SW-1 and SW-100, and 7600GR, though SONY’s PRO-80 had two bandwidths.
Indeed, it wasn’t until Eton brought out the E-1, with its three bandwidths combined with Passband Tuning (though no notch filter) that a portable finally reflected capabilities of some of the better tabletop radios (though lacking a notch filter).
The Grundig Satellit 800 was close in competition with the E-1 (though the earlier Sat 600/650 series also had multiple bandwidths) but was bulky.
Fast forward to 2021 – credit due to Tecsun and more recently to Sangean with its 909X2, for some years now we have enjoyed Asia-originated portables with multiple selectivity and synchronous mode, though sync implementation on some has left much to be desired.
Which is where the PL-330 comes in. When I look at the 330, I am reminded of one of the now ancient SONY portables, the ICF-4920 which was a super small slide-rule receiver that nevertheless was quite sensitive.
Like the 4920, which you could easily slip in a pocket, the PL-330 is a perfect travel portable. Only the Belka-DX SDR and still wonderful SONY SW-100 compete in terms of performance and size.
The 330 is basically a PL-990x in miniature: smaller speaker obviously, shorter antenna, no bluetooth capability or card slot. But as many people who frequent the Facebook groups have observed, pretty much anything the 990x can do, so can the 330.
This radio has ETM/ATS tuning, synchronous detection, multiple bandwidths in AM, SSB and MW, FM mono-stereo speaker control, alarm/timer functions, external antenna jack, display light, and other features.
Tecsun decided to go with a BL-5C battery here – the same with the new PL-368. I think this is unfortunate, since it requires one to obtain a number of those flat batteries if you want to travel and not have to re-charge. On the other hand, this is not a crippling design decision.
What is an unfortunate design problem, in my view, involves the simple question of tuning the receiver.
The main and fine tuning knobs on the right side of the PL-330 are embedded into the cabinet just far enough as to make easy rapid finger tuning of the radio nearly impossible.
In fact, in my testing it’s impossible to thumb tune the radio more than 10 kHz at a time. The same applies to using the lower knob which controls volume. When in FM mode, this issue make tuning just as frustrating almost forcing one to use rapid scan mode.
Another puzzler: Tecsun limited bandwidths in AM SW to three, while in SSB you have 5 bandwidth options. In AM mode, you have a 9 kHz bandwidth, another puzzling choice. Longwave too is limited to 3 bandwidths.
But overall, none of these problems really knock the PL-330 down very far. This is one mini powerhouse of a radio, one that makes you think “wow, if I had just had this back in 1967 or 1973 or 1982.
Some additional thoughts. My particular PL-330 was supplied by Anon-co but is a pre-production version and so does not have the latest firmware. Thankfully, I have not experienced the issue of SSB tuning running in reverse as others have.
NOTE: As most users know by now, but some newer users may not, you cannot charge one of these radios – whether Tecsun or Sangean – using the mini-USB port and use them at the same time. . . there is just too much noise introduced from the charging process.
This little mentioned feature: just as the Tecsun 909x has a re-calibration function, so does the PL-330. Tecsun itself initially declined to acknowledge this, but finally confirmed through Anon-co.
The procedure: Switch to LSB/USB. If the station is not zero beat, hit STEP button once and then quickly again to move the flashing display down arrow so it’s above the far right digit. Then fine tune the station for zero beat. Hold LSB or USB in for a couple of seconds. The LCD blinks. You then have zero beat – but be sure to repeat the process for LSB and USB.
I should mention that just like on the 990x, the re-calibration process doesn’t mean the receiver is then zeroed up and down the shortwave bands. You will likely have to repeat the process from, say 25 meters, to 19 meters, to 49 meters, etc.
I have come to enjoy using the PL-330 here in my house, though like other portables in my collection I need to position it in one particular corner of my home away from incoming cable TV lines.
The PL-330 and the Belka DX are currently king of the pile when it comes to my smaller travel portables.
I fully expect there will be no further receiver development by Tecsun after the PL-330/990x/H-510 radios – but that company will certainly have left us with some great receivers as the days of shortwave approach an end.
