How to Earn the W9IMS 2023 Checkered Flag Award

Once, Twice, Three Times a QSO: How to Earn the W9IMS 2023 Checkered Flag Award

By Brian D. Smith

Two out of three ain’t bad, proclaims the late ’70s classic rock song. But three out of three gets you the Checkered Flag Award from W9IMS.

That’s another way of reminding you that the third Indianapolis Motor Speedway special event of 2023, honoring NASCAR’s Verizon 200 at the Brickyard, will take to the amateur radio airwaves starting at midnight Indy time (0400 UTC) on Monday, August 7, and ending at 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 13 (0359 Monday, August 14 UTC).

Those who chalked up contacts or receptions during both of the first two special events in May – commemorating the IndyCar Grand Prix and the Indianapolis 500 – now have the opportunity to complete the clean sweep and qualify for the colorful Checkered Flag certificate.

But even if you’re just getting up to speed on the Speedway special event, or have caught only one of the two special events so far, you’re still in the running – not for a Checkered Flag Award (that’ll have to wait till 2024), but for one or more of the three collectible QSL cards that commemorate the individual races.

How to find W9IMS? The station operates primarily on 20 and 40 meters, but sometimes adds 80 meters later in the week (and occasionally 2 meters on Race Day for locals and fans in the stands at the Speedway). Preferred frequencies are 14.245 and 7.245 SSB, plus or minus QRM.

And the following suggestion will enhance your chances of putting W9IMS in your log:

  1. Check DX Summit ( for spots listing the current frequency or frequencies of W9IMS, if any. By typing “W9IMS” in the search box at upper right, you can customize it to show reports for only Indianapolis Motor Speedway special events. Naturally, you’ll be interested in only the ones from August 2023.
  1. Follow this link to the W9IMS web page ( and look for the heading, “2023 Operating Schedule.” Click on the NASCAR 200 link, which opens into a weeklong schedule listing individual operators and their reserved timeslots. Your odds of catching W9IMS on the air improve significantly during these hours.
  1. Prime operating time on weeknights is 6 to 10 p.m. Indy time (2200-0200 UTC). However, W9IMS can appear anytime, even on two bands at once, between 0400 Monday, August 7, and 0359 Sunday, August 13.
  1. Operators often get on the air at unscheduled times. That’s why DX Summit is your best bet for locating W9IMS’s current frequency (or frequencies).
  1. If you plan on applying for the 2023 Checkered Flag Award, remember that the three required W9IMS special event QSOs (or reception reports) must come from all of the year’s three races – the Grand Prix, the 500 and the Brickyard. Making three contacts during the coming week still earns you the colorful Brickyard QSL card, but no extra credits toward the certificate.
  1. Remember that the published schedule can be shortened by adverse circumstances, such as noisy band conditions, local thunderstorms or a lack of calling stations. Don’t wait till the final day and hour to chase W9IMS!
  1. If you want to get off to the earliest possible start, keep an ear on 20 meters at midnight Monday (Indy time) and listen for a YL operator. Cathy Harris, W9QKR, is slated to kick off the festivities from 12-2 a.m. (0400-0600 UTC).
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Carlos’ Shortwave Art and recording of the Okinawa Fishery Radio Station (August 5, 2023)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and noted political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who shares his radio log art of a recent Okinawa Fishery Radio Station Typhoon Alert.

Carlos notes:

Okinawa fishing radio station issued an alert today for typhoon Khanun, and the transmission was listened in Porto Alegre, Brazil.

Thanks Shigeru Tagawa for the translation.

Click here to view on YouTube.

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From The Isle of Music returns August 6, 2023!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bill Tilford, who shares the following announcement:

From The Isle of Music, the best cuban music program produced outside of Cuba, returns as a monthly Sunday, August 6 on WBCQ The Planet, 7490 kHz from 6pm-7pm EDT (2200-2300 UTC). It will air the first Sunday of each month, sharing the day/time with Julio Cesar Pereira’s Ginga Brasil!, which will air the second and fourth weeks, and Uncle BIll’s Melting Pot, which will air the third week. When there is a fifth Sunday in a month, that will feature Doug Feldmann’s Comedy Favorites.
This return episode of From The Isle of Music will feature selections from new recordings recognized in Cubadisco 2023.

