Monthly Archives: October 2013

Radio Exterior de España to close Costa Rica shortwave relay station

REElogoMany thanks to SWLing Post reader, Martin Delfin, for this news from REE and for his translation:

Hi Thomas– This was just posted today on the Radio Exterior website:

This is [my] English translation:

From October 28, Radio Exterior de España will permanently conclude its shortwave transmissions from its relay station in Cariari, Costa Rica. At the same time, from that date, broadcasts from its transmitters in Noblejas, Spain will be considerably expanded.

These changes will affect those listeners in Central America, North America and the northern part of South America’s Southern Cone who tune us.

In the coming days, we will post and announce our new frequencies and times in which you can hear Radio Exterior de España on our webpage and programs.

73s Marty Delfín, Madrid, Spain

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Thanks to US shutdown, pirate radio activity reaches an all-time high

Pirate flag-001As frustrated as many are over the US government shutdown, it nonetheless offers one unique benefit to the shortwave radio community, and to pirate radio in particular––no FCC enforcement.

As we mentioned earlier, the FCC’s enforcement arm was shut down along with all other FCC activities that weren’t directly connected with “the protection of life or property.”

The result?  Pirates––lots of pirates––on the air! The Jolly Roger flaps in the breeze…

Pirate radio activity since the shutdown has truly been at a record high, with pirates taking to the airwaves throughout the week, and especially on the weekends.

Case in point: this past weekend, the North American “pirate radio grounds” of 6,920-6,970 kHz were packed with pirate radio stations.  There were even crowded band conditions; at one point I tweeted that there were no less than three pirates broadcasting simultaneously in just a small chunk of bandwidth on AM. Indeed, there may even have been a fourth that I couldn’t quite detect…An unusual occurrence, to say the least.  And with pirate radio’s favorite holiday, Halloween (think War of the Worlds), fast approaching, there’s likely to be more such unusual activity.

In the meantime, check out a few of our recent pirate radio recordings.

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Buy a hi-tech sailboat, complete with shortwave radio

The Nomadness

The Nomadness

With all of the recent posts on maritime radio, I can’t help but jump slightly off-topic for a moment…

I just learned that SWLing Post reader, Steven Roberts, is selling his completely geeked-out sailboat: a 1987 Amazon 44 called the Nomadness. ( Steven knows “geeked-out” is a compliment!)

Steven has put a lot of time and engineering love into the Nomadness and has documented how he’s customized her on his popular blog, She’s a beauty.

You can read about the sale of the Nomadness on the boating blog Three Sheets Northwest. If you live in the Pacific NW, you might check her out.

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The rise and decline of AM radio in Pittsburgh

A portrait of Frank Conrad in 1921; holding a microphone in his hand (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

A portrait of Frank Conrad in 1921; holding a microphone in his hand (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Many thanks to Jeff Brady who shared this article from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. While this article focuses on Pittsburgh’s AM radio scene, it’s certainly reflective of a common theme throughout the US and in other countries.

(Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

By Adrian McCoy and Maria Sciullo / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

“Radio, as we know it, may have begun on a bet.

Frank Conrad, assistant chief engineer for Westinghouse in the early 20th century, wanted to see whether a new watch was keeping correct time. In 1912, he made a $5 wager with colleague Thomas Perkins. But how to verify his claim?

Tinkering with materials in his Wilkinsburg garage, Conrad created a small receiver capable of picking up time signals from the U.S. Naval Observatory in Arlington, Va.

He won his bet and went on to design bigger and better radios for Westinghouse. In turn, Westinghouse became a key player in turning the hobby of a few radio enthusiasts into an industry that changed the world.

Pittsburgh’s radio history is the history of modern radio.

For AM radio — and the radio industry in general — the hits just keep coming. Rapid technological changes, government legislation, aging demographics and a shifting media landscape have combined to erode AM’s once massive audience. Better clarity through FM, HD and satellite, and more diverse programming have resulted in AM leaning heavily on two formats: talk and sports.

Still, it all started here.” [Continue reading…]

For more information about Frank Conrad, check out this biography on Wikipedia. Read the full Gazette-Times article The Rise and Decline of AM Radio by clicking here.

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Pirate Radio Recordings: Radio Paisano


For your listening pleasure: fifty minutes of the pirate radio station, Radio Paisano.

I recorded this broadcast on Oct 11, 2013, starting around 23:30 UTC, on 6,925 kHz AM. This was the first time I had heard Radio Paisano on the air, though they do seem to broadcast around the same weekend every year.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3, or simply listen via the embedded player below:


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Pirate Radio Recordings: Wolverine Radio

I decoded this Wolverine Radio SSTV QSL on the SSTV iOS App

I decoded this Wolverine Radio SSTV QSL with the SSTV iOS App–you can also decode this eQSL at the end of the recording

For your listening pleasure: 1 hour and 44 minutes of pirate radio station, Wolverine Radio–recorded Saturday, October 12, 2013 starting around 1:15 UTC.

Wolverine was broadcasting on 6.945 MHz in the upper side band. Typical of Wolverine, lots of music variety which spans the decades–staring in the 30s and 40s, ending with present day tunes–and no commentary other than station ID throughout.

Wolverine Radio typically has a blowtorch signal which makes for great audio fidelity, especially for an upper side band broadcast. This broadcast was no exception.

Click here to download the recording as an MP3 or simply listen via the embedded player below:

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Pirate Radio Recordings: Radio Gallifrey Intergalactic

BeatlesWhile recording Radio Casablanca Thursday night, I was also fortunate to capture Radio Gallifrey Intergalactic.

Gallifrey started the broadcast with their customary audio sweeps and Dr. Who theme, then straight into the Beatles, “Strawberry Fields Forever.” Brilliant!
[I know my buddy, BJ, will enjoy this combo.]

Radio Gallifrey Intergalactic was on the air for almost 27 minutes with a mix including the Beatles, Bowie, Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane and more.

Click here to download an MP3 recording of the full show, or simply listen via the embedded player below. Enjoy:

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