Category Archives: Videos

Finally: Official trailer for the movie The Numbers Station with John Cusack and Malin Akerman

The long-awaited trailer for the new movie, The Numbers Station:

We first mentioned the The Numbers Station in 2011, when it was still being filmed.

In this film, John Cusack’s character, Emerson, has been given the task of protecting Katherine (Malin Akerman), the operator of a shortwave numbers station that broadcasts encrypted messages to operatives. When the station is compromised in a surprise attack, they must work together to secure it and prevent distater.

According to the website The Digital SpyThe Numbers Station is scheduled for release in the US on April 26, though a UK release date has not yet been confirmed.

If you’re new to shortwave radio and wish to listen to numbers stations, follow the category Numbers Stations–we will post updates on the movie as well as several recordings of real numbers stations still in existence.

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SDR Touch: An Android-based software defined radio

SDRtouchThough not available for the shortwave bands, Google Play reviews are mostly positive for the new software defined radio application that will run on your Android phone or tablet: SDR Touch.

According to the Google Play page, SDR Touch covers 50 MHz to 2.2 GHz and demodulates WFM, AM, NFM, USB, LSB, DSB, CWU and CLW signals. It requires an inexpensive USB rtl-sdr compatible USB DVB-T tuner. Click here to search eBay for RTL-SDR receivers. You then connect to your Android device via a USB OTG cable and SDR Touch should control the receiver.

SDR Touch’s Google Play website has a list of supported receivers–make sure to check the model number from eBay against this list before purchasing. Additionally, you should install their free demo SDR app to make sure your Android device is compatible.

This video shows SDR Touch in action on the FM broadcast band:

SDR touch claims that crashes should be expected as this app is still considered somewhat experimental.

Would be great if SDR Touch could support the HF bands some day.

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Video: Maintenance on an ABC shortwave antenna and transmitter

Thanks to Paul Thurst on the blog Engineering Radio, I discovered this excellent video of the engineering staff of ABC (Radio Australia) servicing some of their HF antennas and transmitters.  Having visited several shortwave transmission sites myself, I truly appreciate this peek inside Radio Australia.

Do any of you know which Radio Australia site this is? I’m curious if it is Shepparton. Please comment!

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Video: Building RNW Bonaire

(Source: Jonathan Marks)

This black and white film was made in 1968 at the moment when Philips shipped two 300 kW transmitters from the factory in the Netherlands to the island of Bonaire, then part of the Netherlands Antilles. The film had no sound – I just thought the music fitted for an internal presentation because it does look as thought they are building a secret rocket launcher for Dr Evil rather than a shortwave relay station to improve the audibility of Radio Netherlands in the Americas and West Africa. I’m guessing that this film was used for promotional purposes by Philips since the shipping containers carry rather obvious ads plastered on the containers.

The Building of Radio Netherlands Bonaire Relay Station from Jonathan Marks on Vimeo.

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