Tag Archives: Raspberry Pi

BBC: Raspberry Pi-powered transmitters broadcast Syrian radio

BBC-FM-Transmitter-SyriaMany thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Richard Langley, who shares the following:

Latest item, which provides more information, on this previously mentioned news story:


Here’s an excerpt:

Raspberry Pi computers are being used to power “micro” radio transmitters in Syria.
The Pocket FMs, as they are called, were designed by a German organisation as a way of providing Syrians with independent radio.

The devices have a range of between 4 to 6km (2.5 to 3.75 miles), which is enough to cover an entire town.

At the heart of each is a Raspberry Pi, the credit card-sized single-board computers.
About two dozen have been built, and the designer says they are intended to be as easy to set up as a piece of flat-pack furniture.

“We lost one device in Kobane”, Philipp Hochleichter told BBC Radio 4’s PM programme.

“But due to the bombing – not due to a malfunction.”[…]

Continue reading on the BBC website…

The Raspberry Pi is an amazing little computer; capable of so much at such a low cost. I just purchased a Raspberry Pi 3 yesterday; hoping I can think of a clever way to use it for a little radio fun..

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Adafruit Industries: an amazing resource for electronics experimenters

Adafruit_logo (3)

SWLing Post contributor, Richard Langley, writes:

In a recent blog posting, you mentioned the use of Arduinos in the radio hobby. Those of us who have experimented with Arduinos (and Raspberry Pis, etc.) likely have come across Adafruit Industries when looking for hardware bits and pieces to use in our maker activities.

There is a great article on Limor Fried and her company in the latest issue of the IEEE news magazine “The Institute” and it’s also available on line:

And there’s a short video up on the Web where Fried explains the company’s purpose and philosophy:

Richard then added:

[Here is a] cute Adafruit video introducing the concept of (radio) frequency to kids:

Very cool!  Thanks so much, Richard, for sharing this. Adafruit looks like not only a true community player, but a comprehensive source for the electronics experimenter! My daughters love the Adafruit video; now to dig up all of the previous episodes!

I’m planning to learn more about Arduinos and my RaspberryPi this winter, so I’ll keep Adafruit bookmarked!

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SDRplay RSP: I bit the bullet!

SDR-PLay-RSPThere’s a danger in doing radio reviews: sometimes, you get attached to the radio.

This was the case with the SDRplay RSP. SDRplay sent this radio to me on an extended loan and I’m grateful for the many months they’ve let me keep this in my shack and test drive it with various SDR applications.

My RSP review has been published in The Spectrum Monitor and now here on the SWLing Post. There was no need for me to keep it in the shack any longer, but as I reached for the return box, I simply couldn’t let the RSP go.  Instead, I reached for my wallet, contacted SDRplay and paid for it.

I have no buyer’s remorse. The RSP is an amazing little SDR and so very affordable. At $149 US, it costs less than two of the latest portables I’ve purchased. As my review states, it packs maximum performance for its price class.

The RSP will become one of my travel SDRs since it’ll fit so easily in my radio go-bag. This will take a little pressure off of my Elad FDM-S2, which I like using in the shack and on extended vacations.

I can pack the SDRplay RSP with confidence when I’m doing one-bag, international travel, knowing that if it were to get lost or stolen, I’m only out $149. Plus, to a potential thief, the RSP box simply doesn’t look expensive.

When I have a little time, I plan to pair the SDRplay RSP with my Raspberry Pi. Of course, I’ll report on my progress.

Have any readers combined the Raspberry Pi and the RSP? If so, please comment!

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Another solution for whole-house shortwave

London Shortwave posts the following on Twitter:

Inspired by @SWLingDotCom‘s RaspberryPi post I put this together to listen to the radio in my shack around the house http://youtu.be/vOX41wIS1Qk 

On YouTube, London Shortwave explains that much of his modern system was inspired by a drawing from a 1930s shortwave listening magazine.

Below is a scan of the original illustration that inspired him:


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My Raspberry Pirate is now radio-active


Two weeks ago, Make Magazine published a simple hack that turns your Raspberry Pi
into a low-powered and portable FM transmitter/radio station.

For those of you not familiar, the Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer developed in the UK by the Raspberry Pi Foundation. The RasPi is a cleverly-designed, useful device–especially if you like tinkering with mobile computing. Best yet, the Raspberry Pi is very inexpensive; the basic computer costs a mere $40 US, though there are starter kits that include common accessories for $70-80.

