Tag Archives: Pete Polanyk

Pete discovers a Dieter Rams T 1000 Weltempfaenger at the Victoria and Albert Museum

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone, who writes:

I took a trip to the Victoria and Albert Museum yesterday on my day off and whilst browsing the galleries spotted this wonderful radio (pics attached)! It was in the Design 1900 to Now display (Room 61) if any of the readers fancies having a look. Talk about a lovely radio, it’s even got a BFO and a range of 3 telescopic antennas!


What do you think? I’d love to own one of those.

I’d love to own one as well! Those Braun T 1000s are simply gorgeous. They fetch top dollar on the market as well. 

Thank you for sharing this, Pete! One more reason to visit the V&A Museum!

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G6QA’s Slow Morse Morning Club

While some SWLs and radio listeners dislike Web-based SDRs because they don’t feel like “real radio” there’s no denying that they do offer up listening opportunities you might not otherwise be able to enjoy from home.

Case in Point

Friend and SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone, has been enjoying dropping in on a local Slow Morse Morning Club via the G0XBU WebSDR. He’s shared a bit of recorded audio with me in the past, but this morning he sent me a link to the SDR with the frequency of the class in progress.

We both listened live with Pete and the repeater in the UK, and me in the States.

The class is wonderful and what I consider an ideal use of local repeaters.  Linda serves up a sentence of slow code, then reads back what she sent. The others on the repeater then chime in with their copy–what they copied and what they missed. There really is no better way to build up your CW chops in the beginning than to do this–it’s interactive, supportive, and the audio very clear via FM on the repeater. It’s proper distance instruction using my favorite medium: radio!

Plus, well, the whole thing has some serious charm. I started an audio recording of the class this morning. Here’s it is for your enjoyment:

Audio Player

Thanks for the tip this morning, Pete!

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Free Radio Skybird on July 4, 2021

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone, who shares the following announcement:

This Sunday 4th July 2021 Free Radio Skybird is being beamed out of the WRMI transmitter from Miami on 9395 kHz at 2300 utc (12 midnight UK time). Expect some free radio goodness from DJ Frederick and the Free Radio Skybird crew. Tune in here on Sunday if you’ve no shortwave radio.

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KFOG broadcasts on June 20th and 26th, 2021 via Channel 292

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone, who shares the following:

KFOG takes to the high seas via Channel 292 on Sunday June 20th 2021 at 1200 UTC (11am UK time) and on Saturday June 26th at 0900 utc (8am UK time) on 6070 kHz. Expect tunes in a nautical style and “see the glimmer from a distant lighthouse, as the buoys ding and the (radio) waves crash onto the rocky shore. This is music from the mist!” as they say at KFOG HQ.

Expect a mix from One Deck Pete called “A mix from across the Pond” with tunes from Kiyoko, Honeychild & DJ Olive, BOATS, Robert Mellin and The Congo’s. Grab yourself a lifejacket and a shortwave radio and tune in. If the shortwave radio is a problem tune in here at the alloted time. If you haven’t a lifejacket we’re sorry but we can’t help you with that!

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KDUB on WRMI: Sunday, May 30, 2021

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone, who shares the following:
Just a quick one to report that the KDUB broadcast from earlier this year will be repeated on WRMI this Sunday May 30th at 2300 UTC or Midnight UK time on 9395 kHz on the shortwaves. There’s a mix from One Deck Pete called “In Dub for KDUB” at 3.09 minutes in.

All the shows from the KMTS (or is it KTMS?) back catalogue are available on Mixcloud here if you’ve missed any of them. Tune in and dub out!

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KSOL via WRMI on Sunday, May 16, 2021

(Source: Pete Madtone)

From the great WRMI we have another transmission from KSOL – The alternative dimension/universe edition this Sunday/Monday 16th/17th May on 9395 kHz. When the clock strikes 2300 UTC or Midnight UK time expect some chilled tunes including a mini-mix from One Deck Pete at 40 minutes in.

As soon as the transmission is over it’ll be up on the KMTS Mixcloud here. And here’s KSOL from last week whilst we’re there. #shortwavesnotdead #KMTS #KTMS #KDUB #KMRT

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Radio Lavalamp and KSOL broadcasts in May 2021

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone, who shares the following:

They say you better listen to the voice of reason

[…]Radio Lavalamp will be taking to the shortwaves very soon, as in this Sunday 2nd May 2021 at 2300 UTC (Midnight UK time) on 9395 kHz via WRMI. The show features some chilled tunes and also a mix from One Deck Pete called “The Purple Nucleus of Creation 004” with tracks from Floating Points, London Symphony Orchestra and Pharoah Sanders, Betelgeize ft. Ilya Chistyakov, Tranquility Bass and Hrair. Turn on and tune in.

And on the weekend after (and the one after that) KSOL is back in orbit in a “Satellite of Love” mode. It’ll be broadcast out of Germany via Channel 292 at 2200 UTC (11pm UK time) on 3955 kHz on Saturday the 8th and 15th May 2021.

And in keeping with the radio theme here’s a song about CW (Morse Code) by the great Ivor Cutler that was heard on BBC Radio 4’s Great Lives programme this afternoon.

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