Can you identify the radios in “In Harm’s Way”–?

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who writes:

From the 1965 classic In Harm’s Way about the U.S. Navy after the Pearl Harbor attack. In this scene, Patricia Neal is listening to a Tokyo Rose broadcast, and speaking to John Wayne. Neal asks Wayne “why can’t they jam that broadcast?” Can anyone identify the beautiful rig she’s listening to?

Other noteworthy actors in this great movie: Carroll O’Connor, Burgess Meredith, Kirk Douglas, Slim Pickens, Paula Prentiss, Henry Fonda, Larry Hagman, George Kennedy, Christopher George.

Here are two other receivers shown in same movie:

If you can identify the radios above, please comment!

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Radio Waves: AM After Recess, KD9VFU Portable SDR and Ham Radio Help

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio

Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dennis Dura, for the following tips:

What Happens to AM Radio After August Recess? (NRB)

This fall could be a busy time for broadcasters on Capitol Hill.

Earlier this year, with leading automakers poised to remove AM radio capabilities from new electric vehicle lines, lawmakers in the House and Senate worked across the political aisle to introduce a pair of proposals (H.R.3413 and S.1669) that would preserve AM radio in the auto dash.

Even with Congress in recess, the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act has continued to benefit from the issue’s momentum. In recent days, the legislation has attracted several new cosponsors, most recently adding Reps. James Comer (R-Ky.), Carlos Gimenez (R-Fla.), Mike McCaul (R-Texas.) and Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-Nev.) Joni Ernst (R-Iowa.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), Chris Murphy Chris (D-Conn.), and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), for a total of 150 cosponsors in the House and 34 in the Senate.

The bill sailed through Senate markup in July. Prior to the markup, a manager’s amendment (package of amendments from the lead sponsor or committee chair) introduced a few tailored changes, such as narrowing the bill to “passenger motor vehicles” as opposed to “motor vehicles” more generally and revising the requirement that radio be “conspicuous” to merely “easily accessible.” Changes were also made to the effective date and to the fee structure, but the core elements of the bill—requiring that AM radio will remain in cars and be placed in cars that have eliminated it—was not changed.

Once the Senate is back in session, the bill must be brought up before it is considered on the floor. This can happen by unanimous consent or by voting to adopt a motion to proceed to the bill. After this step of the bill process happens, Senators can then offer amendments. Unlike in the House, amendments in most circumstances are not subject to “germaneness” rules, and can sometimes include aspects that are unrelated to the bill. Furthermore, there is no limit to debate at each step of the process (motions to proceed, amendments, the bill itself), so there is no way to cut off debate to force a vote. This makes the bill’s time and debate on the floor unpredictable, but given its bipartisan support and quick progress so far, S.1669 has a good chance of avoiding these procedural difficulties. [Continue reading…]

Bipartisan Support for AM Radio Legislation Grows (Radio World)

A whopping 184 members of Congress have cosponsored the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act

It’s a rare occasion when lawmakers on both sides of the political spectrum can agree on any given legislation, but that’s just the case for the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act. The bill, first introduced in May, continues to garner strong, bipartisan support, with one-third of all senators and members of the House of Representatives cosponsoring the legislation.

The AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act would give the government power to mandate that automakers maintain AM service in their future car models. If adopted, the act would direct the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to implement new rules requiring car manufacturers to keep the service without any additional charges.

The bill also would direct the Government Accountability Office to study whether alternative communication systems could fully replicate the reach and effectiveness of AM broadcast radio for alerting the public to emergencies.

As of Sept. 7, 150 out of the 435 total members that comprise the U.S. House of Representatives have cosponsored the measure. Of those House representatives, 72 are Democrats and 78 are Republicans.

Additionally, 34 out of 100 senators support the bill. Of those members of Congress, 16 are Democrats and 18 are Republicans. [Continue reading…]

Kaushlesh “KD9VFU” Chandel’s SDRDock Is a Pocket-Sized Software-Defined Radio Powerhouse (

Built around a Raspberry Pi and an Airspy HF+ SDR dongle, the SDRDock includes a custom ESP32-powered physical user interface.

Radio ham Kaushlesh “KD9VFU” Chandel is putting together a pocket-sized device designed to make it easier to play with software defined radio (SDR) on-the-go: the Raspberry Pi-powered SDRDock.