One of the first things I did upon returning home, following nearly two weeks of US east-coast travel (which included the Winter SWL Fest), was to build my own Rasberry Pirate Radio. I had hoped to make the radio before my trip, but thought I wouldn’t have enough time. Had I known what I know now–that the Raspberry Pirate Radio is a super simple and easy hack–I would have made it anyhow and taken it along for the ride.

My antenna wire connected to pin 4. (Click to enlarge)

My antenna wire connected to pin 4. (Click to enlarge)

To be fair, what makes this project so simple is the fact that Make Magazine so beautifully documents the procedure on their website.  It also helped that I have a little familiarity with creating disk images–still, I’m certain that if I were a total newbie, I could have done all of this within 30 minutes…Which is just what I did.  And I’ll bet you can, too.

There are really only three steps required to make your own Raspberry Pirate Radio:

  1. Make a simple FM antenna and attach it to pin 4 on the Pi’s board. In my case, I had a small dual conductor connector attached to about eight inches of twisted pair wire. I simply connected one side of this connector to pin 4. Since my FM antenna is not cut to a resonant length, I know I’m compromising the FM transmitter’s range a bit…Still, it’s what I had on hand, and it works!
  2. Download Make Labs‘ disk image and flash it to your SD Card.
  3. Add music to the “Pirate Radio” partition of the SD card and edit the config file to your preferences. If you have the option to do this step on Mac OSX or Linux, the process is much easier than on Windows. But Windows users, fear not: Make Magazine describes, in detail, how to add files.

After I finished these steps, I simply plugged in my Raspberry Pi and tuned one of my radios to 89.9 MHz (the frequency I chose and saved to the config file). The Pi booted and started the Raspberry Pirate Radio script automatically.  Brilliant!


It’s alive!

Being a shortwave radio nut, of course I loaded my Raspberry Pirate Radio with a few gigabytes of my off-air recordings that are a heavy on music (all of which you, too, can pull from our Shortwave Radio Audio Archive). It’s kind of fun tuning my bedside Tivoli Audio Model One to 89.9 MHz and hearing the Voice of Greece, with all of its shortwave audio characteristics. If I close my eyes, I can pretend the Model One has a shortwave band. Love it!  Just the thing to drift off to…

I’ve kept the Raspberry Pirate Radio running nearly 24/7 here at home. I’ve also had excellent luck running the radio mobile by using my Eton Rechargeable Battery Pack as the power source (Universal Radio also sells a higher capacity version, if you like). I’ve yet to test how long the power block will run the Raspberry Pi, but I imagine it will last for a couple of hours, at least.


If you want to take your Raspberry Pirate Radio in the car, it’s a simple matter to power it with a 5VDC USB power plug. You probably already have what you need, especially if you charge your mobile phone in the car.

If you’ve never experimented with the Raspberry Pi, this is a perfect first project for you. Just think about it: for under $50, you can make a simple-yet-effective FM radio station which shuffles your favorite music or recordings from any source–from obscure radio pirates to far more distant stations. Besides, once you have a Raspberry Pi, you’ll find there are thousands of other radio projects to occupy your rainy weekends.  Enjoy!

Many thanks to Make Magazine for posting this simple project!

Update: Several people have written concerned that the Raspberry Pirate Radio has no output filtering of its RF signal.  This is true. Though I have not tested it, I would have to assume that it could radiate on harmonic frequencies and potentially interfere with other radios. Though the broadcast footprint is very small, if you live in a high-density neighborhood, you will need to keep this in mind. I live in a very rural area and my nearest neighbor couldn’t possibly hear my Raspberry Pirate Radio.

I’m very curious if there’s a simple mod to filter the output RF. If you can think of one, please comment!

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Make a Raspberry Pirate Radio

Sorry, I just couldn't resist the urge to make a pirate graphic.

Sorry, I just couldn’t resist the urge to make a Raspberry Pi-rate graphic.

Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Paul, for this article on Make Magazine that teaches you how to turn your Raspberry Pi into an FM transmitter. Make Magazine states that this FM transmitter “has enough range to cover your home, DIY drive-in movie, a high school ball game, or even a bike parade (depending on the stragglers).”

What a simple hack:

(If the embedded video above doesn’t appear, simply click here to watch at Makezine.com.)

Raspberry Pi’s are very inexpensive (less than $40 US on Amazon) and a fun tool to have around the shack anyway. I plan to try this project as early as this weekend. I have many hours of shortwave radio recordings that I would love to pipe through the house via FM. I only wish the Raspberry Pi could broadcast in AM. Perhaps one day…

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