X1.6 Solar Flare, sunspot 2158 (source: Solar Ham)
After an X class solar flare that caused a serious HF radio black-out earlier today, we’ve been rewarded with superb radio conditions this evening in North America.
This is, perhaps, one of the best temporary band openings I’ve experienced this year. Unfortunately, there’s a good chance an incoming CME could wipe out the bands again in the next 12-24 hours. Check out the forecast here: http://www.solarham.net/
But who cares? The following are just some of the stations I logged on 25 and 31 meters this evening. Note that I didn’t include all of the weak stations I could hear and I also omitted many CRI, RHC, and religious broadcasts:
Starting 22:00 UTC on 25 meters
- 11780 RN da Amazonia
- 11810 KBS World Radio
- 11820 Radio Riyadh
- 11855 Radio Aparecida
- 11880 RHC French
- 11915 Radio Riyadh
- 11930 Radio Marti
- 11940 Radio Romania International
- 11965 RHC? (French)
- 12050 EWTN (WEWN)
Starting 23:00 UTC on 31 meters
- 9420 Voice of Iran
- 9535 Radio Exterior de Espana
- 9575 Radio Mediterranee International
- 9620 Radio Exterior de Espana
- 9645 Radio Bandeirantes
- 9665 Radio Voz Missionaria (with WRM from other broadcasters)
- 9740 Radio Romania International (Spanish)
- 9765 Radio Romania International
- 9795 FEBC Radio (under heavy QRM)
- 9850 Radio Tirana
- 9855 Radio Australia
- 9875 Radio Free Asia (Tibetan)
- 9900 (RA?) English
- 9965 Radio Cairo
- 10000 WWV
Staring 00:00 UTC on 31 meters
- 9420 Voice of Iran, then ERT Open (VOG)
- 9500 Radio Sultanate of Oman
- 9520 Radio Romania International (Romanian)
- 9535 Radio Exterior de Espana
- 9550 Radio Boa Ventade
- 9570 China Radio International English
- 9530 Radio Transmundial
- 9620 Radio Exterior de Espana
- 9630 China National Radio 1
- 9645 Radio Bandeirantes
- 9665 Radio Voz Missionaria
- 9690 All India Radio
- 9700 Radio Romania International
- 9710 China Radio International (Portuguese)
- 9730 Adventist World Radio (Burmese)
- 9800 China Radio International (Spanish)
- 9810 Radio Havana Cuba
- 9820 Radio 9 de Julho
- 9880 Voice of America (Chinese)
- 9930 The Overcomer Ministry
- 9955 Radio Marti ?
- 9965 Radio Cairo
- 10000 WWV
Staring at 01:00 UTC on 25 meters
- 11580 The Overcomer Ministry
- 11590 NHK Radio Japan (Hindi)
- 11620 All India Radio (Urdu)
- 11640 Radio Free Asia (Uyghur)
- 11650 China Radio International (Chinese)
- 11670 Radio Havana Cuba (Spanish)
- 11695 Radio Free Asia (Tibetan) ? QRM from another station
- 11711 Radio Argentina Exterior
- 11730 Vatican Radio (Tamil)
- 11740 All India Radio (Sinhala)
- 11760 Radio Havana Cuba (Spanish)
- 11765 Radio Tupi – Super Radio Deus e Amor
- 11780 RN da Brasilia
- 11815 Radio Brasil Central
- 11825 The Overcomer Ministry
- 11840 Radio Havana Cuba (Spanish)
- 11855 Radio Aparecida
- 11870 EWTN – WEWN (Spanish)
- 11905 Sri Lanka BC (English/Hindi)
- 11925 Radio Bandeirantes
- 11945 Radio Free Asia (Uyghur) & jamming noise
- 11955 Radio Romania International (French)
- 11980 China Radio International (Amoy) – vy faint
- 11995 BBC (Hindi) vy faint
- 12005 Voice of Vietnam (English)
- 12020 Voice of America – Deewa Radio (Pashto)
- 12025 UNID (Spanish / religious)
- 12070 POssible Radio Cairo behind strong jamming or transmitter noise
- 12105 WTWW (English)
- 12115 Radio Free Asia (Burmese)?
Enjoy this opening while it lasts! As my buddy Mike (K8RAT) suggested earlier today, we may be rewarded with further openings if the incoming CME only glances Earth–not probable, but possible.
I’m curious how conditions have been in other parts of the world? If you’ve been enjoying this band opening, please comment with stations you’ve logged.