WI2XLQ: 2023 Fessenden Event on 486kHz starting Christmas Eve!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Brian (WA1ZMS), who shares the following announcement. Please spread the word:

As in years past, Brian, WA1ZMS of Forest, VA will have FCC Part 5 station WI2XLQ QRV starting appox. 21:00 UTC on Dec 24th for the now annual Fessenden Event. Transmissions will last for at least 24hrs. A repeat will take place again on Dec 31st also starting appox. 21:00 UTC and run for 24hrs. All transmissions will consist only of the two Christmas songs claimed to have been played by Fessenden himself on his violin, as well as a brief Bible verse. WI2XLQ’s voice ID and transmission description is via computer generated voice.

Heising & Fessenden

While the story of Fessenden’s alleged first voice transmissions using an Alexanderson alternator on Dec 24th and Dec 31st has never been proven to have taken place the way the now-legendary story claims; early in Dec of that year Fessenden did demonstrate AM voice transmissions over just a few miles for the US Navy. So some credit is due to his early pioneering work of human speech via RF rather than the typical spark generated CW of the time.

MOPA Transmitter front

WI2XQL uses a slightly more modern home-brew 1920’s era Amateur-grade MOPA transmitter (based on a UV201 oscillator and UV202 final) and a high power linear FET amplifier. The MOPA also uses true AM Heising modulation as was first done in WW1 for the US military.

MOPA TX inside

So set-up your long-wire antennas and with a simple modern SDR or a vintage MF RX, give a listen for WI2QXL. SWL reports can be sent to [email protected] and e-mail confirmation of reports will follow. Audio samples of what you heard are also welcomed.

-Brian, WA1ZMS

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SAQ transmission scheduled for Christmas Eve morning

SAQ antenna tower #1 with its tuning coil. (Photo source: The Alexander association)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Kris (G8AUU), who shares the following announcement from SAQ:

SAQ transmission scheduled for Christmas Eve morning, Dec. 24th

On Christmas Eve morning, Sunday December 24th 2023, SAQ Grimeton is scheduled* to be on the air, to send out the traditional Christmas message to the whole world, using the 200kW Alexanderson alternator from 1924, on 17.2 kHz CW.

Program and transmission schedule:
08:00 CET (07:00 UTC): The transmitter hall at World Heritage Grimeton is opened for visitors.

Transmission & YouTube Live stream:
08:25 CET (07:25 UTC): Live stream on YouTube begins.
08:30 CET (07:30 UTC): Startup and tuning of the Alexanderson Alternator SAQ.
09:00 CET (08:00 UTC): Transmission of a message from SAQ.

Test transmissions
We are planning to carry our some test transmissions on Friday, December 22nd, approximately between 13:00 CET (12:00 UTC) and 16:00 CET (15:00 UTC). SAQ will be on the air shorter periods of time during this interval, when we will be carrying out some tests and measurements. Your comments are welcome to [email protected].

Live Video from World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station
The event can be seen live on our YouTube Channel or by following the link below.

Live video from World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station, scheduled at 08:25 CET (07:25 UTC) on December 24th, 2023

QSL Reports to SAQ
QSL reports to SAQ are most welcome and appreciated!

For guaranteed E-QSL from us, please report using our ONLINE QSL FORM.

We can not guarantee that reports by Email / mail / bureau will be confirmed.
The online form will be open from December 24th, 2023 until January 14th, 2024.

Amateur Radio Station SK6SAQ
The Amateur Radio Station with the call “SK6SAQ” will be QRV on the following frequencies:
– 3517.2 kHz CW
– 7017.2 kHz CW
– 14017.2KHz CW
– 3755 kHz SSB
– 7140 kHz SSB

QSL-reports to SK6SAQ (NOT SAQ) are kindly received via:
– Email to [email protected]
– or via: SM bureau
– or direct by postal mail (link to address here)Two stations will be on the air most of the time.

Visiting World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station
Visitors are most welcome to World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station on Christmas morning, Dec 24th. The doors to the transmitter hall will open at 08:00 CET.
Pre-booking is recommend. Get your free entrance ticket here.
We will offer all visitors free coffee with Christmas buns and ginger snaps.