“Built on a Raspberry Pi platform, SDRDock aims to enhance the SDR experience by integrating all essential hardware components onto a single, streamlined PCB,” Chandel claims of his creation. “With the convenience of 3D-printable enclosures and compatibility with various SDR dongles, this device is both accessible and versatile. What sets it apart is its tactile interface, featuring user-friendly knobs and buttons that transform complex SDR tasks into an intuitive and engaging experience.”

Radio ham Kaushlesh “KD9VFU” Chandel is putting together a pocket-sized device designed to make it easier to play with software defined radio (SDR) on-the-go: the Raspberry Pi-powered SDRDock.

“Built on a Raspberry Pi platform, SDRDock aims to enhance the SDR experience by integrating all essential hardware components onto a single, streamlined PCB,” Chandel claims of his creation. “With the convenience of 3D-printable enclosures and compatibility with various SDR dongles, this device is both accessible and versatile. What sets it apart is its tactile interface, featuring user-friendly knobs and buttons that transform complex SDR tasks into an intuitive and engaging experience.”

That interface is immediately visible on the very front of the device. Where most software-defined radio work is done on a laptop or desktop with a keyboard and mouse, Chandel wanted something more streamlined — so developed what is, in effect, a custom mixing deck-style user interface based on 3D knobs and sliders. These are then mapped to actions in the SDR software running on the Raspberry Pi — meaning it’s possible to hone in on an interesting signal with no keyboard or mouse in sight. [Continue reading…]

Climate change is affecting telecommunications infrastructure. Ham radio might be able to help (CBC)

The technology is ‘an unsung hero’ for getting messages out, one operator says

As Atlantic Canada gears up for another hurricane season after a year of unprecedented disasters linked to climate change — including post-tropical storm Fiona last September — amateur radio operators say a simple technology can play a part in the response to disasters across the region.

When Fiona hit Nova Scotia, it affected electrical grids and telecommunications networks, leaving some people unable to call for help. That experience in particular prompted a renewed interest in amateur radio — also known as ham radio — which allows non-professional users to send messages without requiring the internet or cell phone networks.

“I think it’s kind of an unsung hero in communications that gets forgotten in the noise of disaster when it comes to, ‘Well, how do we get that message out?'” said John Bignell, president of the Halifax Amateur Radio Club.

Ham radio operators use a special designated set of frequencies — not the regular AM or FM radio signals — to exchange messages locally or around the world.

They say the technology can help Nova Scotians respond to the increasing risks of extreme weather, as climate change forces a reckoning with communications infrastructure across the country. [Continue reading…]

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In praise of flying and the seven inch single

On 2200 hrs UTC on Sunday 10th September 2023 on 9395 kHz  via WRMI the Imaginary Stations crew bring you WS7S, a show in praise of the humble seven inch single. Expect to hear some gems, some light scratches and a little bit of off-centre pressing madness.

And over on Shortwave Gold a couple of hours earlier at 2000 hrs UTC on 3975 & 6160 kHz there’s a guest show from WJST – Jet Set Radio.

For more information on the shows please email [email protected] and check out our old shows here.

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Texas Radio Shortwave programming will not air this weekend, all operations ceased

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Terry Colgan, who shares the following announcement and update to our previous post:


Due to unforeseen issues on our end, no TRSW shows will air this weekend, despite a previous announcement.

We ceased all operations today.

Thanks and 73.


Terry Colgan N5RTC
Texas Radio Shortwave

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Ivan compares the new RTL-SDR V4 and the Airspy Discovery HF+

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ivan (NO2CW), who writes:

I ran a test of weak signals RTL-SDR v4 against Airspy HF+ Discovery. Using sdr # and a few gain adjustments particular to each of the receivers. I ran the test at approximately 9 pm local time using the same W6LVP loop antenna from my location near Miami Florida and I was intentionally looking for barely readable weak signals. The RTL-SDR v4 is a great budget SDR receiver!

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On Hiatus: Texas Radio Shortwave

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Terry Colgan, who shares the following announcement:

UPDATE: Programming canceled. Please read this announcement. 


September 10 will be the final day of TRSW broadcasts for a while.

We realize this is abrupt and apologize to listeners for the short notice.

We may be back on the air, but there are no immediate plans to do that. We’ll inform hobby and media outlets if the situation changes.



