Category Archives: Current Events

The Sydney Morning Herald: “We need to broadcast to the world, not whisper”

(Source: The Sydney Morning Herald)

As the Cold War was ending in the late 1980s and early ’90s, Western nations, confident of a lasting peace, began to neglect the tools that had sustained them in the ideological war against communism. In the US, institutions of public diplomacy and strategic communications were disbanded, and foreign service hiring frozen, in what the US Defence Secretary, Robert Gates, called a “gutting” of the US’s ability to engage, assist and communicate with the world. Other countries blindly tagged along.

[…] Right after the BBC World Service was forced to announce deep cuts to its budget affecting even its Arabic-language services, Egypt and Tunisia evicted their presidents. The impact is reverberating around the Middle East.[…] The events of the past few weeks in the Middle East have surely reinforced the power of the media (new and old) to inspire, engage and propel change.

Read full article here.

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Radio As A Force For Peace

Jocelyne Sambira

In many countries ravaged by war and violent conflict, radio is sometimes the only way of getting information. In most of these regions, there is little or no infra- structure and when people are on the run, it is sometimes the only link to the world they have left behind.

This inspiring article written by journalist, Jocelyne Sambira for we_magazine shows how radio broadcasts and journalism, in general, bring listeners clarity in the midst of chaos.

Read “Radio As A Force For Peace” at we_magazine’s website.

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Radio Slovakia International to continue shortwave broadcasts to Caribbean and Latin America

(Source: Southgate Amateur Radio Club)

A last-minute agreement between Radio Slovakia International and Radio Miami International (WRMI) will permit the international radio station of Slovakia to continue its shortwave transmissions in English and Spanish to the Caribbean and Latin America.

Radio Slovakia International had announced that its shortwave broadcasts would end on 31 December 2010. However, WRMI will be broadcasting RSI’s programme in English at 0130-0200 UTC Tuesday-Saturday and RSI’s Spanish programme at 0330-0400 UTC seven days per week. Both of these transmissions will be on 9955 kHz with 50 kW of power from Miami using a beam of 160 degrees directed to the Caribbean and Latin America.

“We are glad to be able to help Radio Slovakia International continue its shortwave transmissions to this part of the world,” said WRMI General Manager Jeff White. He added that listener reports will be appreciated and will be verified with a special WRMI QSL card commemorating the Radio Slovakia International relay.

Reports may be sent to Radio Miami International, P.O. Box 526852, Miami, Florida 33152 USA, or by e-mail to [email protected].

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War of the Worlds on your shortwave radio – October 30th

On October 30, 2010 at 0100UTC on 9955khz, PCJ Radio will present a special broadcast of HG Wells’ War Of The Worlds as it was originally broadcast on CBS Radio.

PCJ is also giving away 3 copies of this program. If you would like a chance to win one send them an email at: [email protected].


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Yes, Passport To World Band Radio Has Closed Their Website

Over the past weeks, many of you may have noticed that the website for Passport To World Band Radio, (note: no hyperlinking here), has closed shop. This, of course, following the death of every SWLer’s favorite guide, the  Passport To World Band Radio. If this is new to you, read some of our previous posts about this.

Alternatives to Passport To World Band Radio

As I pointed out in previous posts, do not despair! There are alternatives for finding shortwave radio schedules. For starters, consider purchasing the World Radio and TV Handbook. If you’re looking for online sources of schedules, also consider some alternatives I listed on’s Resource page. was a great source for news in the world of shortwave radio.  I (humbly) believe our blog, the SWLing Post, is as well. Consider subscribing to our RSS feed. Also, check our Blogroll links (right navigation column) for other great radio websites.

We also offer shortwave radio reviews in simple form on our main site and also in (this) blog portion of our website.

At we are also active advocates for shortwave radio–we frequently make our opinions about how vital radio is throughout the world known to international broadcasters and we give you the opportunity to do the same.

Remember, you’re not alone and shortwave radio is not dead. Indeed, it’s quite an active lifeline to many communities around our small planet.

Happy listening!

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Fiji democracy group planning pirate radio

(Source: New Zealand Herald)

In a move inspired by pirate radio stations of the 1960s, political activists in the South Pacific are planning to position a Dutch-registered merchant vessel in international waters off the coast of Fiji to defy censors in the military dictatorship.

Opponents of the coup leader and self-appointed Prime Minister, Commodore Frank Bainimarama, hope to have the station broadcasting news and interviews by the end of next month to circumvent draconian media laws imposed on press, radio and television.

Since taking power in a military coup in December 2006, Fiji’s strongman has slowly eaten away at the country’s democratic freedoms, installing newsroom censors and cracking down on foreign media ownership.

Newspapers and radio stations now have to be 90 per cent locally owned, a stipulation that will almost certainly see the closure of the 140-year-old Fiji Times.

The popular title, which has been owned by News Ltd since 1987, has been emasculated since the censors moved in to demand the removal of any anti-government stories.

With most of the population too poor to access the internet or satellite television, most Fijians rely on the press and transistor radios for their news. That is why Usaia Waqatairewa of the Fiji Democracy Movement has opted for pirate broadcasting.

Now exiled in Australia, he plans to stream live programming to the ship from a Sydney newsroom and rebroadcast the material from a transmitter on the AM waveband.

