International Radio Report is on hiatus

Many thanks to Sheldon Harvey with the International Radio Report who shares the following announcement:

Hi, all. We received the following notice from the management of CKUT-FM. As a result, International Radio Report is on hiatus, effective immediately. In the meantime, we encourage you to continue to post items of interest here [on our Facebook] group. We also encourage you to check in to the twice a week YouTube shows hosted by Gilles Letourneau on the OfficialSWLChannel on YouTube. You can also look for his Facebook group under the same name. Gilles has two live YouTube shows weekly; on Wednesdays at 8 pm Eastern; 0000 UTC-Thursdays) and on Fridays at 4 PM Eastern, 2000 UTC. We will be attempting to include some elements of the Int. Radio Report show into Gilles’ two weekly shows. Thank you for your understanding and your continued support of our radio program.

Sheldon Harvey

Important (and unprecedented) notice from CKUT-FM:

CKUT’s studios, music library, offices, and equipment will be closed/unavailable until further notice to reduce the spread of COVID-19 to our at-risk members. In the meantime, we will be operating remotely and will air a mix of original pre-recorded programming from our regular programmers, recent archives, and other relevant special programming.

The studios are locked and door codes are being changed. There is no possibility of hosting your show live at the CKUT studios. We will also be locking the office (all of the 2nd floor).

*Current CKUT Programmers*: please email your programming coordinator (Arts & Culture, News, or Music respectively) *ASAP* to confirm your plans for your show (at least 24 hours in advance beginning March 16th, 6 pm EST). If you would like to arrange for the broadcast of a pre-recorded program, please send your file to your programming coordinator 24 hours in advance. Please contact your coordinator if you have ideas for special programming and we’ll do our best to make it work.

Please note that our 2020 Funding Drive has been postponed until a later date.

While the COVID-19 pandemic is and will continue to be a reality that affects our loved ones and members of our communities, CKUT opposes the alarmist discourses that have been weaponized to justify racism, xenophobia, imperialism, increased state sanctions, and surveillance. We believe that this phenomenon highlights the pre-existing need – and now the undeniable urgency – for accessible and free health care, paid sick leave and a guaranteed minimum income, mutual aid, and strengthened community.

We hope to see you again soon. Please be safe!

Thanks for passing this along, Sheldon.  We look forward to your return to the airwaves after the Covid-19 pandemic is history!

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FTIOM & UBMP, March 22-28

From the Isle of Music, March 22-28:
This week, our special guest is Liz Castillo, we also listen to music from Orquesta America, Enrique Lizaga’s Orchestra and Imagen Son.
The broadcasts take place:
1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with 100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 KHz, from Sofia, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)
If you don’t have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen live to an uplink from a listening radio in the Netherlands during the broadcast at
2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0000-0100 (New UTC) on WBCQ, 7490 KHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US).
If you don’t have a shortwave or are out of range, you can listen to a live stream from the WBCQ website here (choose 7490):
3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1200-1300 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany.
If you don’t have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen live to an uplink from a listening radio in Europe.
Visit our Facebook page at

Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, March 22 and 24:
Episode 157 takes us to Myanmar.
On WBCQ only, there is a second half-hour featuring one of the first episodes of our show in 2017.
The transmissions take place:
1.Sundays 2200-2300 NEW UTC (6:00PM -7:00PM Eastern US) on WBCQ The Planet 7490 KHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe
If you don’t have a shortwave or are out of range, you can listen to a live stream from the WBCQ website here (choose 7490):
2. Tuesdays 2000-2030 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe.
If you don’t have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen live to an uplink from different web SDRs in Europe.
Visit our Facebook Page at

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Radio Nostalgia Trip: RCI Shortwave Listener’s Digest from July 26, 1982

Over at the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive, we receive some truly amazing recordings from our devoted contributors.

How many of you remember Ian McFarland’s Shortwave Listener’s Digest on Radio Canada International? It was certainly one of my favorite DX and SWL shows!