Will the JAMECO RELIAPRO DDU050100M2270 AC/DC Power Supply Wall Adapter/Transformer Single-Out 5V 1A 5W would work for the Tecsun Pl-330?
The Jameco Part no.: 2289151. A 5V 1.2A linear regulated power supply is discontinued and I’m searching for an option to power this radio other than battery.
I have found the PL330 to be a nice little receiver, with one major issue, just as with the H501X, and the S8800, the SSB quickly degrades, and I mean quickly from frequency to frequency, and as such it really cannot be calibrated at all after the fashion of the superb PL880 & PL990 receivers!
I calibrated my original PL880 in 2019 and it remains near perfectly calibrated across the entire MW & HF bands to this very day, mostly ditto for the PL990! Such stable SSB demodulation in true portable sets remains, at least my mind, extraordinary and game changing, alas such clearly does not translate to the other three receivers.
I am perfectly able to run the little PL880 alongside one ofmy R75’s and it easily can match its stability across the entire AM spectrum, and nearly so with the PL990….
Hello, I have a question, maybe you can help me. I have a Tecsun pl-330, firmware version 3303. Since today I cannot change the bandwidth filter
on MW, has only the 1.0 khz filter, instead of 2,5,-3,5-9,0. Maybe i have push
something I don’t know and the other filter choices
have been disappear. Is there hopefully any way to fix that?
Eu tive o mesmo problema e resolvi desta forma: Retirei a bateria recarregável do rádio, aguardei uns 15 minutos sem a bateria, pressionei a tecla power a mantendo pressionada por alguns segundos até o display do rádio apagar não indicando mais o horário do relógio, ou seja fiz uma inicialização (Reset) do rádio. Após este procedimento recoloquei a bateria recarregável no rádio e as larguras de banda em AM e SW, passaram a funcionar normalmente não ficando mais travadas em 1.0. Como o sistema do rádio é executado por software, este reset resolveu este problema do meu rádio. Espero que resolva o do seu também.
Can it be repaired so its reception is as good as before? Reception of FM become reduced on its normal antenna. It used to have some reception on Skierniewice stations in Piastow 12,13/100 and better reception of 99,1 megahertz Trojka and 104.1 Fama but now it was broken. Propagation characteristics didn’t change according to maps. I’m worried that it is too much sensitive to kiking of desk ,and too much strong put on desk.
Can the usb mini port be fed by an external battery pack? That way there’s no AC hum being introduced.
Yes, of course. Just make it 5V. I built linear power supply for this. It works fine. There is no hum.
First, in the interest of full disclosure, I’m a newbie (feel free to groan, trust me I get it). I’ve thought about pursuing shortwave listening for awhile and now that I’m retired (bet you’ve never heard that one) I decided it was time. First thing I did was read online for about three weeks, the end result being that 1) I have information overload and 2) just enough knowledge to be dangerous. Also the clock on my desktop is now set to UTC, which I’m thinking is some kind of symptom.
Long story short, I settled on the PL-330 as it seemed, per reviews, to be a decent performing, reasonably priced introduction to the hobby. Got it from anon-co with 3306 firmware. It arrives – I open the box, install the battery, fire it up and with the help of proudly tune in to Radio Havana on 6000. I understand any competent 6 year old can do that but still, it was a moment.
So far I’m happy with it, which likely means I don’t know enough to be unhappy. However I’m starting to find, and I don’t want to shock anyone here, that a whip just may not be the ultimate in antenna technology.
Back to reading and asking questions on other forums, with the end result being more information overload and understanding only marginally more than I did before (it’s tough having a mediocre mind). It seems that no matter what I read, the next article/post casts doubt upon what I just read. Vicious circle is an understatement.
Honestly, I need help with an external antenna. Outside is not a good option, plus where I am there are enough thunderstorms from late spring to early autumn to give one pause. I have an attic with a decent amount of room and the usual amount of household wiring (ridge as well as floor), plus two TV antennas (cut the cord years ago). The available attic space is about 40′ long with the ridge being about 7′ high but going out to the eaves with a wire isn’t very practical. I could make a loop, about 25′ to 30′ long on two sides, with the sides separated by 10′ or so, mid-way between floor and ceiling without too much trouble, if that’s an option. Alternatively, Thomas was kind enough to suggest a wire of no more that 25′ – 30′ because he was uncertain about the electrostatic discharge protection in the 330. He also suggested a tuner, which I’ll certainly get.
