The Bonito MegaLoop ML200
I’ve just heard from German manufacturer, Bonito, who has added several new products to their product line:
MegaLoop ML200: The MegaLoop is a 5 meter active stainless steel loop antenna that can be used outdoors. The MegaLoop ML200 ships with a Dual Power power supply (including the ability to power via USB).
Bonito notes that the Megaloop ML200 is currently available for a special price of 279,00€ (incl. 19% VAT) at HamradioShop.net.

The MegActiv 305
MegActiv 305: The MegActiv 305 is a compact antenna designed for low-noise reception between 9 kHz and 300 MHz. It has a radiating element of 18cm and can be powered with 5-15 VDC (max.120mA) or with the supplied Dual Power unit CPI 1000DP via USB.
The MegActiv 305 will be available for purchase end of April for an introductory offer of 174,99€ (incl. 19% VAT).
Fenu at fenu-radio.ch will review a sample of the MegActiv 305 in the near future.
OVP1000 Over Voltage Protector: The OVP1000 is an in-line over voltage protector for your receiver. It’s designed to dissipate current pulses caused by nearby thunderstorms. The OVP 1000 protects against high power surges in three ways:

The OVP1000
- A gas discharge tube with 60V firing voltage, max. pulse leakage current 1kA (8/20µs)
- An ultra-fast ESD diode (30KV; max. pulse power 350W (8/20µs)
- Blocking DC voltages (up to max. 100V) at the input and output.
The OVP1000 is available now for 59,00€ at Hamradioshop.net.
For full details about these new products, please visit Bonito’s blog.
And many thanks to Bonito who is a proud sponsor of the SWLing Post!