Tag Archives: Vintage Radio

Ever Ready Model N attache case radio spotted in charity shop

The 1955 British Ever Ready Model N. Click to enlarge. (Photo: Mark Hirst)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mark Hirst, who writes:

A vintage radio appeared briefly in one of my local charity shops.

A little Googling turned up this video (part 1 of 2) showing an example in operation:

Click here to view Part 1 on YouTube.

Click here to view Part 2 on YouTube.

Wow–thanks for sharing Mark!  So did you grab this radio?  I don’t think I could have resisted!

I love how the radio turns on as the case is opened and that the MW and LW antennas are in the lid.  Brilliant!

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Radios spotted in The Walking Dead series

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Balázs Kovács, who notes that he discovered, “some radio equipment in the latest episode of The Walking Dead series”:

Can anyone ID the rigs above?  Please comment!

I’ll add this post to our ever growing archive of radios in film.

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Radio spotted in “The Day the Earth Caught Fire”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mark Hirst, who has discovered yet another radio in film:

Spotted this in the 1961 sci-fi movie, ‘The Day the Earth Caught Fire‘.

I’m guessing it’s an old military set.

I believe it is indeed, Mark!  Perhaps an intrepid SWLing Post reader can sort out the model number?  Please comment!

I’ll add this post to our growing archive of radios in film.

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UA searching for family of console radio struck by meteorite in 1954

Meteor that struck Ann Elizabeth Fowler Hodges. (Photo source: University of Alabama)

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mike Hansgen, who shares the following story from Forsythe County News (which could win Headline of the Year) and notes, “No One Is Safe! Build a bunker!”:

University of Alabama searching for family of owner of radio struck by meteorite

If anyone in Forsyth County knows the family of Eugene H. Hodges, officials with the University of Alabama are trying to contact them to talk about a radio struck by a meteorite.

Mary Beth Prondzinski, collections manager with the Alabama Museum of Natural History on the university’s campus, said the museum is searching for family members of the late Eugene Hodges, the owner of a radio of struck by a meteorite in the 1950s that is on display.

“The radio is part of an event that occurred here in Alabama back in 1954,” she said. “It was actually called the Sylacauga Meteorite Event. It fell in Sylacauga, Alabama, and it went through somebody’s home and struck the radio that we currently have on exhibit, which hit the woman who lived in the house.”

The woman struck by the meteorite was Ann Elizabeth Fowler Hodges, then-wife of Eugene Hodges.[…]

Continue reading at the Forsythe County News.

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Vintage Radio: How to read a logging scale

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Charlie Liberto (W4MEC) for the following guest post:

Vintage receiver frequency counter…sort of

by Charlie Liberto (W4MEC)

You probably know what a log book is, and maybe a logarithm, but do you know what a ‘Logging Scale’ was meant for? If you are a modern SWL’er, and have a receiver built in the last 40 years or so, you probably don’t have that mysterious 0 to 100 range on your dial, as shown at the top of the picture of the Hallicrafters S20-R main dial, and you may not have a dial at all, peering without question at a digital display of your received frequency.

The Logging Scale on older and vintage receivers had two functions: to let you find a station you might be looking for, when you knew the frequency it would be on, and to determine the frequency of a station, but you had to have known references. How to do that on those old scales that may have had 50 kHz or even 500 kHz hash marks between whole Megahertz numbers, or in that era, KC or MC numbers? The process is fairly straight forward, but did require you to know the operating frequency of at least 2 stations on the band of interest, and the closer they were to the mystery frequency, the better.

Let’s say you are looking for WLMN that is supposed to begin its operation day on 6025 kHz. and your receiver has a mark every 250 kHz between 5 and 7 MHz, that’s pretty iffy as to setting the dial. Now, you know that station WABC is on 5500 kHz, and station GXYZ is on 6525 kHz, so, tuning in WABC you note what number the pointer on the dial is over on the logging scale, maybe it is 40. Then you tune to GXYZ and you find it on 70 on the logging scale. The known difference in frequency between WABC at 5500 kHz and GXYZ at 6525 is 1025 kHz, and the logging scale number difference is 40 to 70 or 30 divisions. Take the 1025 kHz separating your two known stations, divided by the 30 logging scale divisions and you get 34.167 kHz per division. Some more math, the station you are looking for, WLMN is on 6025 kHz, which is 525 kHz away from WABC at 5500 kHz., divide 525 kHz by the logging scale frequency versus division number of 34.167 kHz which equals approximately 16. Take that 16, add it to WABC logging scale number of 40, and you should expect to hear WLMN on logging scale 56 on the dial.

Of course you can flip this process around. If you heard WLMN, but did not know it’s frequency, the same procedure worked backwards to interpolate the logging scale 56 into kHz, added to the WABC frequency/log number, or subtracted from GXYZ numbers, and you would figure out WLMN was on 6025 kHz.

What did this process do? It ‘calibrated’ your receiver dial to known checkpoints by using known frequencies of stations, such that you had a better idea of where you were frequency wise, but it did have it’s limitations. Older receiver dials usually had the lower frequencies divisions of a band close together, and as you tuned to higher frequencies on the same band, hash marks for frequencies got farther apart, while the logging scale stayed linear. This was because builders used the simpler straight line capacitance variable capacitor for tuning, instead of the straightline wavelength or straight line frequency style which would have made the dial more linear. If you used two stations on the low end to set a logging scale reference, chances are it will be quite a bit off in the frequency versus logging scale number on the high end of the dial. So, if you could find two stations that bracketed the one you were examining, that would assure the most accuracy.

After all that, you are probably saying thank God and a lot of engineers for a digital readout.

Thank you, Charlie, for an excellent tutorial and example of using dial logging. I’ve had a number of vintage radios over the years with logging scales and it took some digging to discover how they worked. While digital radios make the process as easy as pie, vintage radios are worth the extra effort! 

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Mark spots a vintage radio in “Travelers”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Mark Hirst, who adds the following to our growing archive of radios in film. Mark writes:

I’d spotted this radio in the Netflix time travelling series Travelers early on, but it was never in focus to nail a decent image.

In spite of that, it does have a distinctive design that SWLing readers might recognise.

Click to enlarge.

Sitting in the book case next to the stacked books, I’m guessing it’s ornamental rather than functional.

Mark, you obviously have a knack for detecting radios in film!  Thank you for sharing!

Post readers: Can anyone ID this radio?  I love the design–guessing it’s a Bakelite chassis?

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A carpenter “who carves vintage radio sets”

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Kim Elliott, who shares the following story from the Odisha Sun Times:

Bhubaneswar: Only a lucky few get to live and breathe their passion and Rajendra Sahu, a carpenter, is one of them.

From Odisha’s capital city of Bhubaneswar, Sahu steals time to give shape to his imagination. He has been carving radios of varied shapes and sizes since past decade-and-half.

“I make radios just because it makes me happy. I return from work by 7 pm and start with the daily ritual of making radio,” said Rajendra. He prepares the cabinet with plywood, sunmica and cane whereas the circuit board is affixed from discarded ones.

“It takes around five days to assemble a radio. I browse through online sites looking for designs,” said Rajendra, who also collects antique radio sets from various parts of Odisha.

“I grew up listening to the radio. There’s a charm to it that the gadgets today fail to deliver. My father too was very fond of them. He would make radios, but I learnt to make them by myself,” he added.[…]

Continue reading the full story at the Odisha Sun Times.

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