Summer 2019 Global Radio Guide now available as ebook

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Eric McFadden (WD8RIF), who notes that the Global Radio Guide: Summer 2019 is now available at as an ebook.

The price is $8.49, but if you belong to the Kindle Unlimited program, it’s free to read.

Click here to check it out at (affiliate link).

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Active sunspot returns

(Source: Spaceweather via Troy Riedel)

This weekend, old sunspot AR2738 is returning from a two-week trip around the farside of the sun. After re-appearing late yesterday, the sunspot quickly produced two CMEs (coronal mass ejections), signalling that it may be even more active than before. Last month when it crossed the face of the sun, AR2738 crackled with low-level flares and strafed Earth with loud shortwave radio bursts.[…]

Click here to follow this story at

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Encore – Classical Music on shortwave – broadcast Sunday afternoon in Europe & USA

Encore – Classical Music on shortwave – broadcast Sunday afternoon in Europe & USA

Encore – Classical Music this weekend is being broadcast as usual by Channel 292 (Europe) on 6070 kHz at 15:00 UTC Sunday 5th May.
And by WBCQ on 7490 kHz at 00:00 – 01:00 UTC Monday 6th May.

There is a repeat on 6070 kHz on Friday 10th May at 19:00 UTC.

The Programme this week will start with Itzak Perlman playing some Sarasate on his Strad. Then, as if that won’t be gorgeous enough, we will have Dido’s Lament (Henry Purcell) – and a movement from Beethoven’s 6th – the Pastoral. Next we calm down with a Cello Suite from Bach before something a bit startling by Messiaen followed by the ‘Motorbike’ trombone concerto by Sandstrom.  The hour will end with Dvorák and Copland.

As usual – reception reports and requests for music to play in future programmes will be very welcome.

Regular Broadcast times are:
15:00 – 16:00 UTC Sunday, and repeated 19:00 – 20:00 UTC Friday on 6070 kHz (Channel 292 Germany).
00:00 – 01:00 UTC Monday on 7490 kHz (WBCQ – Maine).

Brice Avery – Encore – Radio Tumbril –

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What are Shortwave and HF broadcast seasons?

After posting recent shortwave broadcast schedules and updates for the A19 season, SWLing Post reader Tom Cook asked, What is A19?”

Excellent question, Tom! And, frankly, one I’ve never answered here on the SWLing Post even though it’s so fundamental to understand HF broadcast scheduling.

Shortwave broadcast schedules are coordinated for two seasons:

  • a summer season which starts on the last Sunday in March and ends on the last Sunday in October; and
  • a winter season which starts on the last Sunday in October and ends on the last Sunday in March.

The summer season is often referred to as the “A” season, and winter the “B” season. This is often abbreviated, so “A19” equates to the 2019 “A” or summer season.

For newcomers to shortwave listening, the confusing bit is that three month period between January and March in any given year–the end of the “B” season which started the previous year. For example, in February 2019 you would still be in the B18 broadcast season even though you’re already in the year 2019.

At time of posting (May 4, 2019), we are in the A19 HF broadcasting season.

Thanks for asking your question, Tom! I hope this explanation helps.

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“This Frequency” – A new EP from Madtone and Jazz’min

Many thanks to SWLing Post friend and contributor, Pete Madtone, who has just released his latest EP called, “This Frequency.”

This EP features vocalist Jazz’min and off-air audio samples of contest station P49Y from Aruba.

The EP, released this week, can be found on Madtone’s Bandcamp page:

Jazz’min put up “This Frequency” the title track, up on her Soundcloud page:

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“The dream of Biafra lives on in underground Nigerian radio broadcasts”

(Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ed, who shares the following story about Radio Biafra from the LA Times:

Every evening as 5 o’clock approaches, the clogged, perpetually dusty streets of this industrial city in southeastern Nigeria begin to empty.

Groups of men just off work go inside, shut their doors and tune their radios to 102.1 FM.

Then an anthem begins to play, and a voice says “Kedu” ­ “how are you” in the Igbo language ­ to welcome listeners to the daily broadcast of Radio Biafra.

For the next 90 minutes, hosts and various guests proselytize for the revival of an old dream: the creation of an independent state called Biafra.

The broadcasts, conducted live from an undisclosed location in Nigeria, are illegal, and the group behind them ­ the Indigenous People of Biafra, or IPOB ­ has been classified by the government as a terrorist organization since 2017. Its leaders say they eschew violence and want a peaceful settlement of the issue through a national referendum.

Activists say people caught listening to the station have been arrested or beaten. But many residents here say they are willing to take the risk.

Radio Biafra is a daily reminder of the bloody civil war that ravaged Nigeria between 1967 and 1970. The conflict started when a Nigerian military general, Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, declared an independent state of Biafra. It ended after more than a million deaths, mostly from starvation after the government imposed a food blockade on the region.

Ultimately, the rebels surrendered and the area was reintegrated into Nigeria under the government motto “No victor, no vanquished.”

But the memory of the brutal war looms large in Aba, feeding enthusiasm for the broadcasts despite extremely long odds that Biafra will ever come to be.[…]

Click here to read the full story at the LA Times.

Radio Biafra has also been elusive and rare DX for radio listeners. Click here to read more Radio Biafra posts in our archive.

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ABC has appointed David Anderson as managing director

ABC Melbourne (Photo: Mark Fahey)

David Anderson (Source: ABC)

(Source: The Guardian via Michael Bird)

David Anderson, a 30-year veteran at the public broadcaster, has been appointed ABC managing director by the chair, Ita Buttrose, replacing the sacked Michelle Guthrie.

“Mr Anderson is an exceptional media professional with strong content, digital and strategic experience,” Buttrose said.

“The ABC Board resolved unanimously to appoint David Anderson following a national and international search that produced many impressive candidates.

“With almost 30 years of service, David’s knowledge of the ABC is unsurpassed. He has a deep understanding of audience needs and the board is confident he has the skills and ability to respond to the challenges of a changing media environment.[…]

Click here to read the full story at The Guardian.

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