Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Program From Tilford Productions Invades the Airwaves…

Tilford Productions, which brings you From the Isle of Music, is launching a second program, Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, a half-hour musical variety program on WBCQ 7490 KHz perhaps best described as indescribable, or as host Bill Tilford states, “from the ridiculously sublime to the sublimely ridiculous with genres from A-Z”.
The inaugural broadcast is Friday, March 3,  0000-0030 World Date/UTC
(Thursday, March 2, 7:00pm-7:30pm EST in North America)

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From the Isle of Music, Week of February 27- March 4, 2017

From the Isle of Music, Week of February 27- March 4, 2017
This week, our special guest tresero Pancho Amat shares music from his extensive career, and we listen to some excellent Sones composed by Lazaro Blanco Kindelan
WBCQ, 7490 KHz, Tuesdays 0100-0200 UTC (8pm-9pm EST Mondays in the Americas)
Channel 292, 6070 KHz, Fridays 1100-1200 UTC (1200-1300 CET) and Saturdays 1200-1300 UTC (1300-1400 CET)

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Special Test Broadcast of FTIOM on Spaceline

On Sunday, February 26 at 1500-1600 UTC, Spaceline will be doing a test transmission on 9400 KHz  from Kostinbrod, Bulgaria using an episode of From the Isle of Music,   a program dedicated to the music of Cuba which is heard weekly on WBCQ and Channel 292.    This transmission will be aimed primarily at Russia and Ukraine but may be audible in other areas.    (From the Isle of Music will continue on WBCQ and Channel 292 for their target areas regardless of the results of this and a subsequent test. )
If you monitor this broadcast, reception reports can be sent to
1.  Spaceline at   [email protected]
2.  From the Isle of Music at  [email protected]

From the Isle of Music in particular would be grateful for any reception reports from the test, especially from the Balkans, Ukraine, Russia, Turkey etc,  and will respond with an eQSL.

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From the Isle of Music, Week of February 20-25, 2017

From the Isle of Music, Week of February 20-25, 2017
This week, special guest Julio Montoro shares the music of Alma Latina; some music from one of Cuba’s first JoJazz competition winners, Carlos Sarduy, and the Timba of Pedro Pablo & La Rebambaramba.
WBCQ, 7490 KHz, Tuesdays 0100-0200 UTC (8pm-9pm EST Mondays in the Americas)
Channel 292, 6070 KHz, Fridays 1100-1200 UTC (1200-1300 CET) and Saturdays 1200-1300 UTC (1300-1400 CET)

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From the Isle of Music, Wweek of February 13-18, 2017

From the Isle of Music, Week of February 13-18, 2017

This week, the conclusion of Una Mecanica Diferente and an excellent mix of multiple other genres of Cuban music.
Three options for listening on shortwave:
WBCQ, 7490 KHz, Tuesdays 0100-0200 UTC (8pm-9pm EST Mondays in the Americas)
Channel 292, 6070 KHz, Fridays 1100-1200 UTC (1200-1300 CET) and Saturdays 1200-1300 UTC (1300-1400 CET)
See the From the Isle of Music Facebook page for more information about the program. 

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ISS SSTV: Receiving images from space

(Source: Southgate ARC)

Slow-scan television (SSTV) transmissions are planned from the International Space Station (ISS) on February 13-14, 2017

The SSTV images will be transmitted as part of the MAI-75 Experiment on 145.800 MHz FM using the Kenwood TM-D710 transceiver located in the Russian ISS Service module. It is thought they may use the PD-180 SSTV format.

The MAI-75 activities have been scheduled for the Russian crew on Monday, February 13 from 09:25-18:00 GMT and Tuesday, February 14 from 11:25-16:30 GMT.

Note the ISS transmissions on 145.800 MHz FM use the 5 kHz deviation standard rather than the narrow 2.5 kHz used in Europe. If your transceiver has selectable FM filters try the wider filter.

The ISS Fan Club website will show you when the space station is in range

ISS SSTV information and links at


Listen to the ISS when it is over Russia with the R4UAB WebSDR

Listen to the ISS when in range of London with the SUWS WebSDR

If you receive a full or partial picture from the Space Station your Local Newspaper may like to know

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Troy updates the Tecsun PL-880 hidden features reference sheet

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Troy Riedel, who has recently added the hidden bandwidth adjustment feature to Cap Tux’s excellent PL-880 reference sheet.

Here are links to download the updated sheet:

I will also add this to the Complete list of Tecsun PL-880 hidden features page: a place where you can comment if you note any previously unpublished PL-880 hidden features.

Thanks again, Troy!

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