Read more about the event on World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station Facebook page.

Click here to continue reading and for links to support the good work at the SAQ station!

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Peter is impressed with the 2024 World Radio and TV Handbook

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Peter Luskey, who writes:

My new WRTH 2024 arrived from Germany on.the Radiodata earlybird program through their USA package fulfillment agent on Wednesday, 20 Dec. 2024, undamaged in excellent shape through USPS priority mail. This is the earliest date in the season that I have ever received my annual copy.

Editorially it seems to be a fine job, with a larger typeface in the front feature material and a slightly smaller but highly readable sans serif typeface in the balance of the book. The book actually contains more material than last year’s edition, despite being 816 pages in length, 32 pages fewer than last year.

Of particular interest is the greatly expanded SW broadcasting frequency list, which now indicates broadcasting days of the week and times of day divided by language, transmitter site and target area. All of the features from last year have been retained, including MW AM frequency lists for all major regions of the world, including North America, and the FM lists are now split by state or province for many countries, including the USA and Canada. They are again offering a digital edition updated every day, at a charge discounted for owners of a printed copy.

I am delighted by both the expanded content and the speed and quality of the shipment, and recommend that broadcasting DXers of every part of the spectrum consider either or both the print and digital editions.

Peter Luskey

Click here to order a copy of WRTH 2024 or check out the WRTH home page.

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KBS Shortwave Frequency and Time Change Notice

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, David Iurescia, who shares the following news from KBS:

Shortwave Frequency & Time Change Notice

Due to a technical issue, KBS WORLD Radio’s English Service will make an inevitable adjustment in the shortwave frequency and time as follows as of January 1, 2024. We ask for your kind understanding. Please send your listener feedback to English Service via email, snail mail, website and social media as always. Thank you.

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Happy Holiday Festive Shortwave

Hi all SWLing Post Community, FastRadioBurst 23 and all The Imaginary Stations crew, wish you a great festive season and send our best wishes to all for 2024! This week we’ve an Imaginary Stations Winter Special going out to Europe via Shortwave Gold on Sunday 24th December 2023 at 1000/1400 hrs UTC on 6160 kHz and then on 3975 kHz at 2100 UTC. Pour yourself an egg nog if that’s your tipple of choice, tune in and enjoy the festive tunes.

Then on early Monday 25th December we have a show from deep within the Radio Thrift Shop archives, a Winter Holiday Special. Tune in at 0300 UTC on 9395 kHz via WRMI for the more eclectic side of yuletide/winter solstice programming featuring some wonderful tunes including a super one from Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings with “World of Love” and a mini-documentary called “In Search of the Shaggs” the rock band formed in Fremont, New Hampshire in 1965. More on the Radio Thift Store show below:

Enjoy the festive season and have a wonderful 2024! For more information on the shows please email [email protected] and check out our old shows here.

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Alan Roe’s 2023 Guide to Holiday Broadcasts on Shortwave (Version 3.1)!

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who shares the following update:

Hi Thomas

Attached is an updated (version 3.1) list of Holiday Programming on Shortwave covering the period up to Monday 1 January 2024.

Note that this will most likely be the last version update that I will announce, however the list will continue to be updated on Box.com when and if further details are received.

Many thanks & 73

Alan Roe

Click here to download Holiday Programming on Shortwave 2023 V3.1 (PDF).

Thank you for sharing this update, Alan!

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Weather Station and Display Unit

WF-100SE Weather Station Review


By Robert Gulley K4PKM

Weather stations have always intrigued me, particularly ones that sent information to the Internet. They are often more revealing than the local weather forecasts, and certainly can be used to augment NOAA weather reports. When living near a big city there were enough stations around I didn’t feel I could justify the expense, but living out in the country now there are only a few stations in the county, so I decided I would get one eventually.

About that time Radioddity came out with the WF-100SE and it seemed to tick most of the boxes I was looking for, and, as a amateur radio operator, had the Internet connectivity I sought. Since I suspected I would not be the only radio aficionado who might be interested in it, I approached Radioddity to do a review of the station and they promptly sent me a unit to review at no cost. I have reviewed other products for them, and they understand the ground rules – I tell it like it is, good or bad.

