Reminder: The SWLing Post message board

Reminder:  The SWLing Post has its own little oldschool message board!

The Message Board front page

Here’s a friendly reminder that the SWLing Post has nice little message board to discuss SWLing Post articles, everything radio, ask for advice on all things radio or share logs, experiences and thoughts!  It’s online since almost a year now, but so far there wasn’t much traffic on the board except for the time when the SULA antenna was born on that board. 🙂

Here’s the link:

Yet another forum?

The idea for this message board came out of necessity: Thomas got swamped with emails asking questions of all sorts, and replying to them all became a very time-consuming chore because – you know what kind of guy Thomas is – he’s trying to answer all of them.  The message board is an easy (and probably faster) way to get the information you need, if Google doesn’t cut it!

Also, the comment section below each post is good for comments but not for discussions: You can’t quote key sentences or post pictures and comment threads are limited to n comments before the layout breaks apart and you can’t reply anymore.  If there are many reactions to a post, creating a new thread in the message board and posting the link to it in the comment sections here is a much better way to continue an in-depth discussion on articles posted here on the SWLing Post!

73s and always good reception,

Ollie (13dka)

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Dear RTI Postcard Collection

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Paul Jamet, who writes:

Hi Thomas,

This message is to draw your attention to this announcement from Radio Taiwan International titled “Dear RTI”:

Listeners are invited to send postcards to the station before June 18, 2023:

I hope that readers of the SWLing Post site and RTI listeners will be very numerous to participate in the operation Dear RTI

Thanks. With my best regards.


Thank you so much for the tip, Paul!

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Dan asks if you can identify this radio found in The Marvelous Mrs. Maizel

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dan Robinson, who asks if anyone can identify the receiver in the screenshot below from the final season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maizel (click image to enlarge):

The image isn’t super clear because there isn’t a close-up of this radio in the episode.

If you recognize this model, please comment!

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Axios: Congress moves to preserve AM radio in cars

(Source: Axios via Dennis Dura)

Scoop: Congress moves to preserve AM radio in cars (Axios)

A bipartisan group of lawmakers wants to make it illegal for carmakers to eliminate AM radio from their cars, arguing public safety is at risk, Axios is first to report.

Why it matters: AM radio is one key way that government officials communicate with the public during natural disasters and other emergencies.

    • Officials worry that if drivers don’t have access, they might miss important safety alerts.

Context: Some manufacturers are eliminating AM radio from their electric vehicles (EVs) because of interference from the electric motors that results in annoying buzzing noises and faded signals. [Continue reading at Axios…]

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JNHK3 this Sunday

Hi SWLing Post lounge community, Fastradioburst23 here letting you know about the next Imaginary Stations transmission JNHK 3 to be broadcast this Sunday 21st May 2023 at 2200 UTC on 9395 kHz via the services of WRMI. After our well received broadcast last week (thank you to all who got in touch) featuring some recordings of radio in Japan, this week we will feature some Japanese related music. Tune in and enjoy!  First-time listeners are more than welcome to send reception reports to [email protected] and to check out our old shows here.

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Shortwave Modernization Petition

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Benn Kobb (AK4AV), who writes:


The FCC has placed the Shortwave Modernization petition online for
public download:

The petition was filed by a coalition of financial services companies
affiliated with HF stations operating in the Experimental Radio Service
(FCC Part 5).

They ask the FCC to allocate frequencies for commercial international
shortwave data communications. That is not currently permitted except as
temporary experiments.

The FCC has not yet opened a proceeding for public comment on this
petition, but I expect that to happen soon.

That process assigns the petition a RM-number. It sets a deadline by
which the public may file comments referencing that number.

Benn Kobb AK4AV
Experimental Radio News

Thank you for the tip, Benn!

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