Our good friend Tom Laskowski recently sent in the following recordings of the Shortwave Listener’s Digest recorded (in part) on July 26, 1982 starting around 21:30 UTC on 15,325 kHz.

Tom notes:

Here are two more back to back episodes from my collection of recordings of Shortwave Listener’s Digest from Radio Canada International, this time from July 26 and August 02, 1982.

This program’s highlights are: ANARC 1982 Convention promo, Larry Magne’s test of the Sony ICF-6500W, a look at underseas intercontinental cables with Walter Foster of Teleglobe Canada, Glenn Hauser’s DX tips.

The second program highlights are: coverage of the 1982 ANARC convention with guest co-host Bab Zanotti of Swiss Radio Intl., interview with David Meisel about the solar cycle, a rundown of the awards given out at ANARC 82.

This recording is chock-full of shortwave nostalgia. How many of you remember some of the folks featured and mentioned in this show?

Use the embedded player below to listen to the full recording or click here to listen at the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive.

Note that there have been some other amazing recordings posted on the archive recently.  Here’s a small sampling:

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John’s “illicit friend from the good old days”

At the 1-watt setting (13.8V, 470mA DC in) The labels are Photoshopped here for illustration, ie they’re not on the actual case (Source: AE5X)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, John (AE5X), who recently shared a link to the following story on his excellent radio blog:

[…]It was the late 1990’s in Montclair NJ. A friend played guitar in a local band and wanted to get some air time for a few of their original songs. He knew his chances of getting his tunes played on a commercial FM station hovered somewhere between zero and none. And – this is key – he’d seen Pump Up The Volume and knew that I knew a “bit about radios”.

My friend – I’ll call him “Don” since that was (and still is) his name – wondered if there was some way he could be outfitted with a radio similar to that in Pump Up The Volume, and, if so, what would his range be. I told him that a lot depends on the antenna’s location.

Funny thing about Don: besides being in a rock & roll band, he was also a caretaker for a Montclair church. A church with a very tall belltower. A belltower that he had access to. Do you see where this is going? Furthermore, Don and his wife lived on church property as part of his caretaker responsibilities.[…]

Click here to read the full story at AE5X’s blog.

What a divine alignment, John! 🙂 Fantastic story and, I’m sure, one that resonates with many here in the SWLing Post community.  Perhaps readers will comment with details  about their own “illicit” friends and radio escapades!

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Hamvention 2020 has been cancelled

The Begali booth at the 2019 Hamvention

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Robert Gulley, who shares the following announcement from the 2020 Hamvention Chairman:

The Hamvention Executive Committee has been monitoring the COVID19 pandemic. We have worked very closely with our local and state health Departments.

It is with a very heavy heart the Hamvention Executive Committee has decided to cancel Hamvention for this year.

This decision is extremely difficult for us but with around two months until the Great Gathering we felt this action necessary.

More specific details regarding the closure will soon be posted on our website

Thank you for your understanding in this time of International Crisis.

Jack Gerbs
General Chairman HV2020

Click here to read the announcement at the Hamvention website.

No doubt, all other Hamvention associated events like FDIM (Four Days In May), Contest University, and the 2020 DX Dinner will soon follow suit.

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Social Distancing: Nothing new to us radio geeks

by Victor Rodriguez

Photo by Victor Rodriguez

Let’s face it: COVID-19 is certainly disrupting “business as usual” across the planet. It’s hurting economies, and of greater concern, hurting people.

Besides washing our hands frequently and not touching our faces, one of the most effective means of slowing/halting the spread of the Coronavirus is by exercising social distancing.

Simply staying home, and if you must go out, keeping your distance from others, makes sense––and since contact between people is how the virus spreads, it will help slow the spread of it. Many in our radio community are older now, so we want to be sure they are not subject to the lung damage or hospitalization (or worse) that can come from contracting the highly-contagious virus, especially among those over 65 or those with other health issues.

But there’s an adjustment we have to make to do this.  All around us, large gatherings are being canceled, universities and schools and suspending in-person classes, and business are closing their doors. Many governments and companies are making their employees telecommute from home. Airlines are cancelling flights and some country-to-country travel has even been banned. This is temporary, but nonetheless these are changes to which we must adapt.