Here is a feature description as found on their website:

  • Easy-to-read Display: The WF-100SE features a large and clear 13-in-1 color display that presents weather data in a user-friendly format. Check temperature, humidity, rainfall, UV index, feels-like temperature, dew point, sunshine intensity, weather forecast, wind direction and speed, barometric pressure, and moon phase at a single glance.
  • Effortless Setup & Maintenance: Set up your weather station quickly with intuitive controls and straightforward installation instructions, and benefit from smooth operation with minimal maintenance requirements.
  • 7-in-1 Accurate Outdoor Sensor: The WF-100SE is equipped with a highly accurate outdoor sensor with upgraded rain collector, thermo-hygrometer radiation shield, and a solar panel that precisely measures weather conditions in your area. The system offers an impressive communication range of up to 330ft.
  • Sync with WeatherCloud & Wunderground: Stay updated with these platforms’ latest weather updates and forecasts via Wi-Fi. Access real-time data and make informed decisions wherever you are.
  • 24-48h Weather Forecast: Rely on the WF-100SE’s accurate sensors to provide reliable 24-48 hour weather forecasts. Whether it’s sunny, cloudy, rainy, or snowy, get prepared for any weather condition that lies ahead. Plan your activities in advance.


Since photos often do more justice to something than just mere words, I have taken images of my display screen, as well as screen captures of my unit as it appears on the Internet. As you can see from the display unit, the image is bright, easily readable, and contains a lot of information in itself. In addition to the wind, rain, indoor/outdoor temperature, I also like that the unit displays the UV and solar radiation levels, and even the moon phase, as I like to take the telescope out now and again when the moon is not too full and obscuring things.

Display Unity

Clear, easily readable display with large print for these old eyes!

Where the unit really shines as far as information goes, is what can be displayed over the Internet. As can be seen in the images below, there is a lot more information available online, including Day/Week/Month totals and averages. These can be viewed as graphs or as a table.

Weather Underground Display of Information

Basic Information similar to the Display Unit

Weather History on Internet

Weather history can be viewed by Day/Week/Month, a really nice feature to look for trends.

Graph of weather history

Visual graph of weather history requested

Table view of weather history

This is a partial Table View of the weather History

Setup and Internet Connection

Setup was remarkably easy, and connection to the Internet was simple. Setting up the station on the Weather Underground and Weathercloud was just a matter of entering some basic information. Between the two sites I prefer the display of the Weather Underground, but that’s just me. Both worked fine.

I have ben testing the unit for several months now and it has performed flawlessly. I have compared my readings with nearby stations and they essentially agree, with slight variations as you might expect.

For those curious about the station working with APRS on the aprs.fi site, there is a process for setting up the station so that it can appear on the Google maps site for APRS, but I have not done that yet.


I am very pleased with the performance of this weather station, and find it’s features comparable to other well-known brands. The current price is $179, again, pretty much in line with (or less than)  other established stations, and if you sign up for their email list you will get various coupon offers throughout the year which should save you some money.

Anyone familiar with my typical reviews knows I normally try to list pros and cons, but honestly, I can think of no cons I have encountered with this unit. If you have specific features you are looking for that are not mentioned or displayed here, I would encourage you to contact Radioddity with your questions, as I have found their customer service to be quite helpful.

Update One Day Later:

I had a bit of a storm pass through this morning with some heavy wind gusts which knocked down my Weather Station. It was on a PVC pipe clamped into a tripod, no stakes, so blowing over was my fault. (Fixing that today!)

Good news is that falling from a height of 8 feet or so, no damage to the unit, everything working fine. Whew!!

Purchasing the WF-100SE ($15 Discount)

If you purchase the WF-100SE weather station via our affiliate link, you will receive a $15 discount and Radioddity will send a small commission to the SWLing Post. Click here to make your purchase (simple search for WF-100SE).

Robert Gulley, K4PKM, is the author of this post and a regular contributor to the SWLing Post.

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