Category Archives: Broadcasters

BBC MW stations in Lincolnshire and Nottingham to close

(Source: Southgate ARC)

More BBC AM transmitters to close

On the British DX Club (BDXC) Yahoo Group Nick Buxton reports that BBC AM stations in Lincolnshire and Nottingham are to close

In his post Nick says:

In an e-mail reply today (29/11) from Andy Roche, BBC R. Lincolnshire’s Acting Programme Editor, he says 1368 kHz will cease broadcasting their programmes on 6 January 2018. It will continue until 28 January 2018 running a continuous loop advising re-tune to FM/DAB. They will shortly be running a campaign to let people know.

In a very brief e-mail reply from BBC Radio Nottingham, enquiring about closure of their 1584 kHz service, they advise “No transmission from late December. Re-tune now”

No reply received from BBC R. Humberside concerning their 1485 kHz transmitter….

British DX Club (BDXC)

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Macon Dail receives the BBG Gold Medal Award

I’m incredibly proud of my friend, Macon Dail, who was recently awarded the Gold Medal Award from the Broadcasting Board of Governors.

Post Readers might recall that Macon is the Chief Engineer at the Edward R. Murrow Broadcasting Station in Greenville, North Carolina and was featured in our 2012 tour of the transmitting site.

Here’s the announcement:

Macon M. Dail, Jr., Chief Engineer, Edward R. Murrow Broadcasting Station (Greenville, NC) has been nominated and selected to receive the Broadcasting Board of Governor’s (BBG) most prestigious award – The Gold Medal.

The Gold Medal Award is utilized by BBG to recognize extraordinary employee contributions to the mission and goals of the agency during the past year. The nomination was made by Dail’s peers.

Dail’s nomination is the first time in the station’s more than 50 year history that a station employee has been awarded the Agency’s highest honor.

The awards ceremony [was] held in Washington, DC on November 1, 2017 at the Wilbur J. Cohen Federal Building Auditorium at 2:00 pm.

Bravo, Macon!

Not only are you an invaluable engineer, but you’ve also become an amazing ambassador for one of the largest active shortwave transmitter sites in the world. This award was very well-deserved.

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WRMI Open House & Party on December 1, 2017

(Source: WRMI via Facebook)

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

December 1, 2017 will mark the 4th anniversary of WRMI’s broadcasts from the Okeechobee, Florida transmission site. We broadcast from a site in Hialeah, Florida for 20 years prior to that.

To celebrate our 4th anniversary in Okeechobee, we cordially invite you to join us for an Open House/Christmas/Anniversary Party on Friday, December 1 from 10:30 am till 6:00 pm. Stop in anytime for a tour of the plant, where you can see our 14 transmitters (most of them 100,000 watts each) and 23 antennas beaming religious, political and cultural programs in many languages 200 hours a day, seven days a week to virtually all parts of the world. WRMI is the largest shortwave radio station in the Western Hemisphere. You can meet members of our staff and clients who broadcast programs on the station. And there will be plenty of food and drink, so please arrive hungry!

WRMI is very pleased to have been part of the Okeechobee community for four years now, and we look forward to being here for many years to come. Our address is below, and your GPS should be able to find it with no problem. We’re located 15 miles north of the city of Okeechobee via Highway 441, and then seven miles west on NW 240th Street. You can’t miss the 68 antenna towers on the south side of the road. If you get lost or have any questions, feel free to call or e-mail us. I hope to see you on December 1st.

Jeff White, General Manager

WRMI Radio Miami International, 10400 NW 240th Street, Okeechobee, Florida 34972 USA
Tel +1-305-559-9764 Fax +1-863-467-0185 E-mail: [email protected]

Queridos amigos y colegas:

El 1 de diciembre de 2017 será el cuarto aniversario de las transmisiones de WRMI desde el sitio de transmisión de Okeechobee, Florida. Anteriormente, transmitimos desde un sitio en Hialeah, Florida durante 20 años.

