Yearly Archives: 2017

Pirates playing Chuck

Chuck Berry (1926-2017)

If you’re a fan of rock’n’roll, you no doubt heard the sad news of Chuck Berry’s passing today after 90 years at full throttle.

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike Hansgen (K8RAT), who notes that a number of pirate stations have been playing Chuck Berry tributes tonight; these will, no doubt, continue into tomorrow night, as well.

Mike’s message prompted me to trigger a spectrum recording, as I’m currently on the road. I’ll pull out a portable tonight and listen live, but it’ll be nice to catch up with Chuck later as I play back my spectrum recordings. (This is why I love SDRs.)

Many thanks to the pirates who are paying tribute to the legend.

Rest in peace, Chuck. A toast to the grandfather of rock’n’roll.

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From the Isle of Music & Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, Week of March 20-25

From the Isle of Music, Week of March 20 -25, 2017
This week, our special guest Oriente López, the Musical Director of Afrocuba during much of the 1980s and now with his own excellent projects, will discuss both Afrocuba, one of Cuba’s most interesting Fusion/Cuban Jazz ensembles, especially during the 1980s, and his own current projects, which are also fascinating. We will, of course, listen to some wonderful music from these ensembles.
Three opportunities to listen via shortwave:
1. For the Americas and parts of Western Europe:
WBCQ, 7490 KHz, Tuesdays 0000-0100 UTC (Mondays 8pm-9pm EDT in the Americas)
2. For Europe and beyond,
Channel 292, 6070 KHz, Fridays 1100-1200 UTC (1200-1300 CET) and Saturdays 1200-1300 UTC (1300-1400 CET)

Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot,  March 23, 2017
Episode 4 of Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, a musical variety program that features genres from A-Z, will air on WBCQ the Planet, 7490 KHz, Thursday, March 16 from 2300-2330 UTC (7:00pm-7:30pm EDT in the Americas). Brought to you by Tilford Productions, which also brings you From the Isle of Music.
Uncle Bill doesn’t like us to say too much, because part of  the idea is to surprise you with things, but Episode 4 is especially recommended for fans of music from the Balkans and for members of the Michigan Area Radio Enthusiasts (MARE)
We aren’t showing on the WBCQ website yet (apparently it likes surprises even more than Uncle Bill),  but we’ll be on the air.  Check us out, and let us know what you think!

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TX Factor Episode 15

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Thomas Ally, who notes that TX Factor have just published their 15th episode.

Here’s the episode description via TX Factor:

Bob gives a relaxed overview of the RS-BA1 remote control software for the Icom IC-7300. We meet two youngsters with a passion for amateur radio. And Mike and Bob head off to Bristol to spend a day with some very enthusiastic members of the British Amateur Television Club to learn all about digital amateur television.

Click here to view on YouTube.

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All India Radio investing heavily in DRM tranmitters

All India Radio (AIR) Headquarters in Dehli, India. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Many thanks to SWLing Post reader, Pradip, who shares the following story from Radio and Music Biz online:

AIR has acquired 37 DRM transmitters, in talks to get cheaper radio sets

NEW DELHI: All India Radio (AIR) has introduced digital radio technology in the AIR Network by installing new state of the art Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) Technology transmitters by replacing old outlived 37 Medium Wave/ Short Wave transmitters.

Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Rathore told Parliament however that the provisions contained in Policy Guidelines on expansion of FM Radio broadcasting services through private agencies (Phase-III) do not provide for private FM broadcasters to adopt digital radio technology.

He said Digital Radio allows significant improvements in service reliability, audio quality, more radio services and higher efficiency.

