Tag Archives: KBC

The Mighty KBC announces additional special broadcasts in December

(Source: The Mighty KBC)

The Mighty KBC is going globally with The Giant Jukebox!!

Extra broadcasts on December 22, 23, 25 and 26 2012 between 15.00 – 16.00 UTC.

We are using 3 extra transmitters to go globally:

One 125 kW TX extra on +/- 9 MHz, 1500-1600 UTC, Non Directional (we already use 6095 on 22 & 23 December),

One 250 kW transmitter for the USA (East Coast time) UTC -5  n +/- 21 MHZ, 1500-1600 UTC, 300°, 250 kW

One 250 kW transmitter to Asia (Vietnam time) UTC +7 / Australia (Sydney time) UTC +11

We will soon announce the exact frequencies for those 4 days in December

A one time KBC Radio event
Sponsored by KBCimport.com and Hifun.nl

For a QSL card check the link below

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The Mighty KBC tests 9,450 kHz and will send a digital message this weekend

KBC Propagation Map (Source: The Mighty KBC)

This Sunday, from 00:00-02:00 UTC, The Mighty KBC will again broadcast 2 hours of music on the 31 meter band.  This time, they will be testing on 9,450 kHz to avoid adjacent signal interference heard on 9,500 kHz last week.

They will also broadcast a special digital message at 01:30 and then again prior to the end of their broadcast. They have sent full details about the broadcast in a press release (below). Note that though the mode is different, the procedure of decoding the digital message is similar to the one WBCQ broadcast this year. We published a short primer on decoding the WBCQ message in May.

Here are the details on Sunday’s broadcast and how to decode the QPSK125 message:

(Source: The Might KBC)

The Mighty KBC will test to the USA on Sunday 11 November 2012 00.00 – 02.00 UTC on 9450 kHz!

Please join the Mighty KBC for a test of a digital text sent via a shortwave broadcast transmitter. This will take place during the next transmission to North America, Sunday 0000-0200 UTC, at approximately 0130 and just before the end of the broadcast at 0200.

All you need is a basic shortwave receiver (no SSB mode is necessary), and a basic personal computer. Using a patch cord, you will feed the audio out of the earphone jack (or line out) of your radio into the microphone jack of your PC. If you don’t have a patch cord, you can try placing the speaker of your radio close to the built-in microphone of a laptop PC.

You will also need software. There are several freeware or shareware programs used by the amateur radio community that decode digital text modes. One is FLDIGI, available from http://www.w1hkj.com .

After installing FLDIGI, pull down the Configure menu, then click Sound Card, and select the soundcard your PC is using.

You might also have to adjust your audio settings. In Windows 7, left click twice on the speaker icon in the lower right of PC display, then click Options, then click Properties, then click Recording, then click the input that works. Other operating systems will have different procedures. A good way to test your audio settings is to try to decode the radio amateurs using the PSK31 mode on 14070 kHz.

For the test digital text transmissions on Sunday, The Mighty KBC will be using the QPSK125 mode. On your software, your cursor should be centered on 1500 Hertz, where you will see the “waterfall” of the QPSK125 signal. You can decode the transmission while you receive it, or record the transmission and decode from the recording. The latter will give you more opportunities to perfect the technique.

The test to be transmitted will be a formatted html file. Copy it from <html> to (and including) </html>, and paste it to a text editor (such as Notepad in Windows). Save the file, using any file name, with the suffix .htm or .html. Then open the file in any web browser. If all goes well, this might be the first time you receive a shortwave radio broadcast in color!

In the future, an app will be developed to make this process simpler!

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: The Mighty KBC on 9,500 kHz

Once again, The Mighty KBC broadcast a two hour mix of music to the world on 9,500 kHz. Fortunately, I was able to record the entire broadcast–you can listen below.

The KBC signal and audio out of their transmitter in Bulgaria were both excellent. There was very noticeable interference from the clandestine station, Radio Republica, who broadcasts at the same time (00:00-01:57 UTC) on 9,490 kHz.  According to my spectrum display, Republica’s signal had a bandwidth of 20 kHz!  At times, I had to narrow my receiver filter to about 6.6 kHz and use a USB sync mode  to keep KBC’s broadcast clear.  Still, you can certainly hear some of the noise from Radio Republica in the recording.

Though somewhat difficult to see since this is a snapshot, Radio Republica’s signal covered a 20 kHz wide swatch of the spectrum. The KBC broadcast is shaded and centered on 9.500 MHz.

Since Radio Republica is broadcast from the US, I’m curious if listeners in other parts of the world (or other parts of North America) had the same problem. If so, please comment!  I’ll pass this along to KBC.

You can download the entire broadcast as an mp3 by clicking here, or simply listen in the embedded player below:

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Reminder: The Mighty KBC testing transatlantic signal on 9.4 MHz, October 7, 2012

See if you can catch this test transmission on Sunday, October 7 (oo:00-02:00UTC) from The Mighty KBC in the Netherlands:

(Source: The Mighty KBC)

The Mighty KBC is testing on 9400 kHz on Sunday, October 7th, 2012 between 00.00 – 02.00 UTC with 100kW beamed to the USA, South America and Canada.

Propagation Map (Source: The Mighty KBC)

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The Mighty KBC testing transatlantic signal on 9.4 MHz, October 7, 2012

See if you can catch this test transmission on Sunday, October 7 (oo:00-02:00UTC) from The Mighty KBC in the Netherlands:

(Source: The Mighty KBC)

The Mighty KBC is testing on 9400 kHz on Sunday, October 7th, 2012 between 00.00 – 02.00 UTC with 100kW beamed to the USA, South America and Canada.

Propagation Map (Source: The Mighty KBC)

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The Mighty KBC to test in DRM

(Source: KBC)

The Mighty KBC will start testing in DRM mode.
More news coming soon!

That’s all they say on their website, but the news is most welcome. KBC only recently started broadcasting on shortwave, to make the jump into DRM so soon shows no lack of enthusiasm for the medium.

KBC currently broadcasts on shortwave (analog) on 6095 kHz from 9:00-16:00 UTC Saturdays and Sundays.

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The Mighty KBC will begin broadcasts on shortwave 30 October 2011

(Source: Media Network)

Dutch-based KBC Radio has published the following information: “The Mighty KBC will start broadcasting on shortwave on 30-10-2011 Saturday and Sunday between 11.00 – 16.00 UTC. There is a good chance that we will use our new frequency during weekdays as well in the future. Within a few weeks we will announce our new frequency.”

We will post the KBC schedule when it becomes available. KBC is currently testing on 513 MHz for all of you MW DXers.

QSL info:

[email protected]

or write to

The Mighty KBC
Argonstraat 6
6718 WT Ede
The Netherlands


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