Category Archives: International Broadcasting

Hobart Radio International’s three part interval signals specials

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Richard Langley, who writes:

While listening to my recording of yesterday’s Unique Radio broadcast over WINB, I noticed that the Radio Hobart International segment featured the second of a three-part interval signals special. Brought back many nice memories of long-gone shortwave stations. All three segments in studio quality can be found on the Radio Hobart International website:

Thank you for the tip, Richard! Kudos to HRI for putting these specials together. I’ve also embedded the audio from each episode below (email digest subscribers will need to view this on our site, or HRI):

HRI Interval Signals Special: Part 1

HRI Interval Signals Special: Part 2

HRI Interval Signals Special: Part 3

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Why shortwave radio makes an idea “a powerful weapon”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Rich Cuff and Mike Hansgen who share the following Op Ed piece from the Sydney Morning Herald:

Warning: put down any power tools and ensure you’re not operating heavy machinery before you read the next sentence. We’ve been outflanked!

Of course, unless you’re completely benighted or under some sort of strange, personal news blackout that prevents you even glancing at the front pages of newspapers, you’ll probably have already realised that China is extending and developing its relations with our close Pacific neighbours. This was, after all, only to be expected. Beijing and Taipei have long recognised the value of these countries’ votes in the United Nations; it’s not much of a step from there to glance at the map and recognise the islands’ have other significance as well. As China began expanding its international reach it was only natural it would similarly strengthen other relationships, including defence links.

[…]Nature abhors a vacuum and so, as we’ve been demonstrating less and less interest in this region, others have occupied the space.

The clearest example of this has been the strategically idiotic, fiscally-driven and wilfully blind destruction of Canberra’s lone voice in the region, the (once vital) ABC shortwave service, Radio Australia.

Sure, the internet’s better than a crackly radio signal. But simply to access the net requires computers and bandwidth, neither of which are readily available to the audiences in the South Pacific. And even if someone can manage to obtain a connection, the next problem is finding services, particularly news and information ones, that are relevant to your situation.

Someone in Apia (Samoa) is unlikely to be transfixed by events in Adelaide (South Australia) unless, of course, it’s their Seven’s team playing at the oval. Similarly a person in Buka (Bougainville) is likely to be bored by reports from Belgrade or Bulgaria, although not information about BHP Billiton. RA provided an independent, reliable news service specifically dedicated to the needs of its audience. Critically, it offered a vital, secure and trusted way of connecting islanders to their capitals and, through that, to the world.

The big advantage of shortwave services was that they could be heard; were relevant; and formed a starting point for a community. But as far as the ABC was concerned the broadcasts were nothing more than a big bag of money to raid in order to boost its domestic budget.[…]

Read this full article at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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Channel292 broadcast tests this weekend on 7440 kHz

(Source: Southgate ARC via Eric McFadden)

Channel292 tests

The Amateur owned and run AM Short-wave broadcast station CHANNEL292 will be starting testing on their new 41 metre broadcast band frequency of 7440 kHz from this weekend onwards.

Rainer Ebeling DB8QC who owns and operates the station from near Ingolstadt in the state of Bavaria in southern Germany would appreciate all signal reports which can be sent simply via the form on the website at
or in Google translated English.

Don’t forget the existing frequency of 6070 kHz in the 49m broadcast band will still carry Channel292’s existing programs. The planned programs for both frequencies are available on the website.

73  Ed  DD5LP

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Radio Exterior de España: Shortwave expansion to include English language service

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Tracy Wood (K7UO), who

I just listened to REE’s 30-minute English broadcast for this Friday with Alison Hughes and Justin Coe…! (REE is relayed on Hispasat so audio quality is superb.)

Big news! Engliish is coming back to shortwave starting 29 October along with the other foreign languages..

The podcast of Friday’s show with the formal announcement (and frequencies) has yet to be posted but it will be here:

Tonight’s show was very celebratory with lots of old shortwave audio clips, well worth a listen in its own right.

Many thanks for the tip, Tracy!  These are exciting times for REE shortwave listeners. Click here to read our previous post about the REE shortwave expansion.

Listen to this show via the embedded player below:

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Vatican Radio notes shortwave frequency changes

Vintage Vatican Radio QSL

(Source: Vatican Radio via Mike Hansgen)

Shortwave Frequency Changes for the English Africa Service starting on 28 October 2018 to March/April 2019

Daylight saving time in Rome
We wish to inform listeners that with the end of Daylight Saving Time in Rome on Sunday 28th October, there will be changes in the time and broadcast frequencies of the English Africa Service.

The programme will be going on air one hour earlier at 16.30 UTC (GMT) on the following shortwave frequencies: 11625 kHz (25mb) and 13830 kHz (21mb)

It will be repeated at 20.00 hours UTC on 6010 kHz (49mb) and the 7365 kHz (40 mb).