Based on recommendations I’ve considered everything from a simple wire, to a powered loop (ala an MLA30), to a loop on the ceiling of my home office/radio room to wearing a tin-foil hat and holding the bare end of the feeder wire. I guess what I’m looking for are some options to try in a tab-A into slot-B, use this part number, connect it this way format – think ‘Shortwave Antennas for Dummies’. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve greatly enjoyed learning about the technical end of things my entire life in many different areas, but if I can get some more concrete, specific recommendations to just get going at bit then I’m very happy to study, learn and progress from there. Life has taught me to be patient and not to get discouraged but to research, find a different way to approach something and ultimately you’ll achieve your goal. Not to be a walking, talking cliche but it’s about the journey as much as the destination.
I would greatly appreciate any replies and will be happy to provide additional info as needed. From what I’ve seen so far this site and those that contribute to it are pretty much the gold standard and that’s sincere – I’m not the type to blow smoke.
Thank you!
Earl Parker II
I ran a wire from my desk to, then through a window. Then under my eaves, 40 ft.Not noticeable, and Really improves reception, to get the wire outside.
Thanks for your reply… I wound up getting an antenna from Larry Plummer, put it atop an 8 ft mast and it works extremely well. Also got an H501X and am very happy with that, too. Wish I’d discovered SW listening a long time ago.
Keep it simple – receiving antennas are not anywhere near as critical as transmitting antennas
Simplest – cheap wire antenna (25-40 feet) ran out under your window sill – tied to line/paracord run thru pulley attached to tree limb – keep it above 6-8 feet to avoid clothes lining/harm. Attach by means of alligator clip to your portable telescoping whip (collapsed)
If you can’t get 25-40 feet to go in a straight line … it’s ok to take corners and bend the antenna
No tree? Attach 8ft 1×2 piece of lumber to fence in back yard – no fence? drive a single fence pole (the kind from tractor supply stores for electric fences) in the ground and tie the lumber to it.
Just make sure to disconnect the wire whenever you are NOT using the radio to prevent damage from nearby lightning strikes or static build up (e.g. snow)
An alternative is to drive a ground stake outside the same window – and instead of directly connecting the antenna to your whip – connect it to a wire going to ground stake … and use 3-10 wraps of the (insulated 20-22 gauge) wire around your whip … it inductively improves your reception and any static goes right to ground (BUT still … good idea to disconnect to prevent lightning damage)
Thank you sir for the advice, I’ll definitely refer to it if I ever need a wire antenna.
Will PL-330 still operate if I remove the battery? can the radio works when it connected to MicroUSB ? plan to use it on my desk for long hours.
Does anyone know if the DSP chip in the radio will allow this rx to rX NBFM. ?? What may be possible is a 66 mhz canned osc SA 612 etc to bring the VHF marine band down into an area of the FM B that the radio can tune. my PLL DEGEN 1103 definitely can RX NBFM but that does not use DSP – so I can’t reason from that to the Tecsun PL 330 .
NB any INFORMED comment on this much appreciated.
I gather that the 10 khz tuning step is still avail in FM mode – this would be critical for the VHF Marine band. That is why the Degen cannot be used – the tuning increment is too much and there is no way to change that part of the DEGEN.
Being able to add some hardware to make the VHF Marine bands and Marine weather avail would be a big plus for me. This is well within the freq range of the SA 612.
Would be nice to get a more detailed review of this radio. Where you’d have specific sections regarding MW, SSB, SW broadcast performance and such. Plus a Pro/Con section too, like what was done for the DIGITECH AR-1780, for example.
The only radio I ever had that did syncronous detection almost perfectly was my old Drake SW-8 tabletop. I still use it for MW but it’s almost useless for SW reception for some reason. i have one of these coming from Anon right now, can’t wait to try it. I wonder if there will be any more firmware updates and if they will add a 6khz bandwidth for this. No AM signal is 9khz wide so that choice is just stupid.
