Tag Archives: Dave Zantow (N9EWO)

Icom IC-7200 back in production

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dave Zantow (N9EWO), who writes:

Just FYI. Yes, the Icom IC-7200 is “Back in Production”

” The Icom IC-7200 HF DSP Transceiver is back in production once again (at least for now). Unknown if any part / design changes had to be made to make this possible ? Let’s hope they are using better quality Chinese fans ?? We TRIED 2 brand new samples near the end of the last run and it’s internal “Dual Mini Chinese Fans” BOTH squealed like a pig.[…]”

See my news page for the latest info on this (among other latest happenings including a bit more on the Sangean 909X saga).


Thank you, Dave, for the tip!

I believe the Icom IC-7200 has one of the best general coverage receivers on the market under $1000. I pointed this out in my General Coverage Transceiver review from 2014. I should hope that ham radio clubs might take note about the re-introduction of the IC-7200 and consider purchasing it over the less expensive IC-718 for Field Day or club station use. I’m no fan of the IC-718 as it’s a miserable performer in RF-rich environments like Field Day and radio contests.

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Holiday Deals: SDRplay RSP1 and Icom IC-7300 at HRO

The SDRplay RSP software defined radio

The SDRplay RSP software defined radio

Yesterday, after SDRplay announced the new RSP2 software defined receiver, HRO included the original RSP (the RSP1) in their holiday “Pre-Sale Specials” and lowered the price to $119.95.

An excellent bargain in my opinion! Many thanks to intrepid SWLing Post contributor, Robert Gulley, for the excellent tip!

Click here to view the SDRplay RSP1 at HRO.

Click here to read our review of the SDRplay RSP.


The Icom IC-7300

Also, many thanks to Dave Zantow who notes that HRO has also included the Icom IC-7300 in the same sale.  The IC-7300 price is now $1299.95. Also an excellent price for such a full-featured general coverage transceiver.

Click here to view the Icom IC-7300 at HRO.

Update: Dave also noted two other vendors offering the IC-7300 at a discount:

Click here to read our review of the Icom IC-7300.

HRO has a number of other items on sale, so you might consider searching their site for other goodies.

Post readers: Notice any other radio deals? Please comment or contact me!

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Dave’s review of the MFJ-1026/1025 and regulated AC adapter recommendations


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dave Zantow (N9EWO), who shares the following reply to TomL’s post More Anti-Noise Ideas:

My VERY NOISY Sony CRT TV has gone to the great electronics recycling bin in the sky thank goodness. But I still have a MFJ-1026 here and need to use it when the neighborhood gets noisy. Intermittent power line noise is the main issue these days for me.

[Note that] my Monitoring Times review from April 2007 on the MFJ-1026 (and 1025 model without the preamp, but is best to have it) is still available here :


(is also linked on my web page, with many other of our other favorite ones : http://webpages.charter.net/n9ewo2/links.html )

jameco-ac-adapterI still power it with a analog REGULATED Jameco 170245 12 volt (1 amp) ac adapter.

Last batch I purchased a few years ago were still 100% clean and analog regulation. As I have covered in the past, SOME of Jameco excellent REGULATED AC adapters have gone to using switching regulator devices inside (and these no longer clean for any radio use).

Click here to view the170245 12 volt AC adapter on Jameco.

DX Engineering is about to come out with a improved version of the premium priced NCC-1, called the NCC-2. Mid late November Delivery ?? Never had our hands on one the pricey NCC-1 critters as the MFJ gets the job done for us (let alone affording it).



You make an excellent point: it’s important to power your noise-canceling device with a quality, clean, regulated AC adapter.

Thank you for sharing the links to your review and the AC adapter recommendations, Dave!

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Dave warns of fake “Sony SW-33” receivers


Fake “Sony SW-33”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dave Zantow (N9EWO), who writes:

Here is an interesting one [I saw] on eBay this morning. A SONY marked SW33 SW portable, but of course it’s NOT the ICF-SW33 model you (or I ) are thinking of.

Click here to view on eBay.

Looks to be a Kchibo made radio (a model I tested for Passport years ago) ? Humm….but Kchibo’s are made by TOWADA Audio (in China and Vietnam plants). As you may already know TOWADA Audio also made all of Sony’s SW sets for decades going back into the 70’s (but at the Japanese Plant of course). So is this some unofficial model (but poorly marked) or just a total fake from a few years ago ??

Have more information on TOWADA and Sony on the bottom of my Sony Page : http://webpages.charter.net/n9ewo2/sony.html

But that is a weird one.

The real Sony ICF-SW33 (Image: Universal Radio)

The real Sony ICF-SW33 (Image: Universal Radio)

Thank you, Dave! Yes, obviously this “SW-33” is not the real item (see authentic ICF-SW33 above).