Terry Colgan N5RTC
Texas Radio Shortwave

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Radio Waves: Fans Mourn Fading Longwave, “Prodigal” RadioShack, and Titanic’s Wireless Recovery

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio

Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Ron Chester and Dennis Dura for the following tips:

Long wave radio fans mourn fading frequencies (BBC News)

As he turned the dial gently but purposefully, the sound of people speaking in foreign languages and the lilt of unfamiliar music burst through a haze of crackle and buzz.

Clint Gouveia was only about seven years old at the time, listening to long wave radio in bed, late at night.

“I could hear all these voices from far away,” he recalls. “It inspired me to want to see the world when I got older, to travel, which eventually I did.”

Back then, in the late 1970s, there were dozens of long wave stations broadcasting. Now, only a handful are left. Among them are those in Denmark and Iceland – but they are due to shut by the end of 2023 and during 2024, respectively.

The BBC still broadcasts Radio 4 on long wave as well as on digital radio, FM, and online. However, separate scheduling of BBC radio programmes on long wave will end in March next year – for example Test Match Special will not be available on long wave. The long-term future of the BBC’s long wave output is far from certain.

The only other remaining broadcasters in the world using the long wave band are those in Romania, Poland, Algeria, Morocco and Mongolia.

“The band is basically almost dead,” says Mr Gouveia, who enjoys listening to radio stations from his home in Oxford. “It all feels a bit sad, really.” He adds that, when a long wave station shuts, he makes an effort to record its last moments. [Continue reading…]

The Return of the Prodigal Shack? (Sound and Vision)

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was consulting for a car company and I needed to A/B two tweeters. I dashed over to the nearest RadioShack and picked up a speaker-switching box. Crazy to think about it now – a brick-and-mortar store selling something like that. Of course, RadioShack is just a distant memory now. Or is it? Is RadioShack making a comeback?
Founded in 1921 to sell amateur radio gear, RadioShack grew to achieve genuine ubiquity. In its prime, there were over 5,000 stores in the U.S. and another 3,000 in other countries. The company boasted that it was the biggest seller of consumer telecommunications in the world. But times change. The internet came along, the company declined, and in 2015 it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Aside from a few stalwart independently owned stores, the brand disappeared in the U.S. The company was sold, bounced around with various owners and their revitalization plans, and generally went nowhere. Few noticed that an outfit called Unicomer Group, based in El Salvador, had bought the brand’s exclusive use in Central and South America, and the Caribbean. Price? $5 million.

Unicomer had been a franchisee of RadioShack since 1998 and by 2015 it had expanded to 57 physical stores in four countries. After its purchase from the bankruptcy court, things got even better. They added company-owned stores and picked up existing franchises in other countries. In fact, under its new management, RadioShack is doing pretty well.

Now here’s the really interesting part: In May of this year, Unicomer acquired the RadioShack brand in about 70 more countries – including the U.S., Canada, Europe and China. With a 25-year proven track record of successful retail management, could Unicomer bring RadioShack back to its brick-and-mortar global glory? [Continue reading…]

Future Salvaging Missions to the Titanic Are at Risk After the U.S. Government Blocked the Recovery of a Historic Artifact From the Wreck (Art Net)

The federal government has filed a motion to block a proposed mission to salvage the ship’s wireless telegraph.

The wreck of the Titanic has been a source of ongoing fascination since it was first discovered in 1985. As it continues to decompose, there has been a race against time to capture and preserve the ship and its contents, whether through high-tech scans or by salvaging artifacts.

Many fascinating items have been successfully recovered, including one passenger’s alligator purse, jewelry, vials of perfume, a bowler hat, sheet music, and a logometer. Their retrieval has been controversial because the wreck is not only a site of historical significance but also the resting place of over 1,500 passengers that sunk with the ship on April 15, 1912.

Now, the U.S. government is aiming to block a proposed mission to rescue the Marconi wireless telegraph. This important machine was used to transmit a distress call when the ship was sinking and helped save the 700 people who made it onto lifeboats. It has been located on the wreck and will eventually disintegrate if not salvaged, but its removal risks damaging the boat’s hull.

The recovery would be carried out by RMS. Titanic, Inc., a company based in Atlanta, Georgia that was handed exclusive salvaging rights to the wreck by a federal court in Norfolk, Virginia in 1994. Prior to this, U.S. Congress had discouraged disturbing or salvaging the wreck, but no formal, legally-enforced agreement had materialized. [Continue reading…]

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