Category Archives: Music

Free Radio Skybird returns November 17 & 24

(Source: Pete Madtone)

On Sunday 17th November at 1300 UTC there’s a new transmission from DJ Frederick’s Free Radio Skybird on 6070 kHz shortwave by Channel 292 and if you haven’t got a suitable radio it can also be heard on the SDR link on their site here. The show will be rebroadcast the week after on Sunday 24th November at 1200 UTC on 7440 kHz.

This month’s programme will feature: Justin Patrick Moore’s Radiophonic Laboratory, Steve with Mini-indie radio and our very own One Deck Pete presenting the Skybird Mailbag. They will also play Pete’s “Shortwave mix and match” that has new tunes from: .ihaveafaceJazzy SystemDabey and Leaking Shell.

The programme will be available on DJ Frederick’s Soundcloud page a day or so before transmission date if you want to hear it in true stereo but we here prefer the show via by ground wave. Tune in and turn on! #shortwavesnotdead #madtone #freeradioskybird

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CQ Serenade – Very Cool!

This link was forwarded to our Amateur Radio Club by a member (who is quite proficient in Morse code, unlike me!) and I just had to share it with Thomas and the SWLing gang!

There is both a French version and an English version of the song, so enjoy them both!

Robert Gulley, K4PKM (formerly AK3Q), is the author of this post and a regular contributor to the SWLing Post.       Robert also blogs at All Things Radio.

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Skyline Radio Germany celebrates 20 years with special broadcast

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Gerard Koopal, who shares the following announcement for Skyline Radio:


WE WANT THE AIRWAVES – IF ROCK IS GONNA STAY ALIVE! kindly gave us another possibility to be on air with some brand new shows via their transmitters in Northern Germany.

If you would like to try to catch our programmes, 6 hours on October 26th, 2019, Saturday before Halloween, 13.00 – 19.00 UTC would be a good time to give us a listen again.

Try the 75 metre band shortwave on 3975 kHz!

Let’s keep fingers crossed that propagation is good again!

We received more than 30 reception reports again in June and we hope we can beat this result again! So don’t hesitate to write in again.

It might be a good chance for you to catch our very special and unique 1999 – 2019 anniversary eQSL-card! This is available as eQSL-card only!

We look forward to your reception reports and comments to:
SKYLINE RADIO GERMANY, P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands
or via e-mail to: [email protected]

Have a great time with us and Good DX,
DJ Jan-Hendrik


WIR WOLLEN DIE RADIOWELLEN – DAMIT ROCKMUSIC LEBENDIG BLEIBT! hat uns freundlicherweise die Möglichkeit gegeben,
erneut über seine Sender in Norddeutschland mit unseren neuen Shows
auf Sendung zu sein.

Wenn Sie versuchen möchten, unsere Programme zu empfangen, 6 Stunden
am 26. Oktober 2019, Samstag vor Halloween (13.00 – 19.00 Uhr UTC)
wäre wieder ein guter Zeitpunkt, um uns wieder zuzuhören.

Probieren Sie das 75 Meterband Kurzwelle auf 3975 kHz!

Wir drücken die Daumen, dass die Ausbreitungsbedingungen wieder gut sind!

Wir haben im Juni wieder mehr als 30 Empfangsberichte erhalten und wir
wir können dieses Ergebnis wieder übertreffen!
Also zögern Sie nicht, uns noch einmal zu schreiben.

Es könnte eine gute Gelegenheit sein, unsere neue spezielle, einzigartige
1999 – 2019 Geburtstags-eQSL-Karte zu erwerben.
Diese ist nur als eQSL-Karte zu erhalten.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Empfangsberichte und Kommentare an:
SKYLINE RADIO GERMANY, P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, Niederlande
oder per E-Mail an [email protected]

Viel Spaß bei uns und Good DX,
DJ Jan-Hendrik

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Free Radio Skybird returns October 5, 2019

(Source: Pete Madtone)

Saturday night (in a shortwave) style

On Saturday 5th October at 2200 UTC/ 2300 UK there’s a new transmission from DJ Frederick’s Free Radio Skybird on 6070 khz on shortwave. The later time which will help propagation hopefully is broadcast by Channel 292 and if you haven’t a shortwave set can also be heard on the SDR link on their site here.