The once state of the art portable Sony ICF-2010 came stock with a 9KHz AM bandwidth filter choice, as well as a narrower 4KHz choice. The 9KHz filter could be good for full fidelity on medium-wave AM stations that were in the clear, but often included a heterodyne (whistle) in the passband if adjacent to another active frequency.
That said, I changed the 9KHz filter to a Kiwa 6KHz one, which on the whole, was a better, wide bandwidth filter choice.
The TECSUN PL-330 radio that I acquired at the Radiwow distributor is a radius that fills expectations given the price it has, in particular I can describe it as excellent working on FM, it is very sensitive, it is easy to listen to local stations of 5 kW Until those of nearby towns that do not pass from the 0.10 kW of power; In AM has a sensitivity, considering that I live in a mountainous region, I can tune in during the day some issuers of a city that is 80 km away, emitters ranging from 5 to 15 kW of power, if it lived in Flat terrain maybe more stations would be heard in this band and even located at greater distance. The shortwave listening on this radio is very good, although there are no longer many stations in this band, I can still tune stations such as Radio Habana Cuba, the National Radio of Amazonia, from Brasilia, US issukers such as Radio Miami International, or Radio Martí (it is unfortunate the quality of the programming of this station, should already change, and if they no longer achieved with the objective for which they created it, they should provide them with Cuban listeners, if there is, a programming with quality, Because the one they have currently is very bad). Radio Havana Cuba at 15230 kHz when conditions are favorable seems a local station. On the short wave I call me a lot of attention that is capable of tuning some stations that could not tune with an old radio that I had, a Sony ICF-SW35. I can not compare it with that radius because I do not have it anymore, but I can say that for a normal and momentary listening as it is the listening of the radio currently, the TECSUN PL-330 has nothing to envy you despite the fact that the SW-35 was A double conversion radius. Tecsun’s friends should think about the future in the development of this radio, due to the advantages offered by this compact size, the battery system that it uses although it is not inconvenient should be evaluated in future models with a battery of longer duration, and because not Going incorporating the DRM short wave digital radio into this compact model. In summary, the radio meets the expectations given the low price and is recommended.
Thanks for the review.
Very good radio !
I have been using one for months and I love it.
However it has 2 flaws : low sensitivity is very bad and battery life is poor (compared to pl380 for example).
So I have removed original ferrite antenna and have replaced windings with a new litz wire with a lot more turns. LW is much more usable now.
For the battery, I have replaced the black with a 2500 li-ion battery. For that, i needed to remove original bl5c connector and remove all plastic under the battery.
I now have an almost perfect pocket radio !
Can you post a pic of this mod or how may more turns you added to the ferrite antenna ?
I have a battery model with an AC option. After six months since I purchased it I discovered that the battery connections had so badly rusted that the battery function is useless. Tecsun used ordinary steel instead of stainless steel. I could make an external battery pack, but I would have to buy the specific AC connector and wire it to the battery pack in order to have portable battery operation. I think prospective customers should be aware of this serious fault, which could exist in all Tecsun radio products.
Great review Dan thanks. After mine arrived a week ago I have some suggestions.
I hate the soft mute which is terrible on weak or fading signals but I found two ways to greatly reduce it. 1. Tune off frequency 1KHz or if you have to 2 KHz and if no sideband interference try each side of the frequency and this generally works great by increasing the volume. 2. Use SYNC and try each sideband but the experience is quite variable due to inadequate lock on difficult signals (see below).
I was skeptical of the BL-5C battery life so found and bought a 2450mAH version and a charger. I found the one supplied with the radio (Tecsun, 1000mAH) still provides many hours of listening at volume 06 or so. If I really want to power it from AA batteries I have an external box taking 4 batteries that has the required USB lead and is quiet enough.
The annoyingly low STEP button surface can be raised by a) painting it, repeatedly if desired) b) gluing a plastic shape on top of it. I do understand the reason it is recessed because it it doubles as the keyboard LOCK key but the battery is so small and thin I would rather just take it out and put it in a little plastic container for travelling.