Para celebrar nuestro 4to. Aniversario en Okeechobee, lo invitamos cordialmente a que se una a nosotros para una Fiesta de Casa Abierta / Navidad / Aniversario el viernes 1 de diciembre de 10:30 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. Puede visitar en cualquier momento para un recorrido por la planta, donde se pueden ver nuestros 14 transmisores (la mayoría de ellos 100.000 vatios cada uno) y 23 antenas radiando programas religiosos, políticos y culturales en varios idiomas 200 horas al día, siete días a la semana para prácticamente todas partes del mundo. WRMI es la emisora de onda corta mas grande del Hemisferio Occidental. También puede conocer a miembros de nuestro personal y clientes que transmiten programas en la estación. Y habrá mucha comida y bebida, así que ¡por favor llegue con hambre!

WRMI está muy contento de haber sido parte de la comunidad de Okeechobee durante cuatro años, y esperamos estar aquí por muchos años más. Nuestra dirección está arriba, y su GPS debería poder encontrarla sin problema. Estamos ubicados a 15 millas al norte de la ciudad de Okeechobee a través de la autopista 441, y luego a siete millas al oeste en la calle 240 del noroeste. No se pueden perder las 68 torres de antena en el lado sur de la carretera. Si se pierde o tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamarnos o enviarnos un correo electrónico.

Espero verle el 1 de diciembre.

Jeff White, Gerente General, WRMI Radio Miami International

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BBC World Service: “Click” Broadcast Times (October 2017 – March 2018)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Richard Langley, who shares his latest shortwave radio schedule for the BBC World Service technology program, Click.

Click on the image below to view the schedule, or simply click here to view the schedule as a PDF.

Richard notes:

As with previous versions of the chart, a “bullet” indicates a broadcast on line or by one or more different radio platforms to or in the indicated geographical region, including local AM and FM radio, DAB radio, satellite radio, and, for some regions, shortwave radio. There are currently two times “Click” is broadcast on shortwave.

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Dan Robinson explores the current administration’s “Big Fail” at the BBG/VOA

View of the Capitol Building from the roof of the Voice of America on 330 Independence Ave., S.W.

SWLing Post readers are likely aware that contributor, Dan Robinson, is the former White House, Congressional and foreign correspondent for the Voice of America.

Dan has just published a two part article on the Center on Public Diplomacy website exploring how the effectively the current US administration has been at restructuring and resolving inherent issues at the BBG/VOA.

Click here to read Part I

Click here to read Part II

I encourage you to read his full article and please direct your comments to the original post on the Center on Public Diplomacy website.

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Radio Caroline testing on 648 kHz

(Source: Southgate ARC via Mike Terry)

Caroline 648 testing

A test signal with continuous music and announcements reported today.

Reception reports on Facebook from the UK, Holland, Belgium, France and Austria.

Some reports from mainland Europe refer to a co-channel Romanian or Slovenian station.

I think this is at a lower power than the permitted 1 KW.

Much excitement in anorak circles!

Note that if you’re interesting in monitoring 648 kHz but live outside the broadcast footprint, you can easily listen and record via the U Twente WebSDR.

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VORW Radio International’s Updated Schedule

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor TheReportOfTheWeek who shares the following update:

Hello Thomas, a lot of the broadcast times for VORW Radio International have changed so I would like to submit an updated schedule for your readers! All changes are in Bold.

Each broadcast features a mixture of my commentary and listener requested music. It’s the listeners who choose the playlist in every show, so you are guaranteed to hear a great variety of music! Hope you can tune in!

Thursday 2300 UTC – 9955 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – South America
Friday 0000 UTC (Thu 7 PM Eastern) – 7730 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – Western North America
Friday 0100 UTC – 9395 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – North America
Friday 0100 UTC – 9455 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – Central America
Friday 0100 UTC – 7490 kHz – WBCQ 50 kW – North America
Sunday 1600 UTC – 9400 kHz – Spaceline – 150 kW – Europe / Middle East
Sunday 2100 UTC – 9395 kHz – WRMI 100 kW – North America

Questions, comments, reception reports and music requests may be sent to [email protected]

Reception reports will receive a QSL!

Thanks for the update and keep up the great work!

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