William “Bill” Tilford, Owner/Producer
Tilford Productions, LLC
809 S. 20th ST
Lafayette, IN 47905-1551
email: [email protected]
phone: 773.267.6548

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Radio Waves: DRM from Ascension to Brazil, Commercial Radio Boost, FM HD Power, and New Pakistan DRM Project,

Radio Waves:  Stories Making Waves in the World of Radio

Welcome to the SWLing Post’s Radio Waves, a collection of links to interesting stories making waves in the world of radio. Enjoy!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributors Dennis Dura and Mangosman for the following tips:

Swiss Private Radio Station Broadcasts DRM To Brazil (DRM Consortium)

The next DRM shortwave broadcast of DRM Swiss supporter C.M. Obrecht is scheduled for August 11th UTC 2300 on 12030 kHz. The transmitter (100kW) site is Ascension Island in the Atlantic Ocean (245 degrees) and the broadcast will be carried out by Encompass Media Services with the main target of Brazil. This is the first time that the original music of Mr Obrecht will be beamed out of Ascension. Other similar transmissions of our Swiss supporter reached parts of Asia going as far as Australia, though the broadcasts were originating in the UK and not Ascension.

Commercial radio’s billion dollar boost to Australian economy (RadioInfo Australia)

With commercial radio in Australia turning 100, a new report has shown the industry contributes $1 billion to the nation’s annual GDP, which includes a $320 million boost to regional Australia.

The “Connecting Communities: The Economic and Social Contribution of Commercial Radio and Audio in Australia” report was commissioned by industry body Commercial Radio & Audio and produced by Deloitte Access Economics.

The study found commercial radio stations broadcast 1.1 million hours of Australian content, 2.7 million Australian songs, 42,000 hours of news and 2,200 hours of emergency service content in 2022.

The industry also supports 6,600 full-time equivalent jobs with 38% located in regional Australia.

CRA CEO Ford Ennals said:

“The Connecting Communities report is the first time in 100 years of broadcasting that we have evaluated the economic contribution of radio and its role in delivering trusted, local content to listeners all over the country. These figures show how important it is to have a sustainable Australian radio industry that delivers great audio content free of charge to everyone, everywhere.”

Seventeen million Australians listen to commercial radio. 74% believe radio and audio build a sense of community. $82 million in charitable contributions were made through donations and airtime in 2022. It also plays a key role in music discovery.

Read more at: © RadioInfo Australia

FCC Advances FM HD Power Proposal (Radio World)

NAB and Xperi have argued that the current formula is too conservative

Editor’s note: This story has been updated to include a statement from the National Association of Broadcasters.

A rule change that would allow more U.S. FM stations to increase HD Radio power is closer to reality.

The Federal Communications Commission has adopted a notice of proposed rulemaking that we told you about earlier, doing so a couple of days before its August monthly meeting. The action does not give final approval of the changes but indicates tentative approval and asks for public comment.

“Broadcasters and consumers increasingly prefer digital FM radio because it delivers better sound quality than traditional analog FM service,” the commission stated in its announcement.

“Currently, over 2,000 FM stations broadcast digitally, providing listeners with enhanced sound quality, song information and other data through their FM broadcast radio signals. The NPRM seeks comment on two proposals and asks whether these changes will benefit the public or impact existing FM services.” [Continue reading…]

Pakistan Breaks Ground on Massive DRM Project (Radio World)

The new 1,000 kW transmitter will reach from Eastern Europe to the Far East, as well as across South Asia

Pakistan’s national broadcaster broke ground July 30, 2023, on a new transmission facility that will extend its reach from the Mediterranean to the Pacific.

