Tag Archives: Channel 292

This weekend: Brane Five broadcast on Channel 292 and WRMI

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Linus Ruckstuhl (HB3XSQ), who writes:

I am a longtime reader of your blog. My brothers band (branefive.com just released their first rock song “Free the Animal in You” today on September 25th 2020. I got the idea to launch the song on shortwave in addition to the streaming services to celebrate it, especially because there are no physical discs and records anymore. The first broadcast at 0900 UTC on Channel 292 on 6070kHz already got us many Reception Reports. The song with the corresponding announcement will be rebroadcast by Channel292 this weekend from 25.-27.09.2020. The schedule is in the attachment.

73 from Lucerne, Switzerland

Channel 292:

WRMI Schedule:

Saturday 09/26/2020
7:00 pm ET (2300 UTC) on 7570 kHz to North America
7:30 pm ET (2330 UTC) on 9395 kHz to North America
9:30 pm ET (0130 UTC Sunday) on 9395 kHz to North America
0300 UTC Sunday (11:00 pm ET Saturday) on 5800 kHz to Caribbean, Latin America

Sunday 09/27/2020
5:00 pm ET (2100 UTC) on 9455 kHz to North America
7:00 pm ET (2300 UTC) on 7570 kHz to North America
7:30 pm ET (2330 UTC) on 9395 kHz to North America
7:45 pm ET (2345 UTC) on 9955 kHz to Caribbean, Latin America (and on Internet www.wrmi.net)
0300 UTC Monday (11:00 pm ET Sunday) on 5800 kHz to Caribbean, Latin America
0430 UTC Monday (10:30 pm Sunday in Costa Rica) on 5985 kHz to Central America

WRMI will repeat the same schedule next weekend. Due to the broadcast through Channel292 on 6070, 3955 and 9760 kHz we already received many reception reports from DXers and SWLs all over Europe as well as Malaysia and Australia. Now we hope to receive some more from the Americas and the Caribbean thanks to the broadcasts of WRMI.

Thank you for sharing this broadcast, Linus, and my apologies for missing your first email before the weekend.

Post readers: Check out the schedule and send in your reception reports! As Linus said, they’re especially looking forward to more reports from the Americas and Caribbean!

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Special VORW Radio International Broadcast To Europe & Asia This Weekend!

Hello readers! I am happy to announce that there will be a special broadcast of VORW Radio International this Saturday August 22nd with 300 kW of power for listeners in Europe and Asia!

The show will be broadcast live from Moosbrunn, Austria on 6070 kHz and will feature a fun hour of good music and commentary. I hope to take listener music requests as well!

Here is the broadcast schedule:

(LIVE) Saturday August 22nd at 1700 UTC (1 PM Eastern / 7 PM CEST) – 6070 kHz – Moosbrunn 300 kW – Europe & Asia

A QSL will be given to any and all listeners who submit reception reports. Feedback is most welcome at vorwinfo@gmail.com

I hope you can tune in!

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Special VORW Radio International Broadcasts This Weekend!

Hello readers! I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be doing a special broadcast of VORW Radio International on Saturday the 18th of July and Sunday the 19th of July. This is purely being done for the fun of it and no other reason.

The show will feature good music, listener requests, comments and responses to listener emails. There will be a 1 Hour show on Saturday and a 2 Hour show on Sunday. The broadcasts will be transmitted live for listeners in Europe from Moosbrunn, Austria and repeated for listeners in North America from WRMI in Florida.

Here is the broadcast schedule:

(LIVE) Saturday 1700 UTC (1 PM Eastern / 7 PM CEST) – 6070 kHz – Moosbrunn 300 kW – Europe, The Middle East & Africa

Saturday 2200 UTC (6 PM Eastern / Midnight CEST) – 9395 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – North America

(LIVE) Sunday 1300 UTC – 1500 UTC ( 9 AM Eastern – 11 AM Eastern / 3 PM CEST – 5 PM CEST) – 6070 kHz – Moosbrunn 100 kW – Europe 

Sunday 2100 UTC (5 PM Eastern / 11 PM CEST) – 7780 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – Eastern North America

Monday 0200 UTC (10 PM Eastern / 4 AM CEST) – 5850 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – North America

A QSL will be given to any and all listeners who submit reception reports. Feedback is most welcome at vorwinfo@gmail.com

I hope you can tune in!

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September 1, 2019: Free Radio Skybird returns to channel292

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, “One Deck” Pete, who shares the following announcement:

DJ Frederick’s Free Radio Skybird returns to the shortwaves on Sunday September 1st 2019 via http://www.channel292.de/ on 6070 kHz at 1900 UTC (8pm UK time).

With a mixture of features and music, the hour transmission will include One Deck Pete’s “Soothing sound of shortwave”, Steve with Mini indie radio and Justin Patrick Moore from Sothismedias with another episode of the Radiophonic Laboratory.

Last month we had listeners in New Zealand, Northern Canada and Italy (QSL and soundclip here) to name but a few places. Come on, what’s better than listening to a radio broadcast with audio that has fading, co-channel interference and sounds like it had a journey via the ionosphere rather than something that’s been streamed in crisp dolby stereo? Who said shortwave radio is dead? #freeradioskybird #shortwavesnotdead #madtone

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Encore: Classical music over shortwave

Many thanks to Brice Avery who writes:

Hi Thomas,
Thanks for all the quality work at the SWLing Post.

I have recently started a weekly programme on SW playing Classical Western Music.
There is hardly any now and there used to be a lot more.

The show is called Encore and goes out on 6070 kHz from Channel 292 at 15:00 UTC on Sundays with a repeat on Friday at 19:00 UTC.

WBCQ broadcast Encore in US between 00:00 and 01:00 UTC Monday (Early Sunday evening in the US).

We are now at Programme 6 and the feedback is excellent.

[…]Please visit the website for more information (If you click on the valve LOGO you get the ‘story’ page).


Thank you for sharing this, Brice. I’ll certainly tune into your new show as I’m a massive fan of music over shortwave and, as you say, there are few outlets these days for classical music.  Good luck with the new show!

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World Radio Day and special broadcast by Sveriges DX-Forbund

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Harald (DL1ABJ), who writes:

Just noted that SDXF (Sveriges DX-Forbund) on 13 February will have a program via Channel 292 on 7440 kHz from 0800 UTC and again from 1300 UTC.

Each year on February 13th UNESCO celebrates World Radio Day (WRD).

The WRD 2019 website will give more information about this years event in around two days from now:


Many thanks, Harald, for spreading the word! World Radio Day is a great reminder of how important radio still is in many parts of the world.

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Channel292 broadcast tests this weekend on 7440 kHz

(Source: Southgate ARC via Eric McFadden)

Channel292 tests

The Amateur owned and run AM Short-wave broadcast station CHANNEL292 will be starting testing on their new 41 metre broadcast band frequency of 7440 kHz from this weekend onwards.

Rainer Ebeling DB8QC who owns and operates the station from near Ingolstadt in the state of Bavaria in southern Germany would appreciate all signal reports which can be sent simply via the form on the channel292.de website at http://www.channel292.de/deutsch/kontakt/
http://tinyurl.com/y78etubo in Google translated English.

Don’t forget the existing frequency of 6070 kHz in the 49m broadcast band will still carry Channel292’s existing programs. The planned programs for both frequencies are available on the Channel292.de website.

73  Ed  DD5LP

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