The AM bandwidth choices are useful but basic (down to 2.5) but when put in SYNC (even on MW) the SSB bandwidths of 0.5 1.2 2.2 3 & 4 become available along with tuning to the sideband – surely enough to single out a station? I like the control up and down the bandwidth choices with the volume control where on the PL-380 one had to press the BW button repeatedly to go through the options the volume control enables retrying two or three until satisfied.
The SYNC is not optimum (most receivers since the Sony ICF-2010/2001D have not been satisfactory!) but by playing around with the frequency adjustment in .1 or .01KHz and if necessary doing the frequency alignment procedure a sync can be stabilised or be made tolerable. There seem to be some anomalies if I tune to another station while staying in SYNC mode. It seems best to exit sync, tune and then enter SYNC again.
My receiver (firmware 3305) seems to overload easily and to use an external antenna I wound a short piece of insulated stiff wire around the telescopic and connect the antenna to that. By moving the windings up to a short extended section I can reduce the overloading. At the bottom section there is plenty of signal for the weakest stations.
The knob detents do not exactly correspond to shifting frequency or volume but I got used to it. Running a finger around the exposed edge of the knob enables faster changes as required. I guess I have adapted to the way they work, forgiving them when a detent sometimes doesn’t result in a change because for sure the next detent move will.
The keys are terrific. They move frequency to the next band, to the station previously tuned in that band which can be very handy to monitor a SW station on different meter bands or just to return to a previously tuned station. At least I they work this way on mine, but I have used search function and ETM so that may be influencing these buttons now too.
At first I was dismayed by the soft mute of this radio and the poor sync lock, but with some experience I have circumvented most of the issues. Overall I rate it much higher than my PL-380 and much more fun to use. Its very sensitive on shortwave but also very good on MW in my location. My requests for improvement would be a local/DX switch, a tone control and better sync but it is very good as it is now that I am used to it.
Great review and like you, I find myself wishing we had something even close to this technology in 1970 – 1980. I was using a DX-150 and later graduated, at the behest of Ed Shaw, to an SP-600. Great radios but I also remember the frequency v/s log scale charts we all kept. Of course all of air recordings were made on open reel followed by cassette tape…
You need a GE Super Radio for your collection. They are not shortwave but on AM and FM, once I am done with one they can hear into the noise floor!
Chuck Rippel
Nice, I have a super original and I can’t see how it could be any better except the freq plate is loose….
Yesterday was picking up all clear channels from New Orleans…
Do you do recaps/ or just – personally?
respectfully, Dx Dean
Great article. May I have your permission to do a YouTube video on it? Giving you and the author full credit.
Tom Stiles (hamrad88)
Absolutely, Tom!
Dan- I like the Belka DX a bit better than the 330 as seen in your latest Youtube. Thanx for the review.
To power and charge the PL330 I purchased, Jameco Part no.: 2289151. A 5V 1.2A linear regulated power supply. It comes with a 2.5mm x 5.5mm barrel connector, which I removed in order to splice on a USB female type a sockett, salvaged from a USB extension cable. I now can plug in the correct USB cable and play/charge a Skywave, PL330, or any other radio that has a USB charge port. There is no dectable noise when the radio is playing and powered.
You would not be the Tim Eure in VA Beach that grew up with my daughter, would you?
As this radio has been circulating for a little while now, do there exist any disassembly photos which might show the length of the AM ferrite antenna?
Woops, answering my own post, it’s already been done.
Which circuit board is from an earlier review in
I think Tecsun and sangean makes nice radios and every radio has it quirks. As for ssb detection in my own opinion the Sony 7600 gr has the best ssb detection. It still has the edge on these new radios. Recently I purchased a Sony 7600 gr and have been using it to make this conclusion for ssb. To have all these new radios is a lot of fun too choose from. No matter if it’s Tecsun, Sangean,Sony they all add a listening experience to are hobby.
As a previous owner of both, the older Tecsun 660 is closer to the Sony 7600GR in terms of SSB and sync performance IMO. Perhaps the 680 as well, though I have yet to personally test it.
Note the 7600GR sync can be modified if willing to open and solder an extra resistor.
I did it back in the day, and the sync performance greatly improved, especially in regards to establishing and holding sync on weaker signals. YMMV, of course.