The modernization project marks a significant milestone for Radio Pakistan, including adding capabilities to broadcast in the Digital Radio Mondiale digital radio standard.

The project centers on a new 1,000 kW DRM transmitter being installed at the Radio Pakistan high-power transmission complex in Rawat, near the capital Islamabad. The new facility is expected to cost 4 billion rupees (nearly US$14 million) and is set to be completed in 2025.

Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Marriyum Aurangzeb oversaw the groundbreaking, noting that the project will extend Radio Pakistan’s reach to 52 nations across South Asia, Central Asia, the Far East, Middle East, and into Eastern Europe. [Continue reading…]

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Carlos’ Shortwave Art and recording of the Voice of Turkey (August 3, 2023)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor and noted political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff, who shares his radio log art of a recent Voice of Turkey transmission.

Carlos notes:

Part of news bulletin from Voice of Turkey radio, listened in Porto Alegre, Brazil (9870 kHz). Scores killed in police operations in Brazil.

Click here to view on YouTube.

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Radio Carpathia and RNEI to fill in void left by TIAMS

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Rose, who shares the following announcement:

The beloved ThisIsAMusicShow has ceased broadcasting for the foreseeable future, but you can rest assured, as the broadcast slot that was used by TIAMS (Thursdays between 0200-0300 UTC on WRMI 5850 kHz) is now in good hands.

In the first 30 minutes, starting at 0200 UTC, you will hear a monthly episode of Radio Carpathia, presented by Luca, featuring the best music from Eastern Europe and sometimes beyond, as well as some digital text and sometimes an image in MFSK64. New shows air on the Thursday that follows the third Sunday of every month (it’s not always the same), and will be repeated throughout the month.

In the other half of the hour, you will get to hear a special program from Radio Northern Europe International (whose normal program airs at 0100 UTC on the same day and frequency), called RNEIxtra, which introduces listeners to new genres, presenters, and music outside of the normal RNEI remit. Previous RNEIxtra shows have been DJ mixes, video game jazz, data experiments, and my personal favorite: Japanese music specials! We love getting new presenters on air on RNEIxtra so look out for exciting new shows and contact us if you want to give shortwave a try! New shows come out on the Thursday that follows the second Sunday of every month.

Reception reports for Radio Carpathia can be sent to radiocarpathia[at]gmail[dot]com, or by post to:
Luca Trifan
O.P. 6, C.P. 615
400810 Cluj-Napoca
and will be answered with a physical QSL card, regardless of how they are sent.

RNEI welcomes reception reports to qsl[at]rnei[dot]org.

More information, as well as previous on-demand shows, are available at and respectively.

Both Luca and I are looking forward to receiving your feedback and reception reports, and we hope you will enjoy this new, albeit quite different programming.

Click here for more information.

Thank you for sharing this news, Rose. TIAMS was an excellent program. I certainly hope we haven’t seen the last of it. Very pleased your stations have both stepped up to fill in the gap!

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The deep blue sea and trains this weekend on shortwave

Hi SWLing post community, Fastradioburst23 here letting you know about this weekend’s Imaginary Stations shows on shortwaves this Sunday 6th August 2023. The first show will be  beamed to Europe via the services of Shortwave Gold in Germany at 2000 utc on 6160 khz and will be the debut of KSEA. It’s an ocean themed mix special so grab a waterproof jacket and a radio (with marine band on it of course) and go on a seaward journey with us.

Then later on at 2200 hrs UTC on 9395 kHz  via WRMI we have CTRN for all locomotive fans. We’ll be playing all sorts of songs about stations, signals and rolling stock. Remember to leave any baggage in the guard’s van with your name and address clearly marked on the label before going to your alloted seat. We will be coming around with the buffet trolley so we need to keep the walkways clear. Please enjoy your trip and remember to take all of your belongings with you when you leave the train. Thank you!

For more information on the shows email Imaginarystations (at) gmail (dot) com

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