Category Archives: Broadcasters

Budget proposes drastic cuts to Radio Martí

Note that the Edward R. Murrow Transmitting Station–the last VOA/BBG transmitting site in the US–is the main provider of Radio Marti over shortwave. No doubt, this proposed cut could close the site permanently. The end of an era.

(Source: Miami Herald via Mike Hansgen)

Trump’s budget includes drastic cuts to Radio and TV Martí

President Donald Trump’s recently released budget would drastically cut funds and staffing at the Miami-based Radio and TV Martí, while restoring funds to support other democracy projects in Cuba and new ones in Venezuela.

The restoration of funds comes amid large cuts to the Department of State and the United States Agency for Development (USAID). The proposal would allocate $10 million for programs related to Cuba and another $9 million for similar initiatives in Venezuela.

Click here to read the full article at The Miami Herald.

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PNG extends public radio network, restores shortwave

(Source: Radio New Zealand via Mike Hansgen)

Papua New Guinea’s communications minister, Sam Basil, says he plans to grow radio services in PNG.

He marked this week’s World Radio Day by saying radio is a medium that reaches the widest audience, including vulnerable communities in remote parts of the country.

Mr Basil has announced the medium and shortwave services of the state broadcaster, NBC, will be restored, and that the corporation will migrate from analog to digital technology.

He said new stations will be opened in Jiwaka and Hela and that a new NBC headquarters will be built.

Click here to read this article at Radio New Zealand.

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WRTH updates to B17 schedule

(Source: Sean Gilbert via WRTH Facebook)

As in past seasons, WRTH is pleased to announce that an update file for the B17 broadcast schedules is now available for free download from

This update contains changes, additions and frequency cancellations; new stations that have become active since WRTH was published; and the revised full schedules of certain stations.

We hope you find this file useful as an addition to WRTH (it is formatted in the same manner as the printed WRTH), or it can be used on its own, of course.

Please forward this information to your various mailing lists and reflectors and to anyone else who may be interested.

73 and happy listening

from the WRTH Editorial staff

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60th Anniversary of RAE Argentina To The World

Many thanks to Adrian Korol, Director of RAE Argentina, who shares the following :

2018 is the 60th Anniversary of RAE Argentina to the World

We are celebrating all along the year.

This week RAE moves to a new and functional desk office with access from the main hall to the entrance of Radio Nacional building in the historic address of Maipu 555, Buenos Aires.

Next, we are going to inaugurate a modern radio studio.

We are optimistic in being able to celebrate these 60 years with a new short wave transmitter from the General Pacheco plant in Buenos Aires.

Also, in March, new shows and content will be over the air from Buenos Aires, on shortwaves and digital environments.

Obviously, there will be contests, a new website, SPECIAL QSL and much more.

Thank you, Adrian! Sounds like RAE will have many positive developments this year. Excellent!

Note that RAE have also recently announced their new shortwave schedule via WRMI.

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RAE: Announcement and Updated schedule from WRMI

Many thanks to Adrian Korol, Director of RAE Argentina, who shares the following broadcast schedule update via WRMI as of January 8, 2018:

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Ampegon to install its first rotatable array antenna at WBCQ

(Source: Radio World via Andrea Borgnino)

Ampegon says it is about to deliver and install its first rotatable shortwave high-power array antenna on the North American continent.

The system, which will be installed WBCQ in the United States, is designed for the transmission of shortwave signals of up to 500 kW, the high-power antenna offers different radiation patterns, an antenna gain of up to 23 dB and uses a technology characterized by a single-shaft structural design.

Continue reading at Radio World…

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4KZ update: Transmitting low power for now

The 4KZ transmitter is located in Innisfail, Australia

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Jerome van der Linden, who writes:

Have been communicating with Al Kirton (4KZ, Innisfail, Queensland Manager), and by virtue of my membership of a couple of Facebook groups for caravan (trailer to you) owners in Australia, have publicized the fact that Al is keen for reception reports from people in the target area.

Al also advised that they’re not even on 500 watts at the moment:

“We are only on 300 watts due to the fact that we only have one of the two 600 watt RF modules working.(Half of the 600 watts in the good module is lost into the combiner). It should be much better on ~ 1 Kw when the part arrives from the USA and the module is repaired.”

Thank you for the update, Jerome!

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