From the Shortwave Archive: Radio South Africa (RSA) New Year’s call-in program 1977

Minolta DSC

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Tom Gavaras, who shares the following recording of Radio South Africa which was originally recorded on December 31, 1977 from his home in Plymouth, MN using a Hammarlund HQ-180.

Tom notes:

During the late 1970s, Radio South Africa (RSA) would broadcast a New Years call-in show. This recording is from 1/1/1978 (12/31/1977 in the US). At two minutes into the recording, you can hear the interval signal for RAI (Italy) in the background. I have scoped (edited) the music. Unsure how long RSA carried on this tradition, but heard a similar call-in broadcast the following year on 1/1/1979.

Click here to download this recording.

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Digitech AR-1780 sale and purchasing from the US

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike, who reminds us that Jaycar has the Digitech AR-1780 on sale until December 26, 2018.

Click here to check out the sale at JayCar online.

Mike also shares the following email he received from Jaycar regarding the purchase of an AR-1780 from the United States:

Thanks for your enquiry.

The product is on special now until Dec 26 2018 at the Australian site.
Please see the following price in AUD for the order.
AR1780 x 1 $89.00 AUD
Standard Air $33.40 AUD
Total $122.40 AUD

But the Australian site is not running for overseas online order.
If you are interested to getting the product, please provide your credit
card payment to proceed the order by email or phone.
You can call our regular phone +61 2 8832 3245 during Australian
business hours to provide your credit card details. The business trading
hours are 8:30am – 5:30pm Mon – Fri. It’s 11:11am Friday here. Our staff
will make this order for you.

You also can place this order directly on our US site. We have put it to
the US market now.

The price in USD will be as follows.
AR1780 x 1 $94.95 USD
Economy Air $15.00 USD
Total $109.95 USD

The product is dispatched from Australia to the USA, so local customs
duty & taxes may apply. Delivery time estimated about 6-10 business days
via post standard air. You can track it at the post office site.

Helen Yang
Customer Service Representative

Thank you for the tip, Mike! Since I’m not a fan of sharing credit card information over email, I would encourage you to make the purchase through JayCar’s US website.

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KiwiSDRs now at the KPH receive site in Point Reyes

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Bill Ruck, who writes:

Please be advised that the Martitime Radio Historical Society has made publicly available Kiwi SDR receivers at the KPH receive site in Point Reyes.  This site was selected for SW reception by Dr. Beverage for RCA around 1930.

You can access the receivers at

Bill Ruck

Brilliant news, Bill!  Thank you for sharing!

Click here to visit the Point Reyes KiwiSDR optimized for HF reception and this one optimized for LW/MW reception.

Click here to visit the KPH Software Defined Receivers info page.

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SWLing Post Contest Question #5: Our final question for a chance to win a piece of broadcasting history!

RCA Window from MI-7330

Four weeks ago, we announced a new contest to celebrate the SWLing Post‘s 10th Anniversary.

The prize is an amazing piece of broadcast history: a 75 year old round plate glass window that was fitted in the central main door of the RCA senders at the Woofferton, UK, transmitting site in 1943. This prize was generously donated by SWLing Post contributor and friend, Dave Porter (G4OYX).

Please read our original contest post (click here) which describes how you can enter to win.

The original post also contains the first of five contest questions which count as individual entries in the contest.  The second question can be found here, the third question by clicking here and the fourth here.

Today, we present our final question…

Please note: This contest will close on Friday December 14 at 12:00 UTC–you have until then to submit answers to all five questions. The winner will be announced once we verify contact with them.  If you have entered this contest, please check your email this weekend.

If you read the SWLing Post email digest, you will need to view our prize questions on the web to see the embedded form. If the form below does not display, click here to open it in a new window.

We will close all entry forms to responses

Our fifth and final question:

Click here to answer question #1.

Click here to answer question #2.

Click here to answer question #3.

Click here to answer question #4.

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Unidentified HF frequency hopping station

(Source: Southgate ARC via Mike Hansgen)

IARUMS reports on mystery frequency hopping station

IARU-R1 Monitoring System reports an intriguing transmission has been spotted giving short beeps exactly on each second, frequency hopping between 10108-10115 kHz and 18834/18899 kHz

One of the mysterious transmitters is located in the vicinity of Chicago, near the town of Aurora or Elburn, Illinois.

The International Amateur Radio Union Monitoring System (IARUMS) Region 1 November 2018 newsletter can be read at

Reports of Amateur Band intruders can be logged on the IARU Region 1 Monitoring System Logger at

Monitor the short wave bands on-line with a web based SDR receiver at

IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS)

Have any Post readers heard this station?  I would love to hear a recording or see this station on a spectrum display.

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CDS Shortwave: An interactive audio piece from Duke CDS

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Ron Chester (W6AZ), who writes:

Have you seen this site from Duke University’s Center For Documentary Studies?

Shortwave is so cool that the digital nerds are now working on reproducing it on the Internet. It’s got a great interface, authentic sounding noise between stations, a train passing by on one station, some nice music, several interesting spoken pieces and at least two undocumented stations, one a numbers station, maybe both. It even has an audio to text display rolling across the bottom. If you haven’t already posted it on the SWLing Post, I think folks there would enjoy it a lot. I certainly did!

Thank you, Ron. I love the interface and think it’s fascinating that they chose the metaphor of shortwave radio as a means of interacting with these audio pieces.

Thank you for sharing!

Click here to check out

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UBMP Special Holiday Broadcasts

In addition to its regularly- scheduled programming, UBMP (Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot), a program that presents music from around the world along with a little comedy now and then, will be presenting the following hour-long holiday specials for the Americas in December:

1. Uncle Bill’s X-Mess Special, featuring Christmas music from around the planet, unusual holiday customs, a laugh or three and other stuff to help you escape the 86th version of that song you just heard 85 times…
Tuesday, Dec 25 8-9pm Eastern US time (meaning Wednesday, 0100-0200 UTC) on WBCQ 5130 kHz for the Americas
2. Uncle Bill’s Rockless New Year’s Eve Special: We’ll take a look at some of the more unusual NYE / New Year’s Day rituals around the world with appropriate music to go with the countries in question. If you like to wear weird underwear, set fire to things or gorge on grapes, we may have just the thing for you…
Monday Dec 31 7-8pm Eastern US Time (meaning Tuesday, 0000-0100 UTC) on WBCQ 5130 kHz for the Americas
Monday, Dec 31, 1800-1900 UTC on Space Line, 9400 kHz, directed to Western Europe

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