“The basic purpose is to inform the public of what’s really happening in Fiji so they can make an informed decision about whether to support Bainimarama or not,” he said.

Even the phones no longer guarantee confidentiality since the Government ordered mobile and landline users to register all their personal details. One local carrier, Vodafone, is also demanding that customers provide a left-hand thumb print and PIN, which the user would normally keep secret.

The head of the Justice Ministry, Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum, claims the compulsory registration of all phones is the result of a spate of bomb threats and bogus calls. Critics suggest it is more to do with the interim Government wanting to create a database of callers whose views do not correspond with the regime’s.

Telephone paranoia even extends to some tourists. A German businessman who used his satellite phone in a restaurant recently was reported to the police, who promptly raided his hotel room. He left the country in disgust shortly afterwards.

So far, such stories have not damaged tourism, which is one of the few Fijian industries still booming. A devalued currency and a strong Australian dollar have made Fiji a bargain destination for overseas holidaymakers.

But while the tourists are still heading to Fiji, businesses are pulling out. Australia’s Commonwealth Bank has sold its Fijian arm, and Qantas is trying to sell its 46 per cent stake in Fiji’s national airline, Air Pacific. Despite these economic warning signals, Commodore Bainimarama remains determined to do things his way. He has promised to go to the country in 2014 but as he has repeatedly postponed his general election plans, few believe he will keep his word.

And if an application for a loan of more than $700 million from the IMF fails, “the country’s economic outlook will be shocking”, says Anthony Bergin of the Australian Strategic Policy Unit.


Fiji has had four coups in the past two decades and is facing an economic crisis that threatens to bring more instability to the 800,000 people who inhabit this sprawling archipelago.

And there are concerns about human rights as Commodore Frank Bainimarama cracks down on those who oppose his dictatorship.

In a rare interview aired by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation last month, the military leader said “we’ll need to shut some people up” before the country can return to democracy. “I don’t trust the people,” declared the Prime Minister, adding that he was none too happy about politicians or the judiciary, either.

After silencing the powerful Methodist Church and the chiefs who are the traditional rulers of this fiercely patriotic nation, Commodore Bainimarama sacked many judges.

Suspended from the Commonwealth, Fiji risks becoming a pariah in the region.

The Prime Minister also recently expelled Australia’s acting high commissioner to Fiji.

The reforms he talks about strike at the heart of Fiji’s racially divided society. For many years, about half the population was of Indian origin, descendants of indentured labourers brought to Fiji in the 19th century to help in the sugar industry. Faced with eviction from their farms after their leases expired, thousands of Indians have sought refuge overseas while many of those unable to leave have ended up in squatter camps.

When Commodore Bainimarama seized power he promised a fairer society, with legislation designed to protect the interests of the Indian community. But unemployment, poverty and fear have created a society whose people are often too scared to talk.

– Independent
By Roger Maynard

NOTE: We’ve been following the story in Fiji for more than a year now as it is a prime example of how important shortwave radio is to people who live in a country that restricts local media. Check out our previous posts about the situation in Fiji.

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Radio St. Helena Day 2010

[UPDATE: Radio Saint Helena Day 2010 has been canceled. Please read this updated post with info.]

Want to chase some fun DX? Radio St. Helena Day 2010 is almost here–this time being held in October. Details below:

(Source: Jaisakthivel via Hard-Core DX)

Radio St. Helena Day 2010 : Date,Times and Targets
RSD 2010 will be on 11092.5 kHz USB, Saturday, 9th October 2010

Target Region Times (UTC ) Beam Heading

  • EUROPE 1900 – 2030 UTC 10 degrees
  • INDIA 2030 – 2130 UTC 70 degrees
  • JAPAN 2130 – 2300 UTC 50 degrees
  • North America 2300 – 0030 UTC 310 degrees

Gary Walters, Station Manager of Radio St. Helena, has just confirmed the above information,and, as usual, Derek Richards will operate the RSD shortwave transmitting facility. There will be a special email-address exclusively for the evening of RSD 2010. As soon as Gary sets up this special email account, will be published.

The RSD 2010 QSL cards are being sponsored by the Danish ShortWave Club International. Reception reports for RSD 2010 should be sent with sufficient return postage to RSH using thespecial Airmail address via Ascension and the United Kingdom — exactly the same procedureas for the RSD 2009 reception reports. ALL mail to RSH should use this procedure. ALL 266 QSLs for RSD 2009 have been mailed and should now be arriving around the world.The sunspot minimum between sunspot cycles 23 and 24 is the longest in history — much to the dismay of shortwave listeners everywhere. This minimum has lasted since 2007 and is still ongoing. There are not very many sunspots to “help” propagation, and there is no real sign of significant change.

The UTC-times for broadcasting to the various target area have been very carefully selected to to have the very best chance of good reception in each area. Also, we need to have the RSD broadcasts one after the other.After RSD 2009, it was decided to change the times somewhat and to move RSD from November to October (as was the case back in the late 1990’s — Thanks, John). RSH hopes that everyone around the world has excellent reception conditions during RSD 2010 and is looking forward to your emails and also, if possible, to your telephone calls.

Gary Walters , Station Manager of Radio St. Helena via Robert Kipp

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