Listeners in Rome
For listeners in Rome and the Vatican who have a digital radio receiver, the ‘English Africa Programme’ can be heard on Vatican News’ World Channel on digital radio DAB+ at 17.30 Rome time and the repeat broadcast at 21.00 hours Rome time.

Listen to and download our daily Podcast from anywhere in the world
To listen to the Podcast of our programme throughout the day, just log on to our, click on English and then from right hand side of the page; click on “listen to our podcasts” and choose ‘English for Africa’.

Catholic Radio Stations in Africa retransmit our daily programme
On the continent, the main outlet for our daily English Africa programmes will continue to be through the re-transmission of our daily broadcasts by several Catholic radio stations.

Most of these radio stations are owned by various African Catholic dioceses, parishes, religious congregations and some by the Radio Maria network.

We thank you all for this important collaboration.

For further information kindly contact the English Africa Service through email: [email protected] or by phone: (+39) 06 69883892.

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Radio Exterior de España expands shortwave broadcasts

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ed (K4CWM), who notes that Radio Exterior de España have announced they’re expanding their shortwave broadcast schedule. Ed has kindly translated the press release into English (click here to read the original in Spanish):

Radio Exterior de España to increase its short wave broadcast schedule

Radio Exterior de España, the international channel of RNE will broadcast eight hours a day from Monday to Sunday on short wave starting on October 28th . It is an increase of four hours in the transmission that was previously made from Monday to Friday.

With this increase, Radio Exterior of Spain sets a new stage that reinforces its programming with new features of its own production. This will augment public service and promote and disseminate Spanish culture and language. In short, it strives to place Spain on the global horizon of the time in which we live.

En clave turismo“, “A golpe de bit“, “Without a doubt“, “Said with music” and “Tiempo flamenco” are incorporated into a consolidated program along with features such as “Españoles en la mar“, “Marca España” , “Punto de enlace“, “Mundo solidario“, “Artesfera“, “Open Europe“, “America today“, “Africa today” and “Asia today“. Programs to which is added the emblematic “A language without borders”, in-keeping with its mission to take Spanish culture to all corners of the world.

From a technical point of view, Radio Exterior de España will broadcast its programming from Monday to Friday, for West Africa and the South Atlantic, the Middle East, the Indian Ocean and Gran Sol, from 16:00 to 24:00 UTC.

The emission frequencies:

  • West Africa and South Atlantic, 11,685 KHz, 25 meter band.
  • Middle East, Indian Ocean and Gran Sol, 12,030 KHz, 25 meter band .

For North and South America, Radio Exterior de España will broadcast short-wave, from Monday to Friday, from 19:00 to 03:00 UTC.

The emission frequencies:

  • South America, 11,940 KHz, 25 meter band.
  • North America and Greenland, 9,690 KHz, 31 meter band .

On Saturdays and Sundays, the RNE International Channel will transmit its signal from 15:00 to 23:00 UTC. The emission frequencies and the coverage areas are the following:

  • West Africa and South Atlantic, 11,685 KHz, 25 meter band .
  • South America, 11,940 KHz, 25 meter band .
  • North America and Greenland, 9,690 KHz, 31-meter band.
  • Middle East, Indian Ocean and Gran Sol, 12,030 KHz, 25 meter band.

In addition to eight hours per day of shortwave transmission, Radio Exterior de España broadcasts its 24 hour uninterrupted programming through the Internet, DTT, mobile applications and satellite:

  • Ses Astras 1M: frequency 11.626.5 MHz. Vertical polarization.
  • Hispasat 1E: frequency 12,052 MHz. Vertical polarization.
  • Asiasat 5: frequency 3,700 MHz. Vertical polarization.
  • Eutelsat 5 West A: frequency 3,727 MHz. Right circular polarization.
  • Intelsat Galaxy-23: frequency 4,191.35 MHz. Vertical polarization.

The changes in programming and frequencies are effective from October 28, 2018 to March 31, 2019.

Many thanks for the tip, Ed!

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NHK WORLD-JAPAN changes reception report contact address

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Lilian Putina, who shares the following message from NHK World-Japan:

Dear Listeners of NHK WORLD-JAPAN Radio services,

Thank you very much for listening to NHK WORLD-JAPAN Radio services.

We are writing to notify you that the NHK WORLD-JAPAN e-mail address ([email protected]) will be unavailable from October 20. Replies to this e-mail address will not be received/reviewed.

Hereafter, please send your reception reports/messages via “Contact us” form on each language website.

For English and Japanese services, please send via “Contact Us” form at

We appreciate your cooperation, and hope you will continue to enjoy NHK WORLD-JAPAN.


Thanks for sharing this tip, Lilian!

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