Tag Archives: WREN

No birds do sing

Hi FastRadioBurst 23 here letting you know of our forthcoming shows this week. On Sunday 21st April 2024 at 0900/1300 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and then at 2000 UTC on 6160 kHz and 3975 kHz we have WREN beamed to Europe via Shortwave Gold. This show will feature lots of our feathered friends and we will be bringing you some bird-watching related classics and live birdsong. Binoculars and a bird watching chart at the ready please!

On Thursday 25th April via WRMI  we bring you another episode of The Shortwave Music Library at 0200 UTC on 9395 kHz. DJ Frederick flicks through his music collection and brings you more eclectic tunes for your listening pleasure. Expect a multi-genre selection of course.

We are still looking for some financial help to cover our production and transmission costs for our shows on shortwave so here’s our fundraising video below. We’d love to keep our show on the air for the rest of the year and we are looking for donations (no matter how small as everything helps) to keep our shows bouncing off that ionosphere. Remember, radio connects us all!

For more information on the shows please email [email protected] and check out our old shows here.

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Remember the good olde days with a lovely cup of tea

Hi to all of the SWLing community, Fastradioburst23 here with news about Imaginary Stations on the shortwaves this Sunday 20th August 2023. The first show will be beamed to Europe via the services of Shortwave Gold in Germany at 2000 utc on 6160 khz and will feature another transmission of WREN, this time it’s music of a Renaissance style, so turn back the hands of time to ye days of olde and tune in. You will get more out of the broadcast if you have a lute, recorder or a harpsichord handy.

Then later at 2200 hrs UTC on 9395 kHz  via WRMI we bring you the debut of WTBR, your only official tea and biscuits radio show. There will an assortment of plain and fancy tunes and all the tea you can drink so make yourself (a tea) cosy and enjoy a nice relaxing time via the shortwaves. Even the Ionosphere will enjoy a little tea break to recharge its batteries.

For more information on the shows please email [email protected] and check out our old shows here. Here’s the trailer for the show.

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An exotic bird flew into a supermarket…

Hi to all our radio friends in SWLing Post land, Fastradioburst23 here hoping to not ruffle any feathers with news about Imaginary Stations on the radio this Sunday 13th August 2023. The first show will be beamed to Europe via the services of Shortwave Gold in Germany at 2000 utc on 6160 khz and will feature our feathered friends with WREN. We will bring you some bird related classics and birdsong. Binoculars and a note-pad are mandatory for this broadcast.

Then later at 2200 hrs UTC on 9395 kHz  via WRMI we have a back to school special edition of KMRT. This show is part of the ongoing “Supermarkets on Shortwave” events and we will do our best to have as many centre aisle and Blue Light specials as we possibly can. The broadcast will also feature a Supermarket Security Guard Choir and the National Greengrocer’s Association with a fruit juggling exhibition (*subject to availability). Tune in for a “once in a lifetime” experience. For more information on the shows please email [email protected] and check out our old shows here.

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Shortwave goes all chirpy chirpy, cheep cheep again

Hi SWLing post community and birdwatchers everywhere Fastradioburst23 here. Just to let you know if WRMI is on the air this Sunday (fingers crossed) after an encounter with yet another hurricame expect an additional programme of  WREN.

This week’s Imaginary Stations show on Sunday 13th November 2022 features our feathered friends again with lots of bird related classics and bird watching tips. Tune into 9395 kHz from 2300 utc onwards.

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Like a bit of Lute?

Good day to all SWLing post readers, Fastradioburst23 here letting you know of our next episode of Imaginary Stations via WRMI on shortwave this weekend.

This Sunday 30th October 2022 on 9395 kHz from 2200 utc there will be another transmission of WREN, this time it’s music of a Renaissance style, so turn back the hands of time and tune in.

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Watch the birdie!

Hi all the SWLing post community from Fastradioburst23. Also a big hi goes out to all birdwatchers out there as the next programmme in the Imaginary Stations series is WREN featuring a transmission of a winged bias.

Expect music featuring our feathered friends and live streaming of birdsong on 9395 kHz from 2200 utc on Sunday 23rd October 2022 via WRMI. So get the bins on (birdwatcher parlance for binoculars), settle down in your favourite patch and tune in!

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