Tag Archives: Radio Exterior de Espana

Radio Exterior de España to abandon shortwave October 1st


Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Harold Woering, who recorded the announcement by Radio Exterior de España which mentions the imminent cuts to all shortwave radio broadcasts on October 1, 2014.

I’m confident this time REE’s exit will be permanent unlike the last time REE left the air in 2012.

The announcement is clear, and so is the opinion of the show host who recognizes why shortwave radio is a more accessible platform for many.

Listen to Harold’s recording below from REE’s English language broadcast service Saturday night on 6,055 kHz (00:00 UTC Sunday):

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Radio Exterior de España: new management and possible change


SWLing Post reader, David, writes from Barcelona:

I would like to let you know that changes are coming to my country’s SW broadcast station, Radio Exterior de España.

As they say in the latest “Listeners Club” program in the English Language broadcast, new bosses have come, the situation is chaotic now, and everything now is “up in the air”.

They may simply undergo a simple schedule change, but there’s a strong possibility as well, that REE went completely off the air. I think it is news worth spreading.

Here is a link to the latest “Listeners Club”, which includes comments on the issue: http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/emision-en-ingles/english-broadcast-listeners-club/2735360/

Many thanks, David. Please keep us informed if you hear any news.

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Radio Exterior de España to close Costa Rica shortwave relay station

REElogoMany thanks to SWLing Post reader, Martin Delfin, for this news from REE and for his translation:

Hi Thomas– This was just posted today on the Radio Exterior website:


This is [my] English translation:

From October 28, Radio Exterior de España will permanently conclude its shortwave transmissions from its relay station in Cariari, Costa Rica. At the same time, from that date, broadcasts from its transmitters in Noblejas, Spain will be considerably expanded.

These changes will affect those listeners in Central America, North America and the northern part of South America’s Southern Cone who tune us.

In the coming days, we will post and announce our new frequencies and times in which you can hear Radio Exterior de España on our webpage and programs.

73s Marty Delfín, Madrid, Spain

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Radio Exterior de España

Plaza de Cibeles--MAdrid, Spain (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

Plaza de Cibeles–MAdrid, Spain (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

For your listening pleasure: one hour, fifty minutes of Radio Exterior de España.

Recorded on September 16, 2013, starting at 00:00 UTC on 9,535 kHz.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Radio Exterior de Espana rings in 2013 with a dance music marathon

Madrid-New-Years-EveFor a broadcaster that was rumored to be extinguished last year, REE sure knows how to ring in the new year. I managed to record hours of their live broadcast over the 31 and 49 meter bands.

The first recording starts at 00:00 UTC (Jan, 1st 2013) on 9.535 MHz following a few seconds of the REE interval signal.  I then moved my spectrum recording lower in the band and was able to hear them on 6.125 MHz despite very strong adjacent signals. I recorded over three hours on 6.123 MHz before starting a new recording for the remaining 2 hours of their broadcast.

You can also listen to the recordings in the embedded player below (though they are listen in reverse order, chronologically):

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Radio Exterior de Espana (REE) has returned to shortwave

As a follow-up to my previous post on Radio Exterior de Espana, I can confirm that I’m hearing REE on all of their scheduled frequencies today.

We’re not totally sure why their analog shortwave broadcasts were cut last week, but it could certainly have been a knee-jerk reaction to the financial woes in Spain and at RTVE.

Again, if you’re an REE fan, I suggest you contact them ASAP ([email protected]) and show your support. Tell them what you listen to and why. Though services have been re-established, I suspect REE shortwave broadcasts may be on the chopping block again in the near future.


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Radio Exterior de España leaving shortwave? Not yet.

This week, Radio Exterior de España (REE) suddenly dropped many of their analog shortwave broadcasts. I waited to mention this on the SWLing Post because, even though they were no longer on the air, I had heard no rumors beforehand and I had recently been in contact with them.

SWLer, Mark Coady, made a post on Facebook today with a message from REE stating that there was a lot of internal confusion and frustration regarding REE suddenly dropping shortwave services. They also mentioned that REE is planning to restore shortwave services again, possibly as soon as this weekend. I just received a short message from an REE contact to the same effect.

So, we will see if they restore services this weekend or early next week.  I personally enjoy listening to REE’s services in English and French.  I especially love their music, when they play it.

If you’re an REE fan, I suggest you contact them ASAP ([email protected]) and show your support. Though services are being re-established, shortwave broadcasts may be on the chopping block again in the near future.


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