This month’s programme will feature: Justin Patrick Moore’s Radiophonic Laboratory, Steve with Mini-indie radio and our very own One Deck Pete presenting the Skybird Mailbag. They will also play his “Solar minimum but the music’s maximum” mix that has tunes from: Froth WhitlamDasyaAndre J Kwenda and a worldwide exclusive from Madtone.

The programme will be available on DJ Frederick’s Soundcloud page the day before, if you want to hear the show in quality stereo. We here prefer it intermingled with the sounds of the ionosphere. Tune in and turn on whichever way you fancy!

Also this weekend coming sees the re-transmission of Free Radio Skybird’s Remixed show on Sunday 29th September at 0800 UTC (0900 UK) on 7440 khz which will feature One Deck Pete’s “Sounds of the shortwave” mix.

#shortwavesnotdead #freeradioskybird #madtone

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September 1, 2019: Free Radio Skybird returns to channel292

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, “One Deck” Pete, who shares the following announcement:

DJ Frederick’s Free Radio Skybird returns to the shortwaves on Sunday September 1st 2019 via on 6070 kHz at 1900 UTC (8pm UK time).

With a mixture of features and music, the hour transmission will include One Deck Pete’s “Soothing sound of shortwave”, Steve with Mini indie radio and Justin Patrick Moore from Sothismedias with another episode of the Radiophonic Laboratory.

Last month we had listeners in New Zealand, Northern Canada and Italy (QSL and soundclip here) to name but a few places. Come on, what’s better than listening to a radio broadcast with audio that has fading, co-channel interference and sounds like it had a journey via the ionosphere rather than something that’s been streamed in crisp dolby stereo? Who said shortwave radio is dead? #freeradioskybird #shortwavesnotdead #madtone

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FTIOM & UBMP, July 7-13

From the Isle of Music, July 7-13:
This week, we listen to some of the International Prize winners of Cubadisco 2019. Some of the music is classical, and some of it is for dancing.
The broadcasts take place:
1. For Eastern Europe but audible well beyond the target area in most of the Eastern Hemisphere (including parts of East Asia and Oceania) with 100Kw, Sunday 1500-1600 UTC on SpaceLine, 9400 KHz, from Sofia, Bulgaria (1800-1900 MSK)
If you don’t have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen live to an uplink from a listening radio in the Netherlands during the broadcast at
2. For the Americas and parts of Europe, Tuesday 0000-0100 UTC (New UTC) on WBCQ, 7490 KHz from Monticello, ME, USA (Monday 8-9PM EST in the US).
If you don’t have a shortwave or are out of range, you can listen to a live stream from the WBCQ website here (choose 7490)
3 & 4. For Europe and sometimes beyond, Tuesday 1900-2000 UTC and Saturday 1200-1300 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany.
If you don’t have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen live to an uplink from a listening radio in the Netherlands during the broadcast at

Uncle Bill’s Melting Pot, July 7 and 9:
Episode 120 examines US protest songs from different decades.
The transmissions take place:
1.Sundays 2200-2230 UTC (6:00PM -6:30PM Eastern US) on WBCQ The Planet 7490 KHz from the US to the Americas and parts of Europe
If you don’t have a shortwave or are out of range, you can listen to a live stream from the WBCQ website here (choose 7490)
2. Tuesdays 2000-2030 UTC on Channel 292, 6070 KHz from Rohrbach, Germany for Europe.
If you don’t have a shortwave radio or are out of range, you can listen live to an uplink from a listening radio in the Netherlands during the broadcast at

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Alan Roe’s updated A19 season guide to music on shortwave

Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Alan Roe, who notes:

I attach an updated version (version 2) of my “Music Programmes on Shortwave” PDF list for the current A-19 broadcast season for you to consider adding to your SWLing Post pages. I hope that you find it of interest. As always, I appreciate any updates or corrections.

Alan, thanks so much for keeping this brilliant guide updated each broadcast season and for sharing it here with the Post community! I always keep a printed version of your guide at my listening post!

Click here to download a PDF copy of Alan Roe’s Music on Shortwave A-19.

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