Tag Archives: What’s On Shortwave

Alan Roe’s A21 season guide to music on shortwave (version 4 update)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares his latest A21 season guide to music on shortwave.

Click here to download Music on Shortwave A-21 v4 (PDF)

Alan notes that this might be the final update of the A-21 broadcast season.

This dedicated page will always have the latest version of Alan’s guide available for download.

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Radio Northern Europe International Show #19 announcement

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Roseanna, with Radio Northern Europe International who shares the following announcement:

Hei alle sammen,

We’ve been continuing to write your QSL cards and we’re now sending them within 2 months of receipt of your emails!

Just like the last few months, we’ve split the broadcasts into 3 versions;
• WRMI & On-Demand Version: RNEI 19 + RNEIxtra (Mammas Mest Metal & Stephen’s feature) + HamDRM.
• Channel 292 & Radio Onda version: RNEI 19 + HamDRM + This is an Express Music Show.
• World FM version: RNEI 19 only.

RNEI #19 is packed full of great music including:
• The show starting with some Icelandic Rock
• Cindy Chiche
• A really pretty song from Døssi
• Spooky vibes in our traditional pick from Gyda
• Scandipop.co.uk‘s fantastic song of the month that has some Sámi Lyrics!
• Some MFSK64 embedded in two parts of our dance mix at the end of the dance mix!

The 4th show of Mamma’s Mest Metal will bring some amazing symphonic metal this month, it’s an amazing genre and some of Mamma’s picks this month are fantastic!
Stephen is bringing us a feature on the Scottish artist Julie Fowlis with some really beautiful songs and, lastly, YH brings us another fantastic episode of This is an Express Music Show.

Daz has coded some HamDRM data for you to have a go at decoding too!
You can use EasyDRF, Easypal & WinDRM on Windows (or Wine in Linux) and QSSTV & TRXAMADRM on Linux. We recommend against Easypal due to some security flaws we’ve noticed and WinDRM because it’s an older version of EasyDRF.

We have found that 158° has a good signal in South Eastern and Northern Europe, 80° has a signal in Brazil and surrounding areas as well as Portugal & Spain and 332° is good between Ukraine and Italy. These happen because there is some backbeam with these directional antennas so give them a go and see what happens!
Also keep an eye on our announcements for extra broadcasts!

If you miss the show you can always catch up on demand and, if you prefer to only hear our music, we have Spotify Playlists of each show usually published after the first broadcast!

Wishing you well,

Click here to read this post at the RNEI website.

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Guest Post: Great news from CFVP Alberta!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who shares the following guest post:

Big news in these days of declined shortwave

by Dan Robinson

It is rare — no super rare — that we get any good news these days about shortwave broadcasting. Remember the excitement a few years ago when Guinea returned to shortwave? Then, Nigeria returned but has now become worryingly intermittent.

Today, a station returned to shortwave, one that was absent for some time.

CFVP, the low power relay of 1060 kHz AM in Calgary, Alberta returned to 6,030 kHz with the help of amateur radio operators. The station had been off the air through 2019 — the last time it was reported was in late 2018 when it was relaying CKMX 1060 AM in Calgary.

According to a note posted on the World of Radio group:

“two engineers from Bell Media, Dale and Gerry, who are also hams, VA6AD and V6QCT respectively, rebuilt the transmitter (partially with ham radio parts) and repaired the connection to the antenna with a temporary matching network…the temporary matching network means that not all the 100 watts are going into antenna.”

According to Harold Sellers, who is acting as eQSL manager for the re-activated shortwave station, CFVP 6030 was back on the air as of 0900, though I was unable to hear it until later on June 19th. Best reception was via SDR sites in southern Alberta, northern Montana, Idaho and up in Edmonton, Alberta.

Programming consisted of straight comedy routines from Funny 1060 AM, the Calgary station that carries old recordings of standup comedians, with local IDs and ads mixed in every few minutes. I made a video showing CFVP reception on one of the SDR sites, changing between 6,030 kHz and 1060 kHz which was also audible at SDR locations.

Earlier this year, in March, DX’er Don Moman reported the following, which proved to be true:

” . . .They had a transmitter problem which has been fixed, but they have also identified an antenna issue. The problem [was] troubleshooting and testing the antenna and matching network in the point blank presence of a 50kw AM transmitter. Testing/ repair on CFVP radiator will be done when the 50kw signal can be powered down or off, to enable more accurate testing. Bell will not power down or shut down during ratings periods which are long and frequent. Having said that, repair will likely happen with the above taken into consideration, as well as warm weather. Best guess: Before next winter at the latest, this spring the earliest.”

In August, Harold Sellers reported that the ground at the base of the shortwave tower was under water, and that grounding rods and ground wire needed replacement, and later that the tower grounding had been replaced/fixed. The transmitter also had issues but was repaired and back out at the site.

I quickly sent a reception report to the email address provided by Harold Sellers, and was pleased to receive back a eQSL which Harold said was the second one sent out to those who heard the station on its re-activation day.

Those of us who began our listening in the 1960’s (some much earlier than that!) remember the great days when Canada had a number of regional stations on shortwave. QSLs from some of those, including a 1983 QSL from CFVP/Calgary, are attached to this article.

A screenshot of CFVP as it was being heard on reactivated 6,030 kHz is also shown.

Interestingly, the Wikipedia listing for CKMX shows 6,030 kHz as being active — it’s not known, however, whether the Wikipedia listing was ever updated to note that 6,030 kHz was off the air for nearly 2 years.

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More Comb Stereo Broadcasts via Radio Gum Tree June 18 & 25, 2021

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, TomL, who notes:

Episode 2 of Radio Gum Tree will be rebroadcast this coming Friday night June 18, 2021 at 9:45 EDT on on 5850 kHz in case anyone missed it. Episode 3 should be on June 25.

You can find the program notes for these Test broadcasts at this web site address. I will not be archiving the broadcast on the internet due to music copyright concerns.


Many thanks for putting together this Comb Stereo series, TomL!

For more information, check out TomL’s initial announcement.

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KFOG broadcasts on June 20th and 26th, 2021 via Channel 292

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Pete Madtone, who shares the following:

KFOG takes to the high seas via Channel 292 on Sunday June 20th 2021 at 1200 UTC (11am UK time) and on Saturday June 26th at 0900 utc (8am UK time) on 6070 kHz. Expect tunes in a nautical style and “see the glimmer from a distant lighthouse, as the buoys ding and the (radio) waves crash onto the rocky shore. This is music from the mist!” as they say at KFOG HQ.

Expect a mix from One Deck Pete called “A mix from across the Pond” with tunes from Kiyoko, Honeychild & DJ Olive, BOATS, Robert Mellin and The Congo’s. Grab yourself a lifejacket and a shortwave radio and tune in. If the shortwave radio is a problem tune in here at the alloted time. If you haven’t a lifejacket we’re sorry but we can’t help you with that!

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