I’m guessing the seller has no idea this is a fake radio. Dave makes a good point: if it doesn’t look like a Sony, it probably isn’t! Buyer beware.

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Dave reviews the SDRplay RSP


Many thanks to my buddy, Dave Zantow (N9EWO), who writes:

My long awaited “SDRplay RSP” review is now available. My apologies for the delay. It took more time then I had planned and other issues got in the way. We also tested it with the popular DSD+ software and worked well after some troubleshooting.


I always enjoy your reviews, Dave! As you say, reviewing SDRs certainly takes more time than reviewing stand-alone receivers–especially when there are so many options for SDR applications! Like you, I feel like the SDRplay RSP offers a good value for the listener–especially at the $129 price point.

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Dave repairs a Sony ICF-6500W


Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dave Zantow, who noticed my comments about the Sony ICF-6500W in the Shelby Hamfest photos and replies:

Speaking of the Sony ICF-6500W, I just brought one back from the dead. Have a few comments I just added to the bottom of my Sony page.


The good old long band selector switches were extremely dirty in my case (it has 2). Not sure if the 6500W has the nasty “well known” bug that plagues ALL similar designed Panasonic sets from that era (RF- 2600 / 2800 / 2900 / 4800 / 4900 etc..) , where those switches TOTALLY fail in time. In the case of this Sony it was just the extremely dirty switches (at least for now).

Very cool, Dave. Honestly, I don’t think I had ever seen the ICF-6500W in person until Saturday. The seller had noted that the pots were “scratchy.” I suspect it needed some healthy, strategic doses of DeOxit!

Thanks for sharing your experience!

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Icom’s announcement includes two new receivers: the IC-R8600 and IC-R30

The IC-R8600 (Photo source: QRZ Now)

The IC-R8600 (Photo source: QRZ Now)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Dave Zantow (N9EWO), who shares the following info about Icom’s announcements at the Tokyo Ham Fair:

Well the cat is now really out of the bag now !! Icom announced 2 new RECEIVERS at the Tokyo 2016 JARL Ham Fair.

We can almost say for certain that the new IC-R8600 is a SDR based design.

[…]The new IC-R30 handheld probably is SDR too, but not sure yet. Pretty large bugger (no real good picture as of of me typing this). Will it be able to do at least P25 Phase one?

I’ll admit it: I was a little surprised to hear that Icom had announced new receivers. I’m happy to see that it’s an IC-R8500 replacement/update. I love the touch screen color display.

I also very much like the idea of a handheld wideband–possible SDR–receiver.  I did a little extra digging and found the most concrete details about the new models on Icom UK’s website:

After an online teaser campaign featuring silhouettes of mystery radio models, the secret is out and Icom Inc. has shown the very first samples of the IC-7610, IC-R8600, IC-R30 and ID-51 PLUS2 to the public at the Tokyo Ham Fair 2016 (August 20-21, 2016). Details are relatively scarce but here are the basic details we have so far on these models.

The new IC-7610 (Photo: Icom UK)

The new IC-7610 (Photo: Icom UK)

IC-7610 HF/50MHz Transceiver (Base Station)
The IC-7610 is the successor to the IC-7600 and will be a dual-watch capable HF+50MHz 100W base station with built-in antenna tuner. The LCD will be touch screen and you will be able to connect an external display.

IC-R8600 Wideband Receiver (Base Station)
The IC-R8600 replaces the IC-R8500 wideband receiver and will feature the technology incorporated into Icom’s best selling IC-7300. The IC-R8600 will be able to receive a wide frequency range from 0.01-3000MHz frequency in analogue and various digital modes (D-STAR, P25, NXDN and dPMR). The IC-R8600 will feature a larger 4.3 inch touch screen display which will feature fast moving spectrum scope and waterfall display.

IC-R30 Communications Receiver (Handheld)
The IC-R30 is the successor to the popular IC-R20 compact handheld receiver. The IC-R30 can listen to two signals under certain conditions (analogue + analogue or analogue + digital). The IC-R30 will be able to decode D-STAR, P25, NXDN and dPMR digital (conventional) modes.

ID-51 PLUS2 Dual Band D-STAR Digital Transceiver (Handheld)
The ID-51 PLUS2 handportable is a special edition model which will come in several colours/patterns. The new ‘Terminal Mode’ and ‘Access Point Modes’ enable you to make D-STAR calls through the Internet, even from areas where no D-STAR repeater is accessible.

More details will be available nearer to each product’s launch. There are currently no details about pricing and availability.

Stay tuned to this website and our social media pages for further announcements.

I can’t wait to learn what the price point will be for the IC-R8600. I hope it’s at least in-line with the IC-7300 or (its predecessor) the IC-R8500. I also hope that, perhaps, the new IC-R30 will have full-mode HF capabilities.

We’ll post news about these new rigs as it becomes available–so will Dave Zantow. Stay tuned!

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