Category Archives: SWLers

Check out Ragnar’s Pirates Week podcast

PiratesWeekIf you like pirate radio, you should subscribe to the Pirates Week podcast.

Pirates Week is hosted by Ragnar Daneskjold and is chock-full of pirate radio news, events and off-air recordings.

I subscribe to the podcast via iTunes by using the Pirates Week RSS feed url:

You can also listen to each episode and read show notes on the Pirates Week website.

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Steven Roberts cycled the US with a Sony ICF-2010

N4RVE working the world from BEHEMOTH, somewhere in Wisconsin. (Photo: Steven Roberts)

Steven (N4RVE) working the world from his bike BEHEMOTH, somewhere in Wisconsin. (Photo: S. Roberts)

One of the most fascinating responses I received after posting the story of my buddy Vlado’s incredible thrift store find (a Sony ICF-2010 for just $5) came from Steven Roberts, who told me that, in the 1980s, he cycled across the United States with the Sony ICF-2010 in tow.

Indeed, Steven carried much more than just the Sony on his memorable trip:  he had a custom designed computer (circa late 80s), a fully-functioning ham radio station, as well as all of his camping and living supplies, mounted on his custom-designed recumbent bike…Wow.

Talk about someone with vision!  I asked Steven if I could post this for SWLing Post readers, to which he replied:

Thanks! I have a pretty good summary of the whole crazy adventure at this link, and the bike is now in the Computer History Museum. Fast-Forward two decades, and I’m geeking-out a 44-foot steel sailboat (including a wrap-around rack console for audio, comms, and electronics lab). Here’s the bike:

You’re most welcome, Steven–and many thanks, for the inspiring story! We look forward to hearing about your adventures on the water…

If you have a story you’d like to share, please contact me.

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Radio France International features Ears To Our World

RFI-RadioFranceInternationalMany of you know how important I consider shortwave radio to be in the third world and for those living under repressive regimes. Radio France International recently interviewed me regarding these views and my position as the founder and director of the charity, Ears To Our World.

Click here to download the interview, or listen on RFI’s website.

Many thanks to RFI’s Brent Gregston for giving Ears To Our World air time!


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Help Myke fund a 2013 ShortWaveMusic series on Socotra, Yemen

We’ve mentioned Myke Dodge Weiskopf before on the SWLing Post, he’s a radio producer, historian, broadcast artist, multi-instrumentalist, sound recordist, and composer based in Los Angeles, CA.

Myke travels around the world with his trusty Eton E1 and recording equipment in tow to capture both sounds from the ether and live performances. He then makes them available on his website,

He’s now planning a recording trip to isolated island of Socotra and needs your help.  He has a Kickstarter campaign which outlines plans for his trip. Watch the video below and consider helping him by contributing to his goal of raising $3,500 US.

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Petition to save RCI Sackville from being dismantled

Dear SWLing Post readers,

I don’t often ask you for favors, but over the past few days, I’ve been working hard in the background to stop the Radio Canada International Sackville, New Brunswick transmission site from being dismantled.

Now, I need a favor.

Could you please take a few moments out of your day to sign this petition I started? Your voice will be added to the petition and it will automatically email the appropriate Canadian politicians who could, at the very least, put a halt to the destruction of the RCI Sackville site.  Canada–indeed, the world–needs this vital shortwave resource.

You don’t have to be Canadian to sign (after all, I’m not), but just someone who cares about radio and believes in its role in domestic security and international relations.

Click here to  sign the petition at, or use the embedded form below. Also, please consider sharing this with your radio enthusiast networks and email groups. The more voices, the better!



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The connection between Hallicrafters and 1940s electronic warfare

A B24’s Hallicrafters S27 (Photo:

One of my favorite ham radio blogs is that of John (AE5X). Like me, he’s a QRPer–meaning, as amateur radio operators, we love making contacts across this great globe of ours using very low power…typically 5 watts or less. The challenge is fun, the medium is magical.

John’s also a radio historian and shortwave radio listener. Yesterday, he posted a most fascinating look at how the Hallicrafters S27s played an important role during World War II countering very innovative radio guidance techniques by the Third Reich.

You should bookmark John’s blog, as he post many radio related topics that the SWL would find enjoyable, whether it be about numbers stations, QSLs or even his own experience learning Russian via shortwave.

But first, read: Hallicrafters and electronic warfare in 1940 on 10 meters. . .or, an ‘Aspirin’ for the ‘Headache’

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The Professor loses a neighbor, gains some radio freedom

(Photo: The Radio Kitchen)

So great to see a new post on The Radio Kitchen, letting us know that The Professor can DX from home again after resolving a spectrum noise disturbance. This is a post many a shortwave listener will relate to, since most of us have had to deal with spectrum noise at some point.

Click here to read:
Goodbye Neighbor, Hello Brazil!

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