Covid-19 global cases (Source: Johns Hopkins University)

Cancellations due to the coronavirus have even hit our radio world: almost every radio convention and gathering on the horizon has been cancelled or rescheduled for a later date. I was looking forward to attending and presenting at my first Ozarkcon QRP conference in early April, but it, too, has been canceled. To help keep track of event cancellations, the ARRL has even created a dedicated page to list all of the canceled ham radio events.

One very conspicuous omission (at time of posting) is the 2020 Hamvention in Xenia, Ohio. I suspect it will eventually cancel as well along with all of the various associated meetings held in conjunction with Hamvention. Frankly, even if Hamvention does manage to weather the COVID-19-prevention closures, I would expect attendance to be dismal this year. [Update: Hamvention cancelled several hours after this post was published]

Part of the Hamvention Food Court area.

Hamvention attracts a large group of international attendees and vendors and the average age of those at Hamvention is Covid-19’s target demographic (60+). True, it’s two months out yet, but most large vendors have to make flight plans now while things are very much in flux. We’ll see how it all plays out in the coming days.

But why temporary social distancing and exercising a little preparedness triggers some individuals to go to extremes or (worse) try to profit from the panic, I’ll never know.  I have been witness to some pretty wacky behaviors recently, like the couple I saw Thursday who were buying twenty jugs of Chlorine Bleach. Since a simple 10% bleach solution is recommended for virus disinfection, unless they own an Olympic-sized swimming pool with an algae overgrowth, or are trying to disinfect an entire hospital, what could they want with so much of it?

Social DX

Meanwhile, social distancing, for us radio geeks, is less a form of restriction and isolation or  than it is an opportunity. 

Those of you who know me well know that I can be quite talkative when I’m with others, especially those who share my love of radio. Many might even assume I’m an extrovert.  But if anything, I’m perhaps a socially-comfortable introvert. And in truth, it’s easy for me to adjust to staying in.  Like so many SWLs, I enjoy the chance to escape to my radio to tune out the fuss…and tune in the world. A cheerful chat, or listen, over a distance, is my idea of a good time. This is true”social DXing,” if you ask me!

For the next few weeks, here’s what my Social DX Bucket List includes (completed items have a strike through)…

  • Clean the sticky residue off the rest of my radios
  • Explore Weather Fax a bit more
  • Activate and chase a few parks in the Parks On The Air program
  • Tinker with my uBITX V6 code
  • Learn more Linux command line
  • Chase more HF pirates (since many of them will also have more free time!)
  • Take my recently-acquired Eton E1 to the field
  • And perhaps add a few ATNOs (All-Time New Ones) to the logs
  • Deploy a loop on ground (LOG) antenna
  • Make a CW only Parks On The Air activation
  • Start piecing together a QRP EME station

Yes, I definitely welcome a little social DX!

Are you under quarantine or self-imposed social distancing to avoid COVID-19? What are your plans during this time? Please comment!

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NASB meeting postponed

(Source: National Association of Shortwave Broadcasters)

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The CEO of EWTN, owner of WEWN shortwave, announced on March 13 that they will not be able to host any meetings in the near future due to the COVID-19 coronavirus situation. As of now, there is no way to know how long the virus is going to be around or how transmittable it may become, so we are trying to take appropriate measures. NASB Board member Glen Tapley of WEWN said: “As much as we are looking forward to hosting the meeting and getting together with everyone, we are going to have to hold off on hosting NASB. Travel plans of attendees should not be finalized at this point. We will stay in contact and keep an eye on the coming weeks and months and hopefully be able to host NASB later this year.” So please do not make airline or other travel reservations, at least until we are able to announce new plans later this year. For those who have already made reservations, we hope that you will be able to cancel or change them due to the coronavirus circumstances. We are sorry for this change of plans, but we hope that the situation will soon improve.

Click here for more info at the NASB website.

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