Tag Archives: Shortwave Radio Audio Archive

Shortwave Radio Recordings: Radio Berlin International, Final episode of DX-tra


Many thanks to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Richard Langley, who writes:

[The following is a] recording of the penultimate English broadcast from Radio Berlin International (RBI) and the last broadcast in the particular time slot. It was also the last broadcast of the popular DX program DX-tra.

RBI ceased broadcasting at the end of the day on 2 October 1990, the day before German reunification took place.

In addition to the final episode of DX-tra, the recording features the news (in progress as the recording starts a minute or two after 00:45), Commentary, RBI Press Review, and Spotlight on Sport. There are several “goodbye” songs including “The Final Countdown” by the Swedish hard rock band Europe, and “Goodbye Blue Sky” by Pink Floyd and some announcer goodbye comments like “the voice of the disappearing German Democratic Republic,” “that was it,” and “the last day of the good old GDR.”

The 45-minute recording ends with the familiar RBI interval signal and, at 01:30 UTC, the first part of the German-language transmission, also the last in its time slot.

This recording was made in Hanwell, NB, Canada, with a Sony ICF-7600D receiver and supplied wire antenna draped around Richard’s home office. This recording begins around 0045 UTC, October 2, 1990 on a frequency of 9,730 kHz.

Click here to download this recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation

Sri Lanka as viewed from the International Space Station (Source: NASA)

Sri Lanka as viewed from the International Space Station (Source: NASA)

For your listening pleasure: forty three minutes of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, recorded on 11,905 kHz at 01:15 UTC, Sept 11, 2014.

Sri Lanka BC is not an easy broadcaster to receive in eastern North America, but band conditions on the 10th and 11th were particularly favorable in the higher bands. As you’ll hear in the recording, the signal out of Trincomalee was reasonably strong; I used the WinRadio Excalibur receiver with my horizontal delta loop antenna.

Indeed, looking through the archives, this may be the first time I’ve recorded Sri Lanka BC.

Click here to download the full recording, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Nothing on the bands? Check out the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive!

SWRAA-Shortwave-Archive-iTunes-LogoAlas! Lately, the sun has been playing tricks on those of us who enjoy the magic of radio wave propagation. Due to solar disruptions in the ionosphere, propagation has been fickle, albeit with a few good openings. And it’s not likely to get any better or more predictable over the next couple of days.

If you’re not hearing a lot on the bands, fear not: as history demonstrates, this solar interference will soon end, and conditions will again improve. But in the meantime, this is the perfect opportunity to listen to some of the hundreds of recordings in the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive.

Listening to the recordings and subscribing to the podcast is 100% free, and entirely void of any advertising. The fact is, I pay for this site out of my own pocket.  Not only does it serve as a historical record of radio, but it’s for listeners like us to enjoy.  We already have over 600 podcast subscribers, and invite you to subscribe–as well as to contribute content in the form of your own radio recordings.

Great content, great contributors

Speaking of contributors, check out some of Dan Robinson‘s recent offerings to the archive; many of these are very rare recordings, and all date back to the 1970s:

Brilliant stuff! I hope you will spend some time listening to these great recordings on the archive, and perhaps even join the many contributors by submitting your own recordings, too. Enjoy!

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Pirate Radio Recordings: Tip & Elvis Show

Led Zepplin is one of the many artists you'll hear on this pirate broadcast.

Led Zepplin is one of the many artists you’ll hear on this pirate broadcast.

For your listening pleasure: over two hours of the Tip and Elvis Show. This Euro pirate  broadcast was recorded by Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Frank.

Tip and Elvis was broadcasting on 6,220 kHz in AM–you’ll hear some adjacent digital interference, but signal strength is pretty good for (most likely low power) pirate radio. This recording starts around 20:30 GMT on May 31, 2014.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3 or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Shortwave Radio Recordings: HCJB 45th Anniversary, December 25, 1976

HCJB radio station staff in 1946, including engineer Clayton Howard (front row left), co-founder Clarence Jones (front row right) and future HCJB president Abe Van Der Puy (front row, fourth from left) -- Source: Wikipedia

HCJB radio station staff in 1946, including engineer Clayton Howard (front row left), co-founder Clarence Jones (front row right) and future HCJB president Abe Van Der Puy (front row, fourth from left) — Source: Wikipedia

I’m very grateful to Shortwave Radio Audio Archive contributor, Greg Shoom, who is digitizing shortwave radio recordings he made in the 1970’s.

His latest contribution is a 1976 recording of HCJB’s 45th Anniversary broadcast. This is a special program, broadcast on Christmas Day of 1976 to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the founding of HCJB. Greg made this recording from his home in Kingston, Ontario, Canada on December 25, 1976, starting at 02:30 UTC on 6,095 kHz.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Please subscribe to the SRAA podcast to receive future recordings automatically.

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Can you help George identify a Radio Moscow tune?

Radio_Moscow_logoGeorge Stein, a subscriber to the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive writes:

“When I used to listen to Radio Moscow back in the mid- to late 1960s, they used to play a little ditty just after they came on the air (at least in English). This tune was NOT the “Moscow Nights” tune so often heard. As I recall it was a lively tune.

On one of my many trips to St. Petersburg in the 90s and the 00s, I would often visit the memorial to the WW2 Leningrad siege, specifically the museum underneath. One time, I heard the melody I am looking for. I was told by someone there, that this melody was played during the siege as a signal that “all is clear” (I presume from German bombing).

I would be grateful if anyone has any information or a copy of this melody.”

Can you help George identify this tune?  If so, please comment!

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The Voice of Korea and an inspirational story

FlagNorthKoreaMany thanks to Frank, a contributor at the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive, for this recording of the Voice of Korea’s English language service.

Frank recorded VOK from his home in Europe on March 27, 2014, on 7,570 kHz, starting at 21:00 UTC, using a Kenwood R-5000 receiver and a Wellbrook ALA 1530+ antenna.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:

Of course, the Voice of Korea is all about broadcasting hard-core propaganda–a type of broadcast I find incredibly fascinating. But let there be no mistake, to live in the DPRK is to live under one of the world’s most oppressive regimes. If you want to hear a moving, inspirational story about one North Korean woman’s escape from the DPRK, check out Hyeonseo Lee’s: My escape from North Korea, a TED Talk:

Remember, you can subscribe and download the Shortwave Radio Audio Archive collection (free!) as a podcast via iTunes or the SWAA RSS feed.

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