Tag Archives: SDRplay

SDRplay releases new API driver for the RSP


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike (K8RAT) who writes:

SDRplay has released a new API/hardware driver for the RSP (1.97).

Here is what they say about it along with a download:


So that’s a new SDRuno version and RSP hardware driver in less than one week. SDRplay has been busy!  Thanks for the tip, Mike!

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SDRuno: Version 1.03 now available


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike Ladd (KD2KOG), who notes the release of SDRuno version 1.03:

Beta testing is complete. Changelog is below.
Version 1.03 (18th September 2016)

Bug Fixes

  • High DPI resolution issue.
  • Various minor bug fixes and typos


  • Reworked filter cutoffs
  • Separate out EXTIO functionality
  • RSP Ready indicator in Main Window/SETT/Input
  • Rename FM Stereo Noise Reduction button and slider to FMS-NR to avoid confusion with SNR (Signal Noise Ratio)
  • Improvements to tuner AGC scheme
  • Improvements to DC offset scheme
  • Removed unused buttons in SP1/SP2 windows
  • LO display in RSP advanced window and the SP1 window
  • Change defaults (LNA OFF / AGC ON)
  • Added RDS PTY support


Click here to download the release notes (PDF).

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SDRplay RSP now only $129 in the US

The SDRplay RSP software defined radio

The SDRplay RSP software defined radio

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike Hansgen (K8RAT), who shares the following message from SDRplay:

Monday September 12th

Thanks to the weakening of the GB Pound, the dollar exchange rate has changed significantly over the past few months. We have decided that we would like to pass on the benefit of this to our customers and so have reduced the price for which we sell the RSP to those customers who buy directly from us in US Dollars down to $129.

Thanks for the tip, Mike! That’s a fantastic price for the SDRplay RSP which, I believe, was already a good value at $149 US. Click here to purchase the RSP directly from SDRplay.

Update: HRO have also adjusted their RSP pricing to $129 US.

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On Sale: SDRplay RSP at HRO


Ham Radio Outlet is currently offering the SDRplay RSP software defined receiver for $139.95 in a summer sale that is set to last until the end of August.

If you’ve been considering the SDRplay RSP, this would be a great time to pull the trigger as I’ve never seen the price of the RSP below $149. Click here to view the promotion on HRO’s website.

Click here to read our review of the RSP, or here to read past posts referencing the RSP.

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Radio-Sky Spectrograph: Radio Astonomy with the SDRplay RSP

The SDRplay RSP software defined radio

The SDRplay RSP software defined radio

(Source: Amateur Radio Astronomy blog)

Thanks to the efforts of Nathan Towne, we now have the ability to use [the SDRplay RSP] with Radio-Sky Spectrograph (RSS).

[…]As with RTL Bridge, a intermediary program sits between RSS and the receiver.  This program was written by Nathan Towne and is named SDRPlay2RSS, not too surprisingly.  This is a dot NET program and if you are up to date on your dot NET run-time updates you should be fine. Installation is a no brainer as SDRPlay2RSS comes with the RSS 2.8.18 update. SDRPlay2RSS does not come with the current full install of RSS so you must do the Full install and then the Update.

Continue reading…

Click here to read our review of the SDRplay RSP.

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Free SDRuno webinars this weekend


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike (K8RAT), who writes:

According to the SDRplay blog they will be hosting a series of Webinar events centered around the RSP and SDRuno. Starting this Saturday.

From Jon Hudson on SDRplay’s Facebook page:

We will be hosting a series of Webinar events centred around the SDRplay RSP and SDRuno. These events will be streamed live, but will also be recorded and hosted on our website for those that are unable to attend.

The first event is scheduled for this Saturday (2nd July) at 16:00 UTC – we will give some background to SDRuno and explain it’s core functionality and what the future holds for its development. It will be fairly informal and interactive, we will try to answer as many questions as we can. We will try to stick to a timeframe of about 45 minutes to 1 hour maximum.

You will be able to view the broadcast here: http://connectcast.tv/SDRplay

If you would like to contribute to the text chat discussion, you will need to signup with an account here: http://connectcast.tv/signup

If this proves to be of interest and value, we’ll schedule some more with special guests to go through specific real world use cases with the RSP and SDRuno

Jon (SDRplay )

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SDRuno: SDRplay introduces a free native app for the RSP

(Source: SDRplay Press Release)


SDRplay is pleased to announce the official release of SDRuno for the RSP. SDRuno is the new name for the RSP compatible version of Studio1, the rights to which we obtained and announced on 28th April. SDRuno contains native support for the SDRplay RSP and no extra plugins are required. Third party hardware can also be supported via the ExtIO interface, but with reduced functionality.

SDRuno provides a rugged and flexible, high performance SDR receiver capability and boasts some excellent features:

  • Multiple ‘Virtual Receivers’ which allow for simultaneous reception and demodulation of different types of signals within the same receiver bandwidth.
  • A selectivity filter with an ultimate rejection greater than 140 dB.
  • A unique distortion-free double stage AGC with fully adjustable parameters.
  • Multiple notch filters with BW adjustable down to 1 Hz, Notch Lock feature.
  • A unique synchronous AM mode with selectable/adjustable sidebands, dedicated PLL input filter, and selectable PLL time constants.
  • SNR (stereo noise reduction), featuring a proprietary noise reduction algorithm for stereo broadcast.
  • AFC for FM signals.
  • Calibration for receiver frequency errors.

Over time, we plan to add many more features to SDRuno to enhance the user’s experience of this very powerful piece of software. This software runs on Windows and we don’t yet know how easy it will be to migrate it to other platforms but this is something we will be investigating.

SDRuno will be made freely available to all current and future users of the RSP – to download a copy – simply go to http://www.sdrplay.com/windows.html

Our support for SDRuno in no way lessens our commitment to support HDSDR, SDR Console, Cubic SDR or ANY other software solution where the authors are willing to work with us. We fully recognise that many people have strong preferences for particular pieces of software and we do not want to do anything to undermine the options that people have to use their favoured software packages. Indeed, our view is quite the opposite. Our objective remains aim to have our hardware platforms support any and every SDR package out there. This of course may not be possible, but it is our philosophy and part of the ethos of our company.

About Studio 1:

Studio1 was developed in Italy by SDR Applications S.a.s. and has hundreds of happy customers around the world. Studio 1 is known for its user friendly stylish GUI, CPU efficiency and advanced DSP capabilities, including features not available on other SDR software packages.


About SDRplay:

SDRplay limited is a UK company and consists of a small group of engineers with strong connections to the UK Wireless semiconductor industry. SDRplay announced its first product, the RSP1 in August 2014

Email: [email protected]

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