The new AIR transmitters include 35 new state of art technology Medium Wave (MW)/ DRM transmitters as a replacement of old technology valve based MW transmitters. Additionally, two new state of the art technology Short Wave (SW) DRM transmitters have been approved for installation as a replacement of old SW transmitters.[…]

Continue reading at

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Icom RS-BA1: Setting up the IC-7300 for remote operation

(Source: Southgate ARC and Dave Zantow)

New video: Icom RS-BA1. Installing & setting-up remote control for your IC-7300

The TX Factor have produced a video that logically goes through the step by step process of remote controlling an Icom Amateur radio, more specifically in this case, the IC-7300 using the RS-BA1 remote control software.

The video shows Bob McCreadie (G0FGX) of TX Films demonstrating:

• Setting up your computer and radio
• Installing the RS-BA1 remote control software
• Accessing the IC-7300 remotely
• Introduction to the RC-28 remote controller encoder.

To view this video visit: 
Icom RS-BA1. Installing & Setting up Remote Control for your IC-7300 SDR Radio

To found out more about Icom’s remote control software, visit the
RC-28 IP Remote Control System page where you will also find a list of compatible Icom HF radios.

For more information about the IC-7300 visit the
IC-7300 HF/50/70MHz Transceiver product page.

Both the RC-28 IP Remote Control System and IC-7300 are available from all authorised Icom Amateur radio dealers.

Of course, you could use the RS-BA1software to use the Icom IC-7300 as a remote shortwave receiver. Click here to read our review of the IC-7300.

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Shortwave Relays This Weekend

(Source: Tom Taylor)

Relays This Weekend

Hamurger Lokal Radio via Shortwave Station Göhren, Germany with 1KW to Western Europe:
6190 KHz Every Saturday 07.00 to 11.00 UTC
7265 KHz Every Saturday 11.00 to 16.00 UTC
9485 KHz Every Sunday 10.00 to 13.00 UTC
Contact email: [email protected]

Next scheduled transmissions from Radio City:
Friday March 17th at 19 – 20 UTC via IRRS on 7290 kHz,
repeated Saturday March 18th at 09 – 10 UTC via IRRS on 9510 kHz.
Older programmes may be repeated at random other Saturdays.
Older programmes may also be transmitted by Challenger Radio in Italy on 1368, 846 and 567 kHz, Saturdays at 00 UTC and Saturdays at 20.30 UTC (two different slots)
There will be a different programme via Hamburger Lokalradio Saturday March 25th at 13 – 14 UTC on 7265 kHz.
After that, during the period of daylight shifting time transmissions will be one hour earlier in UTC schedules.
Our contact address remains [email protected]

European Music Radio Transmissions via;
WBCQ to Central & North America on 5130 KHz on 18th March between 23.00 to 00.00 UTC
Shortwave Station Göhren on 9485 KHz on 19th March between 09.00 to 10.00 UTC
Channel 292 on 6070 KHz on 19th March between 16.00 to 17.00 UTC
Contact email: [email protected]

Internet Repeats on 19th March 2017:
EMR will repeat this months Transmissions via two streams running at the following Times:16.00, 18.00, 20.00 UTC will be on 96 kbps /44 KHz stereo for normal listening will be 24 kbps / 22 KHz mono will be especially for low bandwidth like mobile phones.

KBC via:
Media Broadcast to America on 6145 KHz Every Sunday between 00.00 to 01.00
Contact email: [email protected]

Hobart Radio via:
Channel 292 to Western Europe on 6070 KHz Saturdays fortnightly between 09.00 to 09.30 UTC.
WRMI to Americas, Asia/Pacific on 9955 KHz Sunday between 04.30 to 05.00 UTC
WRMI to Americas, Asia/Pacific on 9955 KHz Tuesday between 23.30 to 00.00 UTC
WBCQ to North America on 5130 KHz Mondays 04.30 to 05.00 UTC
Contact email: [email protected]

For outside the listening area please try the Twente/Netherlands Web RX at

You can also hear many European free and alternative stations via the Internet at:

Radio Channel 292 Transmission schedules on 6070 KHz (on the air every day):

Radio Mi Amigo Transmission schedules:

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