Tag Archives: RSGB

RSGB to release new amateur radio exam syllabus

The QRP Ranger (left) and LNR Precision LD-11 transceiver (right)

(Source: Southgate ARC)

RSGB has announced Syllabus 2019 for Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced amateur radio exams will be released during the week commencing August 13

There will be a considerable amount of work to be done by volunteers to implement the changes. It is understood there will be at least 12 month’s advance notice before the syllabus changes are implemented.

The announcement on the RSGB site says the new syllabus was approved by the RSGB Board in July. The 2018 RSGB Examination Standards Committee report indicates Ofcom approved the syllabus in May.

Read the RSGB announcement at

2018 RSGB Examination Standards Committee report released

The RSGB run an email group at groups.io to allow for regular updates, news and sharing of ideas between trainers. To join the group request membership from the web page: https://groups.io/g/RSGBtutors

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RSGB presentation on RF Interference

Digital-Frequency-DialMany thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Gary (W4EEY), who writes:

I want to recommend an excellent presentation on RF Interference from
the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) Convention in 2015. The
presenter is Ian White, GM3SEK, who has a Blog website here:


You can find the presentation video on YouTube here:

Click here to view on YouTube.

The presentation runs for about one hour and contains some valuable
information to help you fight noise and interference in your shack.

Thanks for the tip, Gary!

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RSGB and WWII Voluntary Interceptors

(Source: Southgate ARC)

WWII role of the RSGB and Voluntary Interceptors

A new RSGB web page highlights the role of Voluntary Interceptors in the Second World War and the crucial involvement of the Society

At the outbreak of WWII in 1939 MI5 established a unit known as the Radio Security Service (RSS) to detect and monitor enemy radio transmissions. The RSGB were approached to help pick and recruit radio amateurs with advanced Morse skills. These volunteers became known as the Voluntary Interceptors.

Read the RSGB story at

The former President of the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society, Harry Heap G5HF (SK), was a Voluntary Interceptor, further information at

Click here to read at